Monthly Archives: August 2015

Hypocrisy: Do Women’s Rights and Black Lives Matter in the Middle East and Africa? Not to the Left.

Feminists and other “progressives” in America cry oppression at the mere suggestion that taxpayers shouldn’t be made to subsidize abortion services. Black (and non-black) American activists scream that “Black Lives Matter” whenever a black criminal suspect dies in an altercation with police. In the meantime, there is scarcely a peep from either of these sectors when it comes to the […]

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Obama to Jewish leaders: ‘Stop fighting me on Iran and I’ll stop Jew-baiting’

The only puzzling thing about this piece by Lee Smith is why he keeps insisting that President Hussein Obama is not an anti-Semite. Or maybe he didn’t have a /sarc tag. The participant told me that some Jewish leaders in the meeting objected to how the administration characterized the JCPOA’s critics. “Words have consequences, and when they come from official […]

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Windows 7 and 8 are now being updated to get Telemetry, same tracking as Windows 10

About the Diagnostics Tracking service Helping the overall application experience The diagnostics tracking service collects diagnostics about functional issues on Windows systems that participate in the Customer Experience Improvement Program (CEIP). CEIP reports do not contain contact information, such as your name, address, or telephone number. This means CEIP will not ask you to participate in surveys or to read […]

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IRS Scandal: When Are These People Going to Jail?

Corruption: After a year’s stalling by the IRS, the Senate Finance Committee has released its bipartisan report, denouncing the tax-collection agency’s partisanship and incompetence. When are these people going to jail? The Senate report wasn’t entirely satisfactory, given that its criticism was primarily in the compromise language of “gross mismanagement” to describe the agency’s targeting of Tea Party dissident groups. […]

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Three Jews Injured in Car Terror Attack, 2 of Them Seriously

Terror attack took place at Sinjil junction, near Shiloh in Samaria; Terrorist shot at the scene. Two soldiers in serious condition. Three soldiers were wounded in a vehicular terror attack Thursday afternoon at Sinjil junction, near Shiloh in Samaria, several kilometers north of Jerusalem. Two of the wounded soldiers are in serious condition, and the third victim was lightly hurt. Dr. Asher Salmon, Deputy Director of […]

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Hackers penetrated Pentagon email

Intruders hacked into an email system used by the Joint Chiefs of Staff at the Pentagon, forcing the military to take if off line and “cleanse” it, according to a Defense Department official who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly. Indications are that the attack was conducted by another government, said the source […]

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Obama Alters U.S. Oath of Allegiance to Comply with Islamic Law

The Obama administration recently made changes to the Oath of Allegiance to the United States in a manner very conducive to Sharia, or Islamic law. On July 21, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) announced some “modifications” to the Oath of Allegiance that immigrants must take before becoming naturalized. The original oath required incoming citizens to declare that they […]

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Iran refuses to allow U.N. access to nuclear personnel – Gee, I wonder why?

Undermining one of President Obama’s primary arguments for the nuclear deal with Iran, the head of the United Nations’ nuclear watchdog agency said Iran has refused to allow U.N. inspectors to interview scientists and military officers to investigate accusations that Tehran operated a covert nuclear weapons program. Yukiya Amano, director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency, told The Wall […]

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Former Argentinian president goes to trial over 1994 bombing of Jewish center

On the home page of Argentina’s largest Jewish community center is a counter that keeps track of the “days of impunity” since a bomb ripped through the organization’s central building, causing it to collapse and leaving 85 dead amid the rubble. On Thursday, 7,689 days since the 1994 attack on the Argentine Israelite Mutual Association, former President Carlos Menem, a […]

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Obama to Meet With Israeli Journalists to Push Terrorist Iran Nuke Deal

President Barack Obama will sit down with Israeli journalists next month to make his pitch for the Iran nuclear deal directly to the Jewish nation’s populace, Buzz Feed reports. The plan was revealed during a two-hour meeting with Jewish leaders at the White House, the website reports. Obama noted a delegation of Israeli reporters were visiting Washington this week and […]

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Obama Gets Serious About Islamic State, Sends Terrorists to Therapy

You plot to behead Americans. You go right to the therapist’s office. Finally Obama is cracking down on ISIS. No more Mr. Nice Appeaser. You plot to behead Americans. You go right to the therapist’s office. The FBI is now referring some potential terror suspects for psychological counseling as part of a new touchy-feely strategy to defeat homegrown Islamic State […]

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John Kerry “Doesn’t Know” if Iran is Serious about Destroying Israel

