• I believe the guards were bribed. Either that or they were as you say a fifth column.

    Ironic they’d want to escape since they treat them like kings in prison. They can even order takeout in prison!! Its like a club med vacation! Its better than a luxury 5 star hotel.

    And of course they dont stay long anyway they get pardoned to kiss up to Biden and Merkel or they are exchanged for dead bodies or hostages.

    America is not far from doing this too. In fact even though America’s jails are hell on earth, for a lot of these felons and hardened criminals its just a set up. 20 to life, 3 hots and a cot and a sissy. Spend your days lifting weights playing chess or dominos, having sex with gay inmates or raping a punk, no having to work for the man anymore. You can work but its menial and you can buy wam wams cigarettes twinkies and soups. Dollar tree stuff.

    • Kyle, Arabs are the Worst, yet they get the best conditions in Israeli Jails and Prisons from the Insane Self-hating Jewish Government in Israel, it’s so disgusting

    • Kyle, the late Arab Nazi Terrorist
      Yasser Arafat aka Arab-Rat , who died of AIDS in 2004, certainly
      Arafat must have heard of
      Rabbi Meir Kahane and his Movement before Kahane was killed in 1990. Do you know if
      Arafat ever mentioned Kahane ?
      What did Arafat think of Kahane, ?
      I’ve seen videos of Meir Kahane in Action, if there was ever a one on
      one fight, no weapons, between
      Kahane and Arafat .
      Kahane would have easily have beaten Arafat , no contest.

      • Yasser Arafat aka Arab-Fat ,
        Arab-Fart, Arab-Rat was the Worst Terrorist in World History, Arafat was the Quintessential Arab, typical Arab Monster

    • Big Surprise, Disgusting Arab
      Desert Sand Rats in Yemen celebrate the Fakestinian Terrorist Attack in Elad, Israel that killed 3 innocent Israelis.
      Arabs being Arabs as usual
      The Jerusalem Post website
      jpost.com has an article documenting this headlined
      “Yemen’s Houthis celebrate terror attack in Israel”
      By SETH J. FRANTZMAN Published: MAY 7, 2022
      Everyone Knows Arabs are the Worst people in the World

  • Why didn’t they pour a layer of reinforced concrete. Answer: They thought all they had to do was daven and that would keep the Arab Nazis in.

  • If I ever said anything that mattered to you Chaim, watch this video. Maybe you’ll understand why I should be more angry than this: https://rumble.com/vloe0w-dr.-bryan-ardis-grand-rapids-mi-reawaken-america-tour.html

  • dont dont watch the ads that are the entire thing after he stops

  • 2 out of 6 Fakistinians recaptured fri. near Nazareth.

  • 2 additional camel jockeys caught- total 4-2 still out in the weeds

  • thanks again- hope you are OK

  • The last 2 will not be caught. Does anyone want to place a wager.

  • Speaking of Arab Nazis, I really need to know why didn’t the
    Israeli Mossad track down the
    “Grand Mufti” of Jerusalem,
    Hajj Amin Al-husseini after the State of Israel was created.
    The Mossad tracked down Nazi War Criminal Adolf Eichmann and put him on Trial.
    Why didn’t the Mossad Track down the Mufti and make him Stand Trial. The Mufti was largely to blame for the Nazi Holocaust along with Hitler and the German people. It was a horrible Mistake to let the Mufti get away Scott-Free .
    The Israeli Government should have made an Example Out of The Mufti by tracking him down and making him stand trial

    • Why wasn’t the Mufti tracked down by the Mossad…?

