Monthly Archives: December 2017

US officials: Trump still not declaring Jerusalem as Israel’s capital

Just like Obama, Trump can’t even declare Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. From the Times of Israel: After a lengthy back and forth at the White House meeting, Trump and his inner circle appeared to accept those concerns but insisted that the president had to demonstrate his stated commitment to move the embassy, the officials said. The discussion then turned toward […]

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Facebook launches new guide for Muslims, telling them how to report anti-Islam “hate speech”

“Hate speech” is a subjective category. What is or is not classified as “hate speech” depends upon the preconceptions and perspectives of the one doing the judging. For Facebook, the judges are Sharia-compliant, and consider honest analysis of the motives and goals of jihad terrorists to be “hate speech.” Facebook’s Vice President Joel Kaplan traveled to Pakistan in July to assure the […]

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Vicious anti-semite Linda Sarsour on so-called panel of antisemitism: “I support boycott of Israel”

Ironically, who better than a vicious antisemite to sit on a panel about antisemitism? And of course, Linda Sarsour didn’t disappoint. She wore her Jew-hatred like she wears her hijab. Increasingly, colleges and universities have become hotbeds of radicalism and Jew-hatred, while US Jewish leadership stands idly by, or worse, aligns with the left. Powerful Jewish voices are silenced and […]

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