US Secretary of State says Congress rejecting nuclear deal would be ‘the ultimate screwing’ of Ayatollah Khamenei just days after Iran’s Supreme Leader published a book outlining his strategy to eliminate Israel. US Secretary of State John Kerry has claimed the nuclear deal signed with Iran is “as pro-Israel as it gets,” and claims he “doesn’t know” if the Iranian […]

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Illegal Alien on Probation Rapes, Beats Woman with Hammer During Home Invasion

Victor Aureliano Martinez Ramirez, an illegal alien who allegedly broke into 64-year-old Marilyn Pharis’s home, raped her and savagely beat her with a hammer, had been arrested four times by Santa Maria police in California — and was on probation at the time of his arrest. Police say Ramirez broke into Pharis’s home on July 24, raped her and beat her with a […]

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Canadian police: Muslim couple plotted to kill Jewish children at synagogue

A Canadian couple convicted of plotting to bomb the British Columbia legislature wanted to infiltrate a synagogue and kill “small Jews” to save the children from going to hell, according to court documents. Police notes presented in British Columbia’s Supreme Court in Vancouver this week recounted Amanda Korody’s husband, John Nuttall, telling an undercover officer that his wife thought she […]

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TCU suspends student who criticized Islamic State, Baltimore riots

All it took was 140 characters for Texas Christian University to suspend a conservative student who posted a series of social networking posts that insulted the Islamic State, the Baltimore rioters and Mexicans. TCU banned Harry Vincent from most campus activities, ordered him to perform 60 hours of community service and attend a diversity training class. The 19-year-old, who is […]

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Another New Planned Parenthood Video Released: Nurse Admits It’s ‘Fun’ To Dissect Fetuses

The transcript accompanying the latest undercover Planned Parenthood video has an employee of the group admit she finds it “fun” to dissect fetuses for their organs and would “enjoy” the opportunity to do it on behalf of fetal tissue purchasers. The exchange isn’t included in the 15-minute edited video released Tuesday by the Center for Medical Progress (CMP), but is instead buried deep in the […]

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Half of Clinton “Charitable Giving” Went to the Clinton Foundation

A review of the latest financial disclosures from the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton foundation shows that half of Bill and Hillary’s charitable giving in 2014 went right to their foundation, according to Free Beacon. The Clintons earned more than $28 million in 2014 and claimed around $3 million in income as charitable tax deductions, according to tax returns released by […]

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Lead U.S. Negotiator Says She Didn’t See ‘Final Documents’ in Iran Deal

While President Barack Obama delivered his much anticipated speech on the Iran nuclear deal — hoping to appeal to congressional Democrats who could sink or save the agreement — the only administration official to have purportedly seen “side deals between Iran and the International Atomic Energy Agency” has disclosed that the team was privy to only rough drafts, The Hill […]

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Teachers Urged to Teach “Gender Fluidity” in Classrooms

“Because classrooms are typically set up to reflect sustaining heteronormativity and gender roles.” The National Council of Teachers of English has published its “Diverse Gender Expression and Gender Non-Conformity Curriculum” which urges English teachers of middle- and high school students to infuse discussions about the “complex” nature of gender into their classroom lessons – that is, ensuring students don’t limit […]

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Will Farrakhan be arrested for call to kill whites? Don’t count on it.

Preaching directly from the Quran before a packed Baptist church, the Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan told his adoring audience that violent retaliation is the only way for American blacks to “rise up” and overthrow their white oppressors. Conservative black leaders told WND Wednesday they believe Farrakhan’s statements went beyond the limits of free speech into the real of […]

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Arab Muslim Terrorists Firebomb Jewish Motorists in Jerusalem

A 27-year-old Israeli woman suffered moderate injuries with first and second-degree burns over 20 percent of her body after she and her husband were firebombed while driving in northern Jerusalem on Monday. The attack occurred at a junction between the northern Jerusalem neighborhoods of Beit Hanina (Arab) and Pisgat Ze’ev (Jewish). The woman’s husband was uninjured in the attack. But […]

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Fifth Planned Parenthood video turns to ‘intact’ fetuses

A Planned Parenthood official discusses the procurement and cost of “intact” fetuses and altering abortion procedures to meet specific needs in a video released Tuesday by an anti-abortion group. In the fifth video from the Center for Medical Progress, a woman identified as Melissa Farrell, director of research for Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast, discusses contributing to the organization’s “diversification of […]

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Hillary Clinton: ‘I’m proud to stand with Planned Parenthood’

Democratic White House hopeful Hillary Clinton came out swinging against Republican rivals Jeb Bush and Scott Walker for their opposition to Planned Parenthood, saying the two want to defund the organization and that’s tantamount to an attack on women. And she also doubled down on her support for the organization, despite revelations over the last few weeks reported by WND […]