    • Seriously it was a Horrible Sin
      for Israel Not to track down the
      So-called “Grand Mufti”
      Hajj Amin Al-husseini , make him stand trial, find him Guilty and turn his Arab Ass into Dog Food ,

  • More about Arab Nazis, a Very Disturbing Thing about Arabs is their Creepy Obsessiveness.
    In Public Schools, Elementary, Junior High and High Schools, often Ugly Arab Students would Hatefully ask other students if they were Jewish. These Arabs Never Stopped, the Arab Students Never Stopped, it was literally every single day that these Arab Students would hatefully ask other students if they were Jewish, it was literally every single day that these Arabs would ask if the students were Jewish. These Loser Arabs never stopped.
    I can see why even before 9/11 many people said The Arabs are Satan’s Spawn.
    Not only that I read that Arabs from Syria are being recruited by Putin to fight for Russia against Ukraine. Arabs are Nothing but a Plague of Evil & Suffering upon Humanity. Arabs deserve no Love or Respect from the Civilized World. Arabs & Islam are Nobody’s Friend.

    • Plus one of the Ugly Loser Arabs who couldn’t stop hatefully asking other students if they were Jewish, his name was Hussein, it was so disturbing how one day Hussein was speaking to one of his friends in Gym class saying that he wanted to get Married to his Family’s Pet Goat , truly disgusting and disturbing . Hussein wasn’t joking , he was serious

      • Plus one day the Ugly Loser Arab named Hussein was acting all Retarded in class, one of the students called him a
        “dirty little Arab” then
        Hussein couldn’t stop crying after being called a
        “dirty little Arab”
        Hussein couldn’t Stop crying after being called a
        “dirty little Arab”
        All the other students then
        starting laughing at Hussein , that was truly a unforgettable moment

        • Hussein couldn’t stop crying, couldn’t stop crying after he was called a
          dirty little Arab and he literally said he wished his mother was there to breastfeed him .

          • Plus one day
            Hussein was absent , and the teacher who was Irish, actually referred to Hussein as a
            “Dirty Arab” Even the teacher referred to Hussein as a Dirty Arab

  • Dennis Prager wrote articles online explaining how Arab & Muslim Anti-Semites are actually Far Worse than the Nazis in World War II.
    Plus Edwin Black wrote a superb article online about Arab Evil, & Arab Wickedness titled
    “The Arab Legacy of Hate” Google it

    • The Dennis Prager article is from jewishworldreview.com
      “Why Arab/Muslim anti-Semites are worse than the Nazis” on
      October 30, 2001

    • The Edwin Black article is from the website Clevelandjewishnews.com on October 8, 2010 headlined
      “An Arab legacy of hate”

  • More proof about the Evil and Wickedness of Arabs & Islam
    the website csmonitor.com
    Has an article headlined
    “Why Middle East Muslims are taught to hate Jews”

    on January 24, 2013
    By Ayaan Hirsi Ali ,

  • A serious Question are the Arabs trying to Terrorize & Weaponize Space, Anyone can do an Online search about how the UAE, United Arab Emirates is trying to
    launch a probe to the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter in 2028, Is their a Sinister Arab Motive behind this UAE Plan to launch a probe to the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter in 2028?
    Are America, Israel and the entire Western World in Danger from this Arab probe? Not to sound paranoid, But are the Arabs trying to Terrorize & Weaponize Space, Remember when President Ronald Reagan tried to have a Weapons system in Space, Google it, The Strategic Defense Initiative program, Which some nicknamed the “Star Wars Program” what are those Sneaky Arabs up to this time? Are the Arabs planning Terrorist Attacks in Space ?

  • Saeb Erekat died of
    Covid-19 in 2020 at the age of 65.
    Fakestinian Negotiator
    Seab Erekat was a monster
    Arab Terrorist Nazi Murderer and War Criminal who deserved to suffer and die from Covid-19.
    Good that he’s dead .
    It was wrong of Israel to allow to receive Medical treatment in an Israeli Hospital. It’s impossible to dehumanize Arabs and Fakestinians, they dehumanize themselves..

