Monthly Archives: November 2014

Ferguson Thugs Erupt Outside Police Department: ‘What Do We Want? Darren Wilson! How Do We Want Him? Dead!’

Protesters in Ferguson, Mo., have taken to the streets and chosen not to wait for a grand jury’s decision before clashing with police once again. A grand jury is expected to decide whether to indict police officer Darren Wilson, who is accused of shooting 18-year-old Michael Brown, in the coming days. But protesters made their voices heard outside the Ferguson Police Department on Thursday night shouting, […]

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This Free Tool Scans Computers For Government Surveillance Software

[The Huffington Post] – A group of nonprofits has come together to help you take back your privacy. A new, free tool called Detekt can scan your computer to find government spyware. Announced on Thursday, Detekt was created by security researcher Claudio Guarnieri in conjunction with Amnesty International; the Electronic Frontier Foundation; Digitale Gesellschaft, an association dedicated to protecting people […]

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MSNBC Hires Former Obama White House Staffer as Head of Communications

Rachel Racusen joins MSNBC as VP of Communications, replacing Lauren Skowronski MSNBC has hired Rachel Racusen to be its Vice President of Communications, President Phil Griffin announced Friday. She will start on December 8th. Racusen comes from the Obama White House, where she last served as Associate Communications Director. Other roles she undertook included Deputy Communications Director for the president’s […]

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Bandits in Guinea steal suspected Ebola blood – Will Ebola be the next terror attack?

CONAKRY, Guinea (Associated Press) — It was a highway robbery but the bandits got more than they bargained for when they stopped a taxi in Guinea and made off with blood samples that are believed to be infected with the deadly Ebola virus. Authorities publicly appealed on national radio Friday to the unidentified robbers to hand over the samples that […]

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Ohio public school brainwashes 8 year olds: “Rights are special privileges the government gives you.”

“One must indoctrinate a child while he still fits width-wise on the bed.” – A saying from the Soviet Union So much for “inalienable rights” that are “endowed by our Creator”! The public school district of Fairfield in Butler County, Ohio is teaching students that rights come from the government. Just look at this homework assignment posted on Facebook by […]

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Antisemitism Hits New High In Nazi Muslim Turkey: Hitler, Concentration Camps, and “Special Tax” for Jews

Antisemitism Hits New High In Turkey: Threats Against Turkish Jews, Expressions Of Admiration For Hitler, Calls For Jews To Be Sent To Concentration Camps; Jews Should Pay A ‘Special Tax’ Antisemitic incitement by Turkish government officials, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s oft-repeated statements that Israel is more barbaric than Hitler, and antisemitic accusations and threats by the media that support […]

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The Two-State [Final] Solution Is Dead

Nothing in history or current reality could possibly lead an honest observer to conclude that there’s a viable path to peace between [Arab Muslim Nazis] “Palestinians” and Israel. Barring some dramatic exogenous event, this isn’t about to change. Give it up. After the murder of five Israelis (three of them American citizens and one of them a Druze) this week, […]

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Ferguson Blacks To Target Whites: “You Will Never Be Safe… Not You, Not Your Children”

We are likely just 24 hours away from a Grand Jury decision in the officer involved shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, MO. Scores of Department of Homeland Security vehicles have been spotted 25 minutes outside of town and the Governor of Missouri has already declared a state of emergency in anticipation of the fallout should officer Darren Wilson be […]

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Obama Announces Executive Amnesty for Illegals

Executive action that will give nearly five million illegal immigrants temporary work permits and amnesty. The White House is spinning that Obama’s unilateral action is not “amnesty” and that it will “ensure that everyone plays by the same rules,” according to a fact sheet and excerpts of Obama’s speech that have been released.  Though Obama is rewarding illegal immigrants who […]

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Stressful relationships tied to mental decline

