Iran’s Ayatollah Writes Muslim Version Of ‘Mein Kampf’

iran_khamenei-obama (2)Iran Deal: Not to be outdone by the Fuhrer, the Ayatollah Khamenei has penned a 416-page guide on how to rid Israel of the Jews. Once Tehran gets nukes, his theories can go into practice.

Iran’s Supreme Leader has now published his own version of “Mein Kampf,” Hitler’s infamous 1925-26 autobiographical tract against the Jews. A copy of Khamenei’s “Palestine” landed in the hands of Gatestone Europe Chairman Amir Taheri.

As the Iranian expat wrote in the New York Post, the ayatollah uses words of hate and destruction in the volume, like ” ‘nabudi,’ which means ‘annihilation’ … ‘imha,’ which means ‘fading out,’ and, finally, there is ‘zaval,’ meaning ‘effacement.'”

And Khamenei argues that his strategy for making the state of Israel nothing more than a memory is based on “well-established Islamic principles,” one of which, as Taheri describes it, “is that a land that falls under Muslim rule, even briefly, can never again be ceded to non-Muslims.”

Teheri points out that this is a widespread Islamic belief: “Dozens of maps circulate in the Muslim world showing the extent of Muslim territories lost to the Infidel that must be recovered,” including “large parts of Russia and Europe, almost a third of China, the whole of India and parts of the Philippines and Thailand.”

Israel is “adou” and “doshman,” translated as “enemy” and “foe,” to be targeted for special attention because it is the “ally of the American Great Satan,” and, according to Taheri, “because it occupies Jerusalem, which Khamenei describes as ‘Islam’s third Holy City.’ He intimates that one of his ‘most cherished wishes’ is to one day pray in Jerusalem.”

Khamenei’s nuts-and-bolts means of eliminating Israel is, of course, protracted terrorism that, over the course of years, would eventually convince Israeli Jews to leave for the U.S. or Europe.

And when Iran is, finally, nuclear-armed, the Israeli government may hesitate to counter its terrorist war against the Jewish state. As Taheri notes, Khamenei makes no mention of nukes, but the eventuality is clearly written between the lines.

“Israel fatigue” would take hold of the U.S. and other one-time Israeli friends, and they would seek a way to abandon Israel.

Then what is now Israel, the West Bank and Gaza would combine to become a new nation that never existed before: “Palestine”.

Taheri surmises that 8 million or more supposed “Palestinians”, many of whom live nowhere near [Israel], and including most Jordanians, would undemocratically overwhelm 2.2 million Jews in a referendum.

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