Monthly Archives: November 2014

Upset Mom Finds Herself Contacting the News After Reading the Answers on Her Son’s Islam Worksheet

A mother in Union County, North Carolina, told WJZY-TV that her son, a freshman at Porter Ridge High School, brought home a worksheet on Islam containing some questionable answers. She was upset enough over the assignment that she contacted the school and her local news station after reviewing the material. The sentence that bothered the mom the most stated, “Most […]

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The Left’s Lingering Oslo Delusions

Writing for The Times of Israel, senior staff writer Avi Issacharoff criticized Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for scapegoating Abbas as the cause for the recent disturbances in Israel and for failing to point the finger at the real culprits, Hamas [and Fatah]. He posits that Netanyahu, in a quest to avoid negotiations with Israel’s “peace partners,” has painted Abbas as a purveyor […]

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RINO Boehner: I Begged Obama For Another Shot At Amnesty

After a White House meeting last week, Republicans described Speaker John Boehner aggressively confronting President Obama over the president’s planned executive amnesty, prompting an extended period of a defensive Obama attempting to justify his actions. But a key moment of the meeting, left out from those accounts, was unveiled by Boehner himself in an exuberant moment of boasting in a […]

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University Funded by EU, UN, Honors Jerusalem Muslim Terrorist Butcher

Al-Quds University names tournament after ‘heroic martyr’: the Hamas terrorist who murdered two Israelis last week. Hamas terrorist Ibrahim Al-Akari of the Jerusalem neighborhood Shuafat murdered two Israelis and wounded over 13 others in the capital last Wednesday – four days later, the UN- and EU-funded Al-Quds University in Jerusalem honored him by naming a tournament after him. Al-Akari murdered […]

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Pelosi claims not to know ‘stupid voter’ ObamaCare architect she cited

Nancy Pelosi claimed Thursday she didn’t know who ObamaCare architect Jonathan Gruber is, after several tapes surfaced showing him gloating about how the law was written to take advantage of the stupidity of the American voter. Problem is, Gruber’s analysis of the law was cited extensively by her office back in 2009. Pelosi, the House Democratic leader, tried to downplay […]

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Facebook Rolls Out Clearer Privacy Policy, But You Still Can’t Control Your Data

Facebook has condensed its complex and legalese-loaded privacy policy by two-thirds, in hopes of making it easier for the average user to understand. “Our goal is to make the information about Facebook as clear as possible,” Erin Egan, Facebook’s chief privacy officer, told The Wall Street Journal on Thursday. “Our hope is that it won’t take long for people to […]

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The Latest Target for Dictator Obama’s Executive Actions: “Global Warming”

… Readers who have been paying attention ought to be well aware by now of the Obama administration’s impending and Unconstitutional actions on illegal immigration, but that’s not the only area where he plans to unilaterally exercise his presidential powers. Now, he’s looking at what he can do on global warming. As The Politico reports: The coming rollout includes a Dec. […]

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China hacks U.S. weather systems, satellites

(WASHINGTONPOST) — Hackers from China breached the federal weather network recently, forcing cybersecurity teams to seal off data vital to disaster planning, aviation, shipping and scores of other crucial uses, officials said. The intrusion occurred in late September but officials gave no indication that they had a problem until Oct. 20, according to three people familiar with the hack and […]

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ISIS and Hamas Top Forbes Richest Terror Groups List

Forbes Israel ranked the ten richest terrorist groups, listing them in order by estimated annual income. The following ranking and revenue data was provided by Forbes Israel: Islamic State (Iraq, Syria & Jordan), Annual Revenue: $2 Billion Hamas  (Gaza Strip and West Bank), Annual Revenue: $1 Billion FARC (Colombia), Annual Revenue: $600 Million Hezbollah (Lebanon) Annual Revenue: $500 Million Taliban (Afghanistan […]

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In Third Video, Obamacare Architect Talks About ‘Basic Exploitation’ Of American Voters

A third video has surfaced of Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber bragging about pulling the wool over the eyes of the American public in order to help implement Obamacare. “It’s a very clever, you know, basic exploitation of the lack of economic understanding of the American voter,” Gruber, an economist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, said during a speech at […]

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Always On Cue, Nancy Pelosi Says Something That Will Make You Say “Umm, What?!”