[Fox News] – Having close personal relationships in middle age that cause stress, problems or worries, may contribute to a decline in thinking ability in older age, according to a new study. “Any relationship involves both positive and negative exchanges, especially those close relationships that are most likely to evoke ambivalent sentiments,” said lead author Jing Liao of University College […]

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PA Will Stand Trial in New York for Terrorism

Shurat Hadin wins major decision as court date set in $1 billion lawsuit against PA and PLO for committing and supporting terrorist attacks. Shurat Hadin (Israel Law Center) on Thursday won a major decision in their landmark case against the [so-called] “Palestinian” Authority (PA), achieving a court date in a $1 billion case exposing PA and Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) […]

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THREAT TO AMERICA – NSA director: China can damage US power grid

WASHINGTON –  The head of the NSA issued a blunt warning Thursday to lawmakers: China can shut down the United States. The grim forecast came from Admiral Michael Rogers, the director of the National Security Agency and commander of the U.S .Cyber Command. Rogers said he believed China along with “one or two” other countries had the capability to successfully […]

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10 Year Old Make Believes “Ray Gun” with Finger – Gets Suspended from School

After 10-year-old Nickolas Taylor used his finger as an imaginary ray gun near two female students in their Massachusetts school cafeteria last Friday, they reported Taylor, telling staff they felt threatened. Then Noah Collins, assistant principal at Stacy Middle School in Milford, wrote a conduct slip that listed Taylor’s actions — which included mouthing laser sounds — as a threat. With that, the […]

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Obama: Helping Terror Go Nuclear

Last Tuesday’s terror attack on a Jerusalem synagogue killed five people: four rabbis (including three born in the USA) and a Druze police officer. Two Jerusalem Arabs entered during morning prayers and attacked worshipers with knives, meat cleavers, and a handgun. Congress showed moral clarity when blaming the horrors on Hamas and Fatah incitement, but Obama’s statements were perfunctorily “balanced.” Obama […]

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The Case against Obama’s Amnesty

Besides the fact that if Obama uses executive order for illegal amnesty, we will probably never see another conservative in the white house, and the fact that many illegals are dangerous… Just a few years ago, a prominent national Democrat firmly and unequivocally rejected the idea that the president of the United States could singlehandedly enact an amnesty program for […]

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Dangerous Lies: Naftali Bennett claims 99.9% of Israeli Arab Muslims are “Loyal Citizens”

After Jews decide not to hire Arabs because of violence and terrorism, Economics Minister along with Benjamin Netanyahu says he won’t tolerate so called “discrimination” and claims 99.9% of Israeli Arabs are “loyal citizens”. Ya right – loyal to Hamas and Fatah and a holocaust of the Jewish people. These type of lies are the reason Jews are being killed in […]

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Al Sharpton: I have tax problems because racism against Obama and Trayvon Martin

Professional racial agitator Al Sharpton responded to Tuesday’s NY Times piece revealing that both Sharpton and his charity National Action Network was increasingly delinquent in paying taxes to NY State and vendors who performed services. According to the MSNBC host and architect of racial discord, the progressive NY Times published the story because of politically motivated hostility toward Bill de Blasio and Barack […]

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Obama to announce executive action on immigration Thursday in primetime speech

Obama, following through on his vow to sidestep Congress, will announce in a prime-time TV speech Thursday the executive actions he will take to change U.S. immigration law. Obama will make his announcement, expected to protect roughly 5 million illegal immigrants from deportation, from the White House at 8 p.m. EST. The president will go ahead with his plan despite […]

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May G-d Avenge Their Blood: My Friend, Rabbi Aryeh Kupinsky & 3 Other Jews – THIS. IS. ISLAM.