    • Saeb Erekat was a Terrorist ,
      Good that he Suffered and died from Covid-19
      Some newspapers referred to
      The Arab Erekat as being #2 in the
      Fakestinian leadership
      He was Definitely Number 2 , as in the term used for Solid Excrement,
      Erekat was a real POS ,
      Piece of Sh-t , piece of
      Arab Excrement
      It was Wrong of Israel to Help him recover from the Covid-19, it’s Wrong to help the Enemy that will Never Change their Evil, Wicked Ways , Insanity to help them
      Israel should have Refused to treat Erekat and just let his
      Arab Ass suffer and die
      Still it’s good that Erekat died , he was a typical bloodthirsty Arab with an Endless Lust for Violence.
      It’s Sickening and disgusting how Israel helps Arab Terrorists in
      Israeli hospitals, Arabs and Fakestinians deserve Nothing and must be given Nothing , they will Never Change their Wicked, Evil, Diabolical ways , they only Respond with More Hate, Terrorism and Violence

  • As said before, It was truly disgusting and evil of Israel to allow Erekat to be treated in an Israeli Hospital. Erekat was a two legged virus years before he became infected with Covid-19 .

  • pjmedia.com has an article about Fakestinians headlined
    “The Dirty Little Secret About the ‘Palestinians’ ”

    BY MOSHE DANN OCT 02, 2009

  • en.mida.org.il has an article headlined

    “Arab Historian Admits there is No Palestinian People”

    by Judith Bergman  on  09/11/2017 

  • Brigitte Gabriel a Lebanese Arab Christian tells the truth about Arab Evil and Wickedness, even some Muslim activists have admitted that “Arabism is Racism”
    Jenna Jameson, the former Adult Movie Star who converted to Judaism has told the truth about
    Arab and Islamic Evil & Wickedness.
    Plus One Ugly F–Ked Up Arab who is thankfully gone was named Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qurayshi aka “Hajji Abdullah” , From cnn.com an article is headlined

    “White House coordinator for Middle East and North Africa warns next ISIS leader “is sure to meet the same fate” ” on February 3, 2022
    From CNN’s Sam Fossum, This article says
    “Brett McGurck, The White House coordinator for the Middle East and North Africa, Described last night’s raid that led to the death of ISIS leader Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qurayshi aka “Hajji Abdullah” as going “almost exactly according to plan, ” and said that the US would continue to conduct further operations to contain ISIS.” The full article is online, Hajji Abdullah should have been made into
    Dog Food after America took him out, he was one ugly F–ked up Arab

  • We can Never underestimate the Arab, Muslim and Fakestinian ability to Commit Evil and Wickedness, they cannot be trusted , they will never change.

    • The Whole World has always hated Jews, but thanks to the
      Fakestinians and their Second Intifada they started in the year 2000, the Anti-Semitism and Jew-Hatred is Skyrocketing Worldwide .
      The Europeans still are Vile
      Anti-Semites and Jew-Haters, but at the same time they can’t stand the Arabs and Muslims

    • No Warning is too Strong about the Mortal danger posed to the entire World by the Arab & Islamic Nations, that’s Not
      “Islamophobia” that’s Reality
      Even certain Arab & Islamic Individuals living outside the Arab & Islamic World at times have sadly committed horrible atrocities. The World can Never let its Guard down.
      The Arabs & Islam are
      Nobody’s Friend

  • Also Many People are Very Ashamed that they saw and liked the 1992 Disney Film Aladdin . . . Because of the Ugly Evil Wicked ways that many Arab people have, Many people who viewed the 1992 Disney Movie Aladdin are deeply ashamed of the fact that they saw and liked that Movie, When they were young and they watched that Movie, They were only children and were uneducated and unaware about the Evil Hateful Criminal Terrorist Nature that many Arab people have, But as they grew older and became aware of what many Arab people sadly are, They deeply regret watching Aladdin,

    • Also about the 1992 Disney Movie
      The website talknsave.net has an article headlined
      “10 Things You Never Knew About Haman” by Arielle Dadon , about
      Haman from the book of Esther in the Bible, this article from talknsave.net at the top of it has a picture of the evil sorcerer Jafar from the Disney film Aladdin
      A picture of the evil Arabian sorcerer Jafar appears at the top of this article, Google It