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is no stranger to absurdity. She once infamously claimed that the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) had to be passed before we could learn the actual contents of the bill. In 2008, she equated the departure of George W. Bush from The White House to a “10-ton anvil” being lifted. Now, Pelosi [who called the Hamas terrorist […]

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US State Dept Says the Jews Building Homes in Jerusalem “Causes Terrorism” – But Muslims Building is OK

The US on Wednesday warned that approval of an initial plan to build 200 housing units in the Jerusalem neighborhood of Ramot, over the 1967 Green Line, could be harmful to the peace process. “We are deeply concerned by this decision particularly given the tense situation in Jerusalem,” US State Department spokeswoman [Jew hater] Jen Psaki said. Both the international […]

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Big surprise – Nigerian Muslim leader blames the Jews for jihadist school bombings

Islamic Jew-hatred: it’s in the quran. Sheikh Ibraheem Yaqoub Zakzaky lives in a country that for years now has been terrorized by a group called Boko Haram — Western Education Is Sin. So a school gets bombed and who does he blame? The Jews, of course. Islamic Jew-hatred is inculcated in Muslims like Sheikh Ibraheem Yaqoub Zakzaky from their earliest […]

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Yitzhak Rabin Was No Hero

Many consider Yitzhak Rabin a “great leader,” but what does that mean? What did he accomplish, except for signing the Oslo Accords, and bringing Arafat and the PLO to power?  The “two-state solution” was, in retrospect, an historic mistake, and Rabin is responsible for this disaster.  He may have meant well, but he was wrong.  The difficulty in evaluating Rabin […]

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Liberals Jumping Ship? Howard Dean: ObamaCare Created by ‘Elitists’ Who Don’t Understand Americans

On Wednesday’s “Morning Joe” on MSNBC, former Gov. Howard Dean (D-VT), also the former Democratic National Committee chairman, criticized the ObamaCare legislation in the wake of revelations that one of the architects, Jonathan Gruber, dismissed the American people as “stupid,” which he said allowed for that bill to be passed into law. According to Dean, one of the primary problems […]

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In-Your-Face Flight: China Uses Obama Visit to Unveil New Stealth Fighter

China unveils new stealth fighter featuring technology stolen by Chinese hacking of American aerospace giant Lockheed Martin. China’s military upstaged the Asian economic summit in Beijing this week by conducting flights tests of a new stealth jet prototype, as the White House called on Beijing to halt its cyber attacks. Demonstration flights by the new J-31 fighter jet — China’s […]

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Why Obamacare Architect’s Admission of Dishonesty Should Matter to Every American

An architect of the federal healthcare law, Jonathan Gruber, said last year that a “lack of transparency” and the “stupidity of the American voter” helped Congress approve ObamaCare. Five years ago it was already obvious that the Obama administration and congressional Democrats were engaged in an elaborate deception, a series of them really. But back then most of the media and […]

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The Death Panels Are Coming

With Obamacare open enrollment about to begin anew, rumors of trouble in Healthcare Paradise run rampant. Enrollment has dropped to 30% below Congressional Budget Office estimates; fully 1 million of the 8.1 million people who originally signed up for Obamacare dropped out. But Obamacare’s shoddy implementation doesn’t even begin to scratch the surface of its great evil. Obamacare architect Jonathan […]

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Israel Border Police Officer Arrested for Shooting Nakba Day Muslim Nazi Arab Rioter

Nakba day means “Day of the Catastrophe” (reference to Israel’s founding) and is commemorated on the day after Israeli Independence Day – usually with riots, Arab violence, and terrorism. A Border Police officer was arrested Tuesday after new evidence in a six-month-long investigation indicated that the officer used live fire instead of a rubber bullet, to shoot a 17-year-old Muslim […]

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Big Truthy Is Watching (Some of) You

This week, President Obama launched a prominent social-media campaign on behalf of “net neutrality” and urged the FCC to “keep the Internet free and open.” The man has gall. This is the same speech-squelcher-in-chief whose administration snooped on reporters; vengefully audited the Tea Party, pro-life activists, and conservative election watchdogs, and slow-walked the probe into the IRS witch hunt against […]

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Update your computer – Microsoft releases 14 patches for critical Windows security problems

It’s the largest number of patches issued in a single day so far in 2013 and 2014. Microsoft released patches for 14 vulnerabilities in its Windows operating system, Office and Internet Explorer software on Tuesday, including four it deemed critical, it’s highest severity rating. All four of the critical bugs could allow attackers to remotely execute programs on a targeted […]

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$6.2 Billion for Ebolacare! – Taxpayer Money Sent to Africa

When the Senate Appropriations Committee meets today, the Obama administration will mount a full-court press to foist its whopping $6.2 billion “emergency” Ebolacare spending plan on taxpayers. That’s $6.2 billion with a “b” — six times what the UN said it needs to end the Ebola crisis in West Africa. The White House is labeling it “emergency” funding. Not so […]

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Israeli Muslim Leader Raed Salah: Jerusalem Will Be the Capital of the Global Muslim Caliphate