Debbie Schlussel – I was away in an all-day legal proceeding yesterday, but was outraged to learn about the brutal Palestinian Muslim murders of four Jews, including three Americans, in a synagogue in Israel. I was even more shocked and saddened to learn that my childhood friend, Rabbi Aryeh Kupinsky, with whom I went to school and synagogue at Young […]

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What ‘peace’ with an Arab country means: Jordanian parliament prays for Har Nof murderers

Israel has a ‘peace treaty’ with Jordan. But that treaty isn’t worth the paper on which it is printed. On Wednesday, Jordan’s parliament prayed for the souls of the two terrorists who on Tuesday murdered four Jews and a Druze police office and wounded eight other Jews, four of them seriously. On Wednesday, Jordan’s parliament offered a prayer in honor […]

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TRAPPED IN A DEEP FREEZE Deadly snowfall buries Buffalo as cold blankets parts of all 50 states

So called “global warming” sure is freezing cold. Deadly snowstorms and record cold slam the upper third of the US, including a lake-effect blizzard, above, that moved across Lake Erie and buried Buffalo under 6 feet of snow, as freezing temperatures are recorded in all 50 states, with more snow expected tomorrow — and winter is still a month away. […]

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Jewish man attacked while waiting for subway in Brooklyn: beaten, called a ‘f—ing Jew’ and a ‘dirty bloody Jew’

The 53-year-old, identified as an Israeli tourist, was called a ‘dirty bloody Jew’ and a ‘f—ing Jew’ by his assailants, one of which beat him with his own umbrella in Williamsburg at the Marcy Ave. station before 4 p.m. Monday. The three fled on a Manhattan-bound train after a bystander intervened and was also attacked. Three brutes beat a man […]

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Ted Cruz: Israel Needs More Than Sympathy After Jerusalem Synagogue Attack

This morning, during prayers, a horrifying terrorist attack was perpetrated at a synagogue in Jerusalem.  Using guns, knives and axes, two Arab Muslim terrorists killed four and wounded over a half-dozen others, before they were shot by Israeli police.  Three of the slain victims were American citizens; one of them reportedly had his arm taken clean off by an axe […]

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Israel to issue “gay-friendly” ID cards for children of “same-sex couples”

New ID cards of same-sex couples’ children will include gender appropriate titles for the parents, with ‘Father’s name’ or ‘Mother’s name’ appearing twice. [Ynet] – Israel is set to launch new ID cards for the children of same-sex couples. The cards will permit both fathers or mothers to be registered as the child’s parents – regardless of whether they are […]

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Exposed: United Nations School Teaches Terrorist worship, Hitler admiration, and Jew-hatred

In the aftermath of today’s terror attack, it is reasonable to remember that the incitement to glorify terrorists and hate Jews is inculcated in the young. UNRWA supposedly has some standards they pretend to live up to; other schools that Palestinian kids attend are probably even worse. Ibrahim Hajjar teaches at a UNRWA school who lives in Hebron. He enthusiastically […]

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Government spying on Americans: Senate kills NSA surveillance reform bill

Senate lawmakers on Tuesday voted to block a bill that aimed to rein in federal surveillance of electronic communications, all but killing prospects for the legislation to become law this year. The Senate voted 58-42 against moving forward on the USA Freedom Act, failing to garner the requisite votes despite an unusual coalition of Democrats and Republicans eager to end […]

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Obama’s Amnesty Will Loot Social Security To Give Your Money To Illegal Aliens

One of the issues that killed the Senate’s hated “Gang of Eight” amnesty for illegal aliens bill was that it allowed the amnestied illegal aliens to immediately access public benefits reserved for citizens and legal immigrants. House conservatives correctly argued that the “Gang of Eight” bill and its various House companion bills would allow illegal aliens immediate access to Social […]

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Would the IRS Spare Him if He was a Conservative? Al Sharpton Owes More than $4 Million in Taxes

Al Sharpton owes millions in state and federal liens, according to a New York Times report out today about the activist and MSNBC host’s finances. Sharpton owes more than $4.5 million and has “regularly sidestepped” his financial obligations, the report finds. His advocacy group National Action Network has not paid federal payroll taxes for years, and has “repeatedly failed” to […]