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Congressman Adam Schiff, a Jewish Democrat Traitor, announces he will support suicidal Iran deal

Muslim terrorist Iran promises to wipe Israel off the map and this shmuck wants to give them nukes. With “Jews” like this, who needs enemies? Adam Schiff, a Los Angeles congressman who serves as the ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, announced Monday morning that he plans to support the Iran nuclear deal. Schiff, who is Jewish … serves […]

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Baltimore calls in federal agents to help homicide cops deal with spike in violence

Baltimore’s police and civic leaders launched a two-month partnership Monday that will see ten federal agents embed with the city’s homicide detectives in the latest bid to curb a surge in violent crime that has not been seen in decades. Under the program, two special agents from each of the federal government’s five crime-fighting agencies (the FBI, DEA, Secret Service, […]

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Conservatives Outraged After Phony GOP Leader Mitch McConnell Votes “No” to Defund Planned Parenthood

On Monday the US Senate voted on a bill introduced by Sen. Joni Ernst to defund Planned Parenthood. Democrats defeated the bill. The Senate voted 53-46 on the cloture motion failing to get the 60 needed to move the bill forward. Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell led the effort to keep Planned Parenthood funding by blocking an amendment to the […]

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Netanyahu-Bennett regime: free thousands of Muslim terrorists but arrest Rabbi Kahane’s grandson

בס”ד The Netanyahu-Yaalon-Bennett regime in Israel frees thousands of Arab Muslim terrorist mass murderers but arrests Meir Ettinger, the grandson of HaRav Meir Kahane zt”l hy”d. The Netanyahu-Yaalon-Bennett regime funds the Muslim terrorists by sending billions of dollars to our enemies in Judea, Samaria and Gaza. Because in Israel, the phony right is worse than the left.

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USA to Issue More Green Cards Than Populations of Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina Combined

The overwhelming majority of immigration to the United States is the result of our visa policies. Each year, millions of visas are issued to temporary workers, foreign students, refugees, asylees, and permanent immigrants for admission into the United States. The lion’s share of these visas are for lesser-skilled and lower-paid workers and their dependents who, because they are here on […]

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More than 100 headstones toppled at Philadelphia Jewish cemetery

Because being dead isn’t even enough for Nazi Jew-haters. A historic Jewish cemetery in Philadelphia was vandalized, with 124 of its headstones knocked over. The caretaker of Adath Jeshurun Cemetery discovered the toppled tombstones Thursday morning, NBC Philadelphia reported. Johnny Gibson, who has worked at the 12-acre, 160-year-old cemetery for 44 years, said the vandals did not leave any markings or […]

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Iran Publishes Book on How to Destroy Israel

Supreme ruler Ayatollah Khamenei of Iran has published a book on how to destroy Israel, arguing that his position is based on “well-established Islamic principles.” The 416-page book is entitled “Palestine,” The New York Post reports. An item on the books’ back cover describes Khamenei as “The flagbearer of Jihad to liberate Jerusalem.” The book is only available in Iran, […]

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Political-Security Cabinet calls for more tools for use against so-called ‘Jewish terrorists’

While Arab Muslim mass murderers get free food, water, electricity, gas, medicine, and education.   The government’s Political-Security Cabinet has released a statement in response to the recent attack in the Arab village of Duma. “The Cabinet views the arson and murder in Duma as acts of terror in every aspect, and has called on all the relevant authorities to […]

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New emails show Clinton’s efforts on Hill helped pass ObamaCare, after failed ’93 effort

“It’s her issue,” declared President Clinton’s media affairs director Jeff Eller to the Houston Chronicle in the fall of 1993. The “her” was then-first lady Hillary Clinton. The “issue” was health care reform. And the nascent Clinton administration deputized the first lady to market her husband’s comprehensive health care package to skeptical minds on Capitol Hill. The essential narrative is […]

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Obama gives illegals massive health-care plan

On tap: 5.5 million hours from workers trained to deal with ‘intersex, gender nonconforming’ The level of health-care services provided to illegal aliens is about to get a huge boost from the Obama administration, which is hiring contractors to provide the equivalent of 5.5 million additional labor hours of treatment to detainees. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, or ICE, of […]

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Obama to Crush Middle Class – New Program Will Force Energy Prices to Skyrocket

We were warned… In January 2008 Barack Obama told the San Francisco Chronicle: “Under my plan of a cap and trade system electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket. Businesses would have to retrofit their operations. That will cost money. They will pass that cost onto consumers.” He promised that his plan would cause electricity rates to skyrocket. He wasn’t kidding. Now […]

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