2-in-5 Adults Say Trump Disqualified Himself

trump-womenTwo-in-five American adults believe Donald Trump is no longer qualified to run for president after last week’s hot mic incident, according to a Reuters/IPSOS poll released Tuesday evening.

Nearly 20 percent of that group identified themselves as Republicans, indicating Trump upset some of his core supporters with lewd comments about using his fame to forcibly seduce women.

But half of men and women collectively agreed it was unfair to judge someone based on conversations “they did not intend for anyone else to hear.” Three-in-five adults believe “lots of men” occasionally engage in lewd conversations similar to the one Donald Trump was caught in last week

Last Friday, the Washington Post released audio of Trump and Access Hollywood host Billy Bush talking egregiously about using their celebrity to take advantage of women.

The Republican nominee later put out a statement defending himself from the new report.

“[Former President] Bill Clinton has said far worse to me on the golf course — not even close,” Trump said. “I apologize if anyone was offended.”

Trump later released a lengthier apology in a Facebook video post.

The online poll included 2,386 American adults and had a margin of error of 2 percentage points.

Most of those polled said they believe Trump is a sexist, but they were split on whether his comments disqualify him from being president. Some 42 percent of American adults, including 19 percent of registered Republicans, said Trump’s comments disqualified him, while 43 percent said they did not.


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