  • Businessinsider.com has an article headlined
    “Declassified FBI memo ‘confirms’ direct connection between Saudi government and 9/11” Look it up

    by Mattathias Schwartz on
    May 5, 2022 Big Surprise,
    Big Surprise ,
    Plus many people have been saying years before 9/11 that
    Arabs and the Arab Nations are the Spawn of Satan ,
    Saudi Arabia needs to pay America Tens of Trillions of Dollars in Reparations and Restitution for

  • Various editions of the book
    “The Arab Mind”
    by Raphael Patai are good at
    Explaining Arab Evil & Wickedness

  • A good book to read is titled
    “The Secret War Against the Jews: How Western Espionage Betrayed The Jewish People” by
    John Loftus and Mark Aarons
    About how Everyone Unjustly Hates the Jews and Israel, how the Whole World unjustly Hates the Jews and Israel.

    • The War Against the Jews and Israel isn’t so Secret, it’s so Out in the Open and Public that a person would have to be Completely Blind, Deaf and Retarded to Not See it Immediately, it’s no “Conspiracy” that the Entire World is United against the Jews and Israel , it’s the sad ugly truth

  • Not just Camel Jockeys, even the Germans knew that Fakestinians and other Arabs were
    “Camel F–kers” do an Internet search

  • About the post of
    March 29, 2022 , 4:01 pm about the
    Creepy Arab Students who
    relentlessly asked other students if they were Jewish, Imagine what it was like for some of the students who were Jewish, Face to Face with the Arab Devil terrified what the Arab students would do if they discovered that they were Jewish, what would the Arabs do ?

    • What would the Arabs do ?

      • Again, what would the
        Arabs do ?
        Plus many of the Non-Arab students of all races seeing the ungodly Arab behavior and how repulsive the Arabs are said that
        Arabs Suck , & Arab people Suck

    • These Obsessive Arab Students who made hateful anti-Jewish remarks all the time, it’s important to point out that they knew which of the Public School teachers were Jewish , and while these Arab students said hateful things to Jewish students, or to students they thought were Jewish, notice how these same Arab students Never said anything disrespectful or Anti-Jewish to the Teachers who they Knew were indeed Jewish, they didn’t want to Be Failed , those Arab students didn’t have the same attitude to the Jewish teachers , they were too Afraid of being failed

  • In the 2013 satirical sketch comedy film
    “Inappropriate Comedy” at one scene in the movie a
    Character says about Arabs
    “Oh, no, no, no,

    not sand people.

    Oh, please, not Arabs.

    They smell so bad!

    Come on, please!

    Oh, you guys stink so bad,

    please. This is like Detroit.


    Oh, please don’t come near me.

    Oh, I hate the smell.

    I can bring you children. I can

    totally bring you children.


    Towels are for washing,

    not for wearing.

    Oh, I hate Arabs so much!

    No!” the character
    also says about Arabs
    “Your beards are horrible
    You stink when you talk so much , please , put down the guns, pick up some soap” Anyone see this movie

  • About Arafat , an online article says the following about the book
    “Red Horizons” by Lt. Gen. Ion Mihai Pacepa, that ” the former head of Romanian intelligence. He relates a conversation with Constantin Munteaunu, a general assigned to teach Arafat and the Palestinian Liberation Organization operations in deception and influence designed to fool the West into granting the organization recognition.

    “I just called the microphone monitoring center to ask about the ‘Fedayee,'” Arafat’s code name, explained Munteaunu. “After the meeting with the Comrade, he went directly to the guest house and had dinner. At this very moment, the ‘Fedayee’ is in his bedroom making love to his bodyguard. The one I knew was his latest lover. He’s playing tiger again. The officer monitoring his microphones connected me live with the bedroom, and the squawling almost broke my eardrums. Arafat was roaring like a tiger, and