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Jews Arrested for Protesting Terrorism and the Murder of 5 Jews in a Synagogue

Earlier on Tuesday evening, it was reported that hundreds of right-wing activists gathered for a rally to protest the Jerusalem synagogue terrorist attack that led to the murder of four Jewish Israeli men. Ten right-wing activists, four of them teenagers, were arrested for disturbing order and not complying with Police orders during a rally at the Bride of Strings at […]

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Beyond Sick: Barack Hussein Obama Responds to Jerusalem Synagogue Slaughter ‘Too Many Palestinians Have Died’ – Blames Jews

Barack Hussein Obama blames the Jews for the Muslim Arab Nazi slaughter in a synagogue with meat cleavers and a gun that killed 4 and left 24 Jewish orphans. Obama defends the Arab Muslim Nazis and out right lies that “the majority of [so-called] Palestinians” want peace while the Arabs celebrate and hand out candy. Obama has responded to today’s terrorist […]

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Terrorists’ Families Celebrate, Pass out Candies in Jerusalem

24 Jewish orphans were created today. Family of murderers call attack ‘normal thing for every man belonging to Islam,’ residents promise more attacks; police seal neighborhood. The families of cousins Uday and Rassan Abu Jamal in Jerusalem’s Jabel Mukabar celebrated wildly on Tuesday, after learning that the two had murdered four Jews and wounded eight others with hatchets, knives and […]

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Not only the Arab Nazi terrorists are responsible for today’s massacre in Jerusalem

בס”ד Not only the Arab Nazi terrorists are responsible for today’s massacre in Jerusalem. The Netanyahu-Yaalon-Lieberman-Bennett-Lapid regime in Israel is also responsible. Four Jews were brutally murdered and five more are in critical condition after Arab Nazi terrorists entered a synagogue in Jerusalem with meat cleavers and guns to slaughter the unarmed Jewish worshippers. The evil Netanyahu regime gives millions […]

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Har Nof Terrorism and Slaughter ‘Breaks Records for Depravity and Cruelty’

MKs and public officials have begun to issue official responses to the brutal massacre of praying Jews at a Har Nof, Jerusalem synagogue Tuesday morning. “The shocking massacre in a Jerusalem synagogue this morning are the unfortunate sum of the [so-called] “Palestinian” position: the more we toughen our stance and call for tensions to calm, the more the brutal incitement […]

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Jewish Worshippers Massacred By Muslim Terrorists Wielding Axes and Guns During Morning Prayers

Four people are dead and thirteen people are injured Tuesday morning, after two Arab terrorists entered a synagogue on Agassi Street in Jerusalem’s Har Nof neighborhood bearing guns, axes, and knives. The terrorists began attacking worshippers, stabbing them, before opening fire.  The seething situation in Jerusalem took a turn for the worse early Tuesday morning when Arab terrorists in Israel […]

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Fatwa Banning Muslim Women from Touching Bananas and “Sexy” Vegetables

An alleged fatwa banning women from touching bananas and cucumbers is making the rounds through Muslim listservs. The religious directive forbids women from handling bananas or cucumbers, because their phallic shape may “make them think of sex,” according to The Times of India. “If women wish to eat these food items, a third party, preferably a male related to them […]

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[CBS] – Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon signed an executive order activating the Missouri National Guard on Monday afternoon. According to a news release, the role of the National Guard is to “…support law enforcement during any period of unrest that might occur following the grand jury’s decision concerning the investigation into the death of Michael Brown.” “As part of our […]

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Obama: ISIS Beheadings ‘Represent No Faith, Least of All the Muslim Faith’

Obama lies to defend Islam. What is interesting is that the “Islam State” terrorist group quotes the Koran to defend their barbaric actions. “ISIL’s actions represent no faith, least of all the Muslim faith which Abdul-Rahman adopted as his own,” Obama wrote. “Today we grieve together, yet we also recall that the indomitable spirit of goodness and perseverance that burned […]

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