Monthly Archives: September 2016

Why Are Jewish Soldiers Prosecuted When They Shoot Arab Muslim Murderers in the Act of Terrorism?

Azariya’s lawyer says it’s “not a fair trial.” Eyal Beserglick, the defense attorney for Elor Azariya, told Arutz Sheva in a special interview this morning that the trial is being conducted in a horrible way. He says that the testimonies are untruthful and that he is disturbed by the conduct of the witnesses and the ability to do justice. “We, […]

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Obama Admin Swearing in as Many Immigrants as Possible to Help Hillary

A new email from one of Obama’s citizenship offices shows that they are pushing to swear in as many immigrants as possible as US Citizens before the election to help Hillary win: An internal Obama administration email shows immigration officials may be literally working overtime to swear in as many new “citizen voters” as possible before the Nov. 8 presidential […]

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Trump Bashes Police When Speaking to Blacks: “I watched the shooting … that man was hands up”

  And only one week after receiving endorsement of the  National Fraternal Order of Police. Just as it has been with everyone who has endorsed His Royal Orangeness, as soon as the endorsement is publicized, he finds a way to double cross them. In this case, it was the National Fraternal Order of Police. They endorsed Donald Trump for the […]

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State of Emergency in Charlotte: National Guard Activated Amid Night of Black Riots

Violence erupted in parts of downtown Charlotte on Wednesday as anger continued to build over the deadly police shooting of a black man and the different stories about what happened from authorities and the victim’s family and neighbors. North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory declared a state of emergency and called in the National Guard after Charlotte’s police chief said he […]

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DISGUSTING: Charlotte rioters try to toss unconscious photographer INTO A FIRE

These are rioters and murderers. They aren’t “protesters”. This is really disgusting: UPDATE – there’s video of the photographer being saved by police: We have the latest on the #CharlotteProtests following the fatal officer-involved shooting of #KeithScott. View: — TWC News Charlotte (@TWCNewsCLT) September 22, 2016 Unbelievable.   That’s just evil.

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Report: Trump Proposals Would Add $5.3 Trillion to Debt

A new analysis from a nonpartisan group finds that Donald Trump’s latest tax proposals would increase the federal debt by $5.3 trillion over the next decade, compared with $200 billion if Hillary Clinton’s ideas were enacted. The Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget looked at Trump’s newly revised tax plan as well as other proposals. However, it says its analysis […]

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Islamic State launches mustard gas attack on US and Iraqi troops

Islamic State [ISIS] is suspected of launching a mustard gas attack on an air base where US and Iraqi troops operate. According to US officials, the projectile was categorised as either an artillery shell or a rocket. After landing at Qayyara air base near Mosul in northern Iraq, US troops tested the remains with an initial finding of sulfur mustard (mustard gas). No […]

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Trump Insults U.S. Military: “Gang That Couldn’t Shoot Straight”

Trump the cheeto-king seems to care more about Russia than the United States military. Speaking on the O’Reilly Factor with Bill O’Reilly Monday night, Donald Trump again slammed the American military, calling them “The gang that couldn’t shoot straight.” To make matters worse, in referring to the recent bombing that inadvertently killed Syrian soldiers, he moaned, Russia is “absolutely furious at us.” Over […]

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Donald Trump Used A Quarter Million Dollars From His Charity To Settle Personal Lawsuits

This is so brazen that it takes your breath away. Donald Trump spent more than a quarter-million dollars from his charitable foundation to settle lawsuits that involved the billionaire’s for-profit businesses, according to interviews and a review of legal documents. Those cases, which together used $258,000 from Trump’s charity, were among four newly documented expenditures in which Trump may have […]

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Muslim With Knife Shouting ‘Allah Akbar’ Shot After Storming Israel’s Embassy in Turkey

A man brandishing a knife and shouting “Allahu Akbar” was shot by police as he was storming the Israeli embassy in Ankara, Turkey Wednesday afternoon, an Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman and Turkish police said in a statement. Turkish police told Reuters that the attacker shouted “Allahu Akbar” as he was rushing the embassy before being shot in the leg. “The […]

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Leftist Excuse For Abortion: “Forced Childbirth Single Biggest Cause of Global Warming”

Because if you don’t mass-murder babies, then… um… global warming. Feminist and Ms. magazine founder Gloria Steinem has come under fire from pro-life activists for linking the anti-abortion movement and global warming. Steinem, the keynote speaker at an event last week celebrating the 75th anniversary of Planned Parenthood in Memphis, Tenn., described “the fundamental right to reproductive freedom” as “the […]

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Ted Cruz to Senate: Don’t dictate solutions to Israel

‘Don’t impose diplomatic choices on Israel,’ says Texas senator. Cruz is right! Hours after 88 senators publicized a joint letter to President Obama, urging him to continue America’s longstanding policy of vetoing anti-Israel resolutions in the United Nations Security Council, Texas Senator and 2016 GOP presidential hopeful Ted Cruz rejected the letter, saying its call for a two-state [final] solution […]

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NY Terror Bomber Rahami’s Family Sued NJ Police In 2011 For “Anti-Muslim Harassment”

The family of New York and New Jersey bomber, Ahmad Rahami, filed a federal lawsuit against “The City of Elizabeth” and the “Elizabeth Police Department” in April 2011 claiming they were victims of anti-Muslim harassment.  The 38-page complaint alleges that, among other things, after their First American Fried Chicken restaurant opened in 2002, they became the victims of racial discrimination […]

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Donald Trump Met With Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi; Heaps Praises on Muslim Egypt and Leader

Muslim Egypt is one of the most anti-Semitic countries in the world that run Nazi propaganda on their television calling for the extermination of the Jewish people. Mr. Trump said that if he were fortunate enough to win the election in November, he would invite President el-Sisi on an official visit to the United States and would be honored to […]

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Hillary’s Server Technician Is Discovered Asking Reddit How To Wipe Evidence From Emails

Paul Combetta, Hillary Clinton’s Tech “specialist” who pleaded the 5th when asked about Hillary’s emails and servers is apparently not that much of a specialist at all. As it turns out, Combetta – under the name “stonetear” was caught asking members of Reddit’s r/exchangeserver communityhow to manipulate Hillary’s emails so that the “VIP” wouldn’t appear in them. Even going so […]

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Deported Illegal Alien Raped 12-Year-Old Girl 20 Times

How would America have gotten along without this “undocumented immigrant”? Really, really, really well. A deported ex-con, who raped and ultimately impregnated an underage girl after illegally returning to California from Mexico, Friday became the first defendant in Orange County to get life in prison without the possibility of parole for a sex crime. Demetrio Rojas Perez, 40, of Santa […]

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The Left’s Next Step After Abortion: First Murdered Child “Euthanized” in Belgium

Euthanasia for sick children? Young children are now old enough to decide if they want a sex change or, even worse, to commit suicide? A terminally ill minor has become the first child to be euthanized in Belgium since age restrictions were lifted in the country two years ago, according to several sources. How do they know the child wouldn’t […]

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RNC Chairman: Candidates Who Don’t Back Trump May Not Be Allowed to Run Again

Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus on Sunday suggested he could ban “Never Trump” candidates should they try to make another run for the presidency. Priebus said the former primary challengers who’ve refused to support Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump could face consequences if they fail to back Trump in the stretch-run to Election Day. “Those people need to get on […]

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Iran Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei: “We won’t negotiate with the Americans”

You know… the terrorist who calls for the death of America and Israel who Obama loves and is giving nuclear secrets to. Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, on Sunday said the Islamic Republic must stand strong against Washington on the region’s conflicts. “The Americans insist we negotiate with them on regional issues, especially on Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and Yemen,” […]

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Black voters fueling rise in Trump support

Trump, the presidential pick of David Duke and the KKK, is gaining support from blacks. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has seen a groundswell of support from black voters over the last week, according to the results of a tracking poll released over the weekend. Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton experienced a nearly 20-point decrease in support from the same demographic […]

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St. Cloud police: Mall stabber ‘referenced ALLAH’ during attack

St. Cloud police say the Islamic murderer was shot and Killed by off-duty cop. Eight victims, and they won’t call it terrorism. Release from police on #crossroadsmall incident tonight #WCCO — Liz Collin (@lizcollin) September 18, 2016

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London’s Muslim Mayor: Muslim Migrants “Shouldn’t Assimilate”

Shortly after news broke of his connections to [Nazi] Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, London’s firstly elected Muslim mayor Sadiq Khan has called on migrants to not assimilate into Western culture. During his visit to the United States, Khan has largely pushed a pro-Hillary message, blasting her Republican opponent Donald Trump for “playing into the hands” of ISIS. On the issue of migrants flowing into […]

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Putin expresses sympathy for the Donald

Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed indirect support for his presidential campaign on the basis of Trump’s stated desire for amicable U.S. relations with Russian. “We are carefully watching what is happening in the United States and we, of course, view with sympathy those who publicly state that it is necessary to build a relationship with Russia, on basis of equality,” […]

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Just 9 Obama Executive Orders Cost Taxpayers $31 Billion

The cost to taxpayers for just nine executive orders signed by President Barack Obama is $31 billion, according to a new report. The American Action Forum found that Obama’s “pen and phone” strategy of going around Congress has incurred major costs for Americans for reasons including the delay of provisions in Obamacare and imposing new gun control measures. The group […]

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Trump says he wants to EXPAND Medicaid

His campaign says NO HE DOESN’T. Trump was asked by Dr. Oz about healthcare coverage for people who ‘fall through the cracks’. I assume this means people who don’t qualify for Medicaid but can’t afford private health insurance. Trump’s answer? Expand Medicaid: BLOOMBERG – Speaking on “The Dr. Oz Show,” Trump said Medicaid, the joint federal-state program for the poor, […]

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“They’re stoning us!” – Two female soldiers mistakenly entered Arab-occupied territory

4 minute phone conversation reveals the harrowing moments when two female soldiers mistakenly entered hostile Arab-occupied territory. Channel 10 has published the intense phone conversation between police and the female soldiers who mistakenly drove into Tulkarem, a city in Area A of Judea and Samaria where Jews are forbidden to enter. The soldiers were attacked with rocks and narrowly avoided […]

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Ted Cruz: The Internet’s Best Defender

While everyone’s watching this dumpster fire of a Presidential race, Barack Obama is trying to give away the Internet to China and Russia. By voluntarily giving up American stewardship of the fundamentals of the Internet, Obama is placing prosperity, security, and liberty online at risk. Fortunately Ted Cruz is on the case. “America built the Internet, and we shouldn’t be […]

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Donald Trump Jr. makes Nazi ‘gas chamber’ reference in criticizing media

Donald Trump Jr. made a reference to “warming up the gas chamber” while complaining about how the treatment his father has received by the political press compares to coverage of Hillary Clinton. “The media has been her number one surrogate in this. Without the media, this wouldn’t even be a contest. But the media has built her up. They’ve let […]

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Trump Refusing to Say Obama Is American, Trump Campaign Says He Does

We aren’t sure where Obama was born, but this is typical of the slimy flip-flop Trump campaign. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump told the Washington Post in a Wednesday interview that was published on Thursday that he would not say that President Obama was born in the United States. The Post reporter, onboard Trump’s plane, mentioned Trump’s campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway, […]

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Islamic State Rapes Gay Men as Punishment for Being Homosexual

Despite condemning homosexuality as a sin, Islamic State [terrorists] in Afghanistan regularly rape gay men as punishment, according to a former member of the terrorist organization. Kamandar Bakhtiar was a former member of Islamic State-Khorasan (IS-K), the terrorist group’s Afghanistan branch located in the hills of Afghanistan’s eastern Nangarhar province. He recounted the atrocities. “During the three months I spent in the […]

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FBI Director Comey: Cover Your Webcam To Protect Yourself From Hackers…Or The FBI

During a sit down with the Center for Strategic and International Studies, FBI Director James Comey was asked if he still covers his webcam. “Heck yeah. Heck yeah,” he responded to the interviewer. This comes after Comey publicly said he covers his laptop’s camera after seeing Facebook founder and CEO, Mark Zuckerberg doing it, as reported by The Independent. “I […]

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Israeli Air Force attacks terrorist Hamas infrastructures following rocket fire

The only thing that will save Israel is to throw the terrorists and Arab terrorist supporters out of Israel and stop trying to kiss the U.N. and Obama’s tuchus. The Israeli Air Force (IAF) attacked terrorist infrastructures belonging to Hamas in northern Gaza overnight Wednesday, according to the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit. “The attack took place in retaliation for high trajectory […]

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GOP Congressman Claims Russians ‘Hacked’ RNC, Then Says He ‘Misspoke’

Texas Rep. Michael McCaul, the Republican Homeland Security chair, said Wednesday that the Republican National Committee’s data has been hacked, then later walked back his assertion, claiming he “misspoke.” McCaul made the comments during an interview with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, in which he told “The Situation Room” host that he has been briefed on intelligence showing hackers, suspected to be Russians, […]

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