1,000 Criminal Immigrants Released in 2013 Committed New Crimes

One thousand criminal immigrants released from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) custody in fiscal year 2013 went on to commit new crimes, according to a new Department of Homeland Security document.

DHS provided the document to Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA), who released it Friday.

“The Obama Administration claims that it is using ‘prosecutorial discretion’ to prioritize the removal of criminal aliens from this country,” Grassley said. “But this report shows the disturbing truth: 1,000 undocumented aliens previously convicted of crimes who the Administration released in 2013 have gone on to commit further crimes in our communities.”

In fiscal year 2013, ICE released 36,007 criminal immigrants. The Senate Judiciary Committee highlighted Friday, per the DHS document, that the 1,000 went on to commit and be convicted of new crimes, including:

  • assault with a deadly weapon;
  • terroristic threats;
  • failure to register as a sex offender;
  • lewd acts with a child under 14;
  • aggravated assault;
  • robbery;
  • hit-and-run;
  • criminal street gang;
  • rape spouse by force; and
  • child cruelty: possible injury/death.

“I will continue my work to ensure our immigration officials are doing what it takes to take criminal aliens off our streets and out of our country,” Grassley added.


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