[MEMRI TV] In a Friday sermon delivered in Nazareth, Sheik Raed Salah, head of the Islamic Movement in Israel, said: “Inshallah, Jerusalem will soon become the capital of the global Caliphate.” Salah further said: “I am confident that if the circumstances of the Muslims were as they should be, they would march to the Al-Aqsa Mosque in tens of millions.” […]

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NYC ax attacker was Muslim

EXCLUSIVE: The suspect in the Oct. 23 hatchet attack on two New York City cops had been searching online for jihadist propaganda and foreign terror organizations — as well as information on martyrdom and suicide bombings — in the weeks leading up to the assault, according to a city counterterrorism bureau intelligence assessment obtained by Fox News. While initial reporting […]

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Palestinian people do not exist

A provocative headline? It’s more than that. It’s the truth. Truth does not change. Truth is truth. If something was true 50 years ago, 40 years ago, 30 years ago, it is still true today. And the truth is that only 30 years ago, there was very little confusion on this issue of Palestine. You might remember the late Israeli […]

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NY Congressman Rangel: I Thought White Cracker Was a ‘Term of Endearment’

Monday on “HuffPost Live,’” Rep. Charlie Rangel (D-NY) told host Marc Lamont Hill when he used the racial slur cracker against the Tea Party he “thought that was a term of endearment.” When confronted about comparing the Tea Party to southern “white crackers” of the Jim Crow era in a 2013 interview Rangel said, “I thought [cracker] was a term of endearment you know.” […]

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White House says Obama is ‘looking forward’ to executive action on immigration

It’s time for another showdown in the country’s capital. Republicans won the Senate and full control of Congress in the midterm elections.. The president is reportedly about to counter with executive action on immigration reform, though nobody knows how far he’ll go. White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest told Fusion’s Jorge Ramos that the White House hasn’t made a final […]

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Eric Holder’s Perfect Successor

It would be difficult to imagine any Attorney General nominee who could guarantee a more seamless transition from the Eric Holder years than Loretta Lynch, who has been the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of New York since 2010. Her uncanny ability to detect phantoms of white racism lurking ominously around every corner is proof-positive of her fitness to […]

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Showdown: 5,500 Washington State Gun Owners Intend to Engage in Civil Disobedience Over I-594

First Connecticut, and then New York passed gun control laws this year – that many people believe are unconstitutional – turning hundreds of thousands of AR-15 owners into felons simply for not registering their guns. Now, Washington state gun owners intend to take things to a new level in response to Washington’s new gun control law. At least 5,500 are […]

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Liberman: Abbas is more dangerous than Arafat

Israel Foreign minister says Abbas a “Jew-hater who believes and promotes terror” like Arafat, but is better at “hiding his true face.” Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman lashed out at Fatah [Fatah means “Conquest”] Leader Mahmoud Abbas and warned that he was more dangerous than his predecessor, Yasser Arafat, who Israelis considered to be a terrorist. Liberman’s comments came after Abbas […]

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Ultra-Liberal MSNBC: Obama’s Weak Response to Islamic State Is ‘Scaring the Hell out of the World’

Morning Joe host Joe Scarborough looked almost physically exhausted after hearing from former military commanders about President Obama’s policy toward the Islamic State. “The president loves leading from behind,” Scarborough said. “You’re not going to be able to lead from behind on this anymore.” Scarborough said there is frustration from Obama’s piecemeal approach to the Islamic State and no full commitment […]

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Gun Control: A Tyrant’s Tool in World History

Gun control is a tool that individual tyrants and various colonial rulers the world over have used to place—and keep—entire populations in a defenseless and subjective posture.  Three examples that clearly illustrate the truth of this are Cambodia, China, and Nazi Germany. Cambodia became a protectorate of France in 1893. And according to the Texas Review of Law and Politics (TRLP), […]

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Thug Michael Brown´s Parents Tell U.N. His Death Amounts to Torture

The parents of Michael Brown are in Geneva, Switzerland Tuesday to tell the United Nations Committee Against Torture about the police “murder” of their son and the “excessive use of force” by Ferguson police against “peaceful protesters” following the August 9 shooting. “Both issues represent violations of the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment,” […]

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Obama pressures FCC for strong net neutrality rules

(Reuters) – U.S. President Barack Obama on Monday said Internet service providers should be regulated more like public utilities to make sure they grant equal access to all content providers, touching off intense protests from cable and telecoms companies and Republican lawmakers. Obama’s detailed statement on the issue of “net neutrality,” a platform in his 2008 presidential campaign, was a […]

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Verizon and AT&T tracking ‘supercookies’ could be used by hackers

Supercookies could take a bigger bite out of your privacy than you think, say researchers. Here’s what they’re worried about. It’s bad enough that Verizon and AT&T have unleashed a new breed of “supercookie” that can track your every online move, even as you switch between your smartphone, tablet and TV. Far worse is the possibility of abuse by advertisers, […]

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