Monthly Archives: September 2017

Netanyahu at UN: An Unleashed Iran Will Become the Next North Korea

Like Trump, Netanyahu is all talk and no action. Why didn’t he take out Iran’s bomb making facilities? Why did Trump renew the Iran deal? And you can’t “fix” a deal giving terrorist Iran nuclear weapons technology. “Fix it or nix it,” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told the UN General Assembly Tuesday, telling the world body that Israel’s policy on […]

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GOP Pushing Last-Minute Obamacare “Repeal”

Some senators are worried that the “repeal” is nothing more than “Obamacare Light.” Though President Trump and Republicans in Congress campaigned on Obamacare repeal, nothing has been accomplished as of yet. But time is ticking down toward a September 30th deadline. After that date, the Senate will be unable to pass a repeal through majority vote. After the GOP’s skinny repeal […]

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Tom Cotton: DACA could lead to the LARGEST amnesty in the history of the United States

Tom Cotton is worried that if we don’t fix the chain migration problems inherent in DACA in whatever legislation is passed in Congress, then it could lead to the largest amnesty in the history of the US. He explains below: DC EXAMINER – Keeping the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program in place without implementing significant modifications could result in the […]

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Antifa attacks police, torches car after Georgia Tech student shot when refusing to put down knife

Riots broke out at Georgia Tech on Monday night after police killed a campus [LGBT] Pride leader over the weekend when 21-year-old Scout Shultz refused to put down a knife upon the officer’s command. According to reports, Schultz had left behind three suicide notes in their dorm room and had called 911 to report himself. Schultz warned police of “a suspicious […]

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Poll: 19% of students endorse violence to “prevent” conservative speakers

I thought the mental snowflake liberals “hate” hate and embraced “tolerance” and “diversity”. A new Brooking Institution survey finds that 19% of undergraduate students support using violence to shut down controversial speakers. Another 51 percent supported the use of the so-called “heckler’s veto” to shout down speakers that are opposed by protesters. A new survey published by The Brookings Institution finds that about […]

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John Stossel: Global Warming is the “religion of the left” and “I am a denier”

Libertarian scion John Stossel explained what parts of global warming are true, might be true, and what is absolutely false in this otherwise barely tolerable segment with Tucker Carlson. Stossel explains that even if there might be a chance that Global Warming causes a disaster, there’s nearly nothing that human beings can do to ease it, according to science itself. […]

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Oklahoma: Manager testifies in trial of Muslim who beheaded co-worker, tried to behead another

A manager at an Oklahoma food processing plant testified Friday that he tried but failed to stop a beheading attack three years ago. He attempted to stop his co-worker, who had been suspended earlier that day, from attacking another employee with a butcher knife by severing her head. Gary Hazelrigg told jurors that the victim, Colleen Hufford, was ‘completely surprised’ […]

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Again, Trump Pressures Israel to Make Suicidal Deal With Arab Muslim Terrorists

There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It is a lie and a propaganda war intended to destroy Israel the Jewish people. Click here for more information. High on the agenda for discussion in their meeting, said Trump, was “peace between the Palestinians and Israel,” which he said “would be a fantastic achievement. We are giving it an absolute […]

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Iranian Army Chief: We Will Turn Tel Aviv and Haifa Into Dust

Iranian official claims “we have the ‘father of all bombs.” Seyyed Abdolrahim Mousavi, an Iranian military officer currently acting as the Commander-in-Chief of the Islamic Republic of Iran Army, issued a menacing statement against the Jewish state hours before Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is expected to bring up the ever-imminent threat posed on Israel by Tehran in his encounter with US President […]

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McMaster’s Muslim appointee “opposed to Hezbollah’s designation as a terrorist organization”

Gen. McMaster “blew off” this major terrorist concern for Israel, and was “yelling at the Israelis” during the meeting. None of the several sources were aware if Trump had been made aware of the incident. As has been widely reported, Trump’s Chief of Staff General Kelly has instituted tight restrictions on information and contacts reaching the president. Additionally, Kelly has been said to be working […]

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Feds award over half a million dollars of tax-payer money to study “safe zones” for LGBTQ students

Wait… what are they spending my hard earned tax dollars on? [First,] the National Science Foundation is spending over $100,000 to create “safe zone” inclusion training so more members of the LGBTQ community become engineers. The project, which will not start until January 2018, is a joint study being conducted by the American Society For Engineering Education, Rowan University, and […]

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JTF This Week: Trump backs DACA amnesty for millions of illegal aliens; Bibi, Bennett break every campaign promise (new video)

בס”ד Please publicize this important video everywhere possible. Video version on YouTube: The program is 23 minutes this week. You can listen to it here. For those who would like to download the file for their MP3 players or iPods, the link is provided below:

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Trump Administration Extends Sanctions Relief on Iran

“There will be no retreat by the Islamic Republic,” said Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Iran will not be bullied by the United States and will react strongly to any “wrong move” by Washington on Tehran’s nuclear deal, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said on Sunday. His comments came after US President Donald Trump said on Thursday that Iran was violating […]

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Netanyahu to Present “Amendments” to Suicidal Nuclear Bomb Deal which Trump Will Send Iran

Netanyahu refuses to take out Iran’s nuclear bomb making facility putting Israelis lives in danger of a nuclear attack. Over the past few days, according to a Sunday morning Army Radio report, an idea has been formed between the White House and Jerusalem, according to which Israel will present to the Americans an appendix, to be sent to the Iranians, […]

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Religion of Peace Update: Four Female US Tourists Attacked With Acid in Marseilles, France

A [Muslim terrorist] woman with ‘deep psychological problems’ was in custody in the French city of Marseille on Sunday after spraying four American tourists with acid and burning two in the face. The horrifying attack took place shortly after 11am at the Gare de Marseille-Saint-Charles station, where the party from the US was preparing to board a train. French prosecutors are not […]

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Dallas School District Renaming Schools Named After Franklin, Jefferson And Madison

Dallas Independent School District included schools named after three of America’s Founding Fathers on a list of schools that the district is exploring renaming. The DISD administration has already recommended renaming four schools named after Confederate generals, including Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson. The district is conducting additional research on whether to rename at least 20 other schools named […]

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Now cotton is racist

Daniell Rider, a Hobby Lobby consumer, found a decoration at one of their stores so offensive, she shared the image on Facebook requesting that they remove the decor from their shelves. What was it? Rider on Thursday shared a photo of a shelf with glass bottles containing what appear to be replicas of raw cotton plants. She captioned the photo, “This […]

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Right explodes in anger over Trump’s illegal immigration push

President Trump’s supporters are apoplectic and lashing out at “Amnesty Don” for pursuing a deal with Democrat leaders to protect young immigrants who were brought to the U.S. illegally as children. Only a week ago, Trump thrilled his base by rescinding an Obama-era order on the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which allows about 800,000 young people brought into […]

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Israeli Consulate in NY Closes After Threat Against Netanyahu and White Powder Found

A package has been sent to the consulate containing suspicious white powder and a letter threatening the prime minister. srael’s mission to New York was reportedly sealed shut on Friday night after a package containing white powder and a letter threatening Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was received, a source in the consulate building confirmed to The Jerusalem Post. The Israeli Consulate […]

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Amazon DELETES Negative Reviews of Hillary’s Book

Amazon can’t just sell books, it has to alter how people feel about them. Via Yahoo, we saw the London Telegraph reported that “Amazon has been monitoring and deleting reviews after Hillary Clinton’s new book was greeted with a torrent of criticism on the day it was released.” The result? As of Thursday night, fully 94 percent of Amazon’s 655 Hillary book reviewers have awarded the […]

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Donald Trump Claims Letting DACA Illegals Stay Is “Not Amnesty”

President Donald Trump argued that allowing DACA recipients to stay in the United States would not be amnesty. “We’re looking at allowing people to stay here,” Trump said to reporters in Florida on Thursday. He insisted that his deal with Democrats on DACA recipients would not be amnesty. “We’re not looking at citizenship, we’re not looking at amnesty,” Trump said. On […]

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Trump chooses amnesty for illegals instead of border wall; Say bye-bye to that wall!

And mean while, Schumer is caught on a hot microphone saying “Trump likes me.” When Donald Trump redefined the RINO acrostic last week by issuing his Rescind-In-Name-Only order reversing Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) executive order, he laid the groundwork for granting amnesty and creating a pathway to citizenship for the million-plus illegals known as DREAMERs. Despite his campaign promises that he would […]

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Trump’s GOP illegal amnesty will bring in millions of Democrat voters

Last year, President Trump promised that the days of people coming here illegally to get citizenship are over. Well, now those days are only beginning and will continue in perpetuity. Trump is in the process of building an open border, and the American citizen will pay for it in the form of crime, welfare, education, health care, and a permanent Democrat majority […]

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Phony “Right-Wing” Attorney Itamar Ben-Gvir Suing to Include Arabs in IDF Military Draft

Nothing says your screwed like including your own mass-murdering enemy in your military. I mean… what could possibly go wrong? Here’s yet another example of a phony who claims to be “right wing” yet pushes the most insane and dangerous leftist policies: After the High Court of Justice on Tuesday had thrown out the amended draft law passed by the […]

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RINOs and Democrats Still Pushing Transgenders on the Military

Just when we thought the issue of transgenders in the military had finally been laid to rest, our friend Elaine Donnelly of the Center for Military Readiness alerted us that on September 11, Senators Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) and Susan Collins (R-ME) announced their co-sponsorship of an amendment to the FY 2018 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which would force the […]

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German authorities say multiple synagogue attacks are not antisemitism

A police spokesman for the city of Ulm said on Wednesday that the police are conducting a wide-ranging investigation into three attacks on the city’s synagogue since late August and antisemitism may be the motive for the crimes. Uwe Krause, the police spokesman, told The Jerusalem Post that the authorities “can’t rule out” antisemitism as the reason for the attacks on the […]

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Anti-Israel McMaster says Hezbollah is “not a terror group”

This is the same McMaster that referred to the Israel as an “occupying power.” A meeting between high-level Israeli officials and their American counterparts last month deteriorated when National Security Adviser H.R McMaster brushed off Israel’s concerns about Hezbollah, at one point backing up an aide who denied that Hezbollah is a terror organization. According to the report on Channel 10 and PJ Media, […]

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White House: Trump To Dine Tonight With Schumer And Pelosi

President Donald Trump will have dinner with Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer and House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi on Wednesday night, the latest overture by the Republican president to work with his adversaries. The White House said that Trump had invited the two Democratic leaders to dinner, more than week after the president reached an agreement with Schumer and Pelosi […]

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Trump official says he’s willing to compromise on The Wall to help Dems pass amnesty

Trump should rename his book to “The Art of Selling Out.” OK. Listen. Read this paragraph very, very carefully. It’s from ABC News.  The top House Democrat and a senior White House official both indicated Tuesday they are open to compromise on border security to expedite legislation to help immigrants brought here illegally as children. Huh? Doesn’t that sound like Trump is willing to compromise […]

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Ted Cruz Announces Bold Tax Plan to Dramatically Simplify the Tax Code

“The question is, will we step up and seize this opportunity. Or will it be one of the greatest missed opportunities in modern history?” Constitutional conservative and Texas Senator Ted Cruz  announced a major overhaul to America’s unbelievably complex and unproductive tax system that currently encompasses over 70,000 pages of largely incomprehensible gobbledygook — an outdated system that punishes success and […]

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Israel Warns Trump That It Will Attack Syria Again, If Necessary

Israel sent a clear message to the Trump Administration that it will not hesitate to again attack neighboring Syria if forces embroiled in a bloody civil war there cross two red lines. Speaking at a pre-Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year) gathering that included a large number of senior US officials, Israel’s ambassador to Washington, Ron Dermer, stated: “Israeli Prime Minister […]

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Planned Parenthood And The Satanic Temple Are Working Together To Make Abortions Easier In Missouri

Abortion goliath Planned Parenthood is in bed with the Satanic Temple in order to combat Missouri’s ever tightening abortion restrictions in one of the most appropriate pairings in human history. Planned Parenthood’s long battle to keep abortion clinics in the state of Missouri are finding success after Supreme Court rulings overturned restrictions that forced the clinics to get admitting privileges […]

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White House Says “Trump Has Always Backed Amnesty” For Illegals

President Donald Trump’s request that Congress protect illegal immigrants is not a change of heart, but something Trump has always supported, according to White House press secretary Sarah Sanders. Trump presented a hard-line immigration policy on the campaign trail and saidduring an August 2016 campaign speech that “there will be no amnesty.” “Our message to the world will be this: you […]

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Arab arrested with concealed knife at entrance to Tomb of Patriarchs

Border Police arrest Arab attempting to enter Hevron holy site with concealed knife. An Arab resident of Hevron in Judea was arrested Tuesday morning after he attempted to sneak a knife into the Tomb of the Patriarchs (Maarat Hamachpela). Border Police officers arrested the teen, roughly 15 years of age, after they discovered the weapon at a checkpoint outside of […]

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Supreme Court PERMANENTLY blocks 9th Circuit ruling limiting terrorist ban

So yesterday when the SCOTUS said Trump could go on his merry way with his travel ban, they said it was temporary – now they’re saying he’s good all around. From the Hill: The Supreme Court agreed late Tuesday to lift restrictions on President Trump’s travel ban until further notice, allowing the administration to continue barring most refugees under the ban. Justice Anthony Kennedy on Monday temporarily […]

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University calls Jews “white supremacists”

A Nazi “Disorientation Guide” distributed to incoming freshmen at Tufts University called the school’s Hillel chapter an organization supportive of “a white supremacist state.” Students at Tufts University recently claimed that Israel is a “white supremacist state” that perpetuates “apartheid” against [the so-called] Palestinians. There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It is a lie and a propaganda […]

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U.S. judge tells Christian churches they must cover abortions

The Bible is now illegal. A federal judge told three Christian congregations in California that they have no case in wanting to opt out of the state’s requirement that they cover abortions through their health insurance plans. U.S. District Court Judge Kimberly Mueller upheld a 2014 requirement of the California Department of Managed Health Care (DMHC) that all employers throughout […]

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Dubai man jailed for insulting Islam on Facebook loses appeal

In the “enlightened” West, people aren’t arrested or jailed for criticizing Muhammad. They’re just excoriated as racist, bigoted Islamophobes, and shunned by all decent people, and concerted efforts are made to deny them access to all means of communication. Everyone the world over agrees that Muhammad, alone of all human beings, must never be criticized. “Dubai man jailed for insulting […]

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2 Year Old Girl Disabled for Life After Being Battered by Muslim Babysitter

This two year old little girl was left “looking like 70mph crash victim.” A two-year-old girl has been left disabled for life with injuries similar to a 70mph crash victim after being battered by her brutal babysitter. ‘Vicious’ Nisar Ali, 34, beat and shook the youngster in a fit of “inhumane” rage after he was asked to look after her for 10 […]

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Trump’s Spending Deal Funds Planned Parenthood

The spending deal that President Donald Trump cut last week with Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.)–and that was passed by a Republican-controlled Congress—breaks one of Trump’s unambiguous campaign promises: It funds Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider. Fiscal 2017 will end on Sept. 30 and the spending law Trump signed Friday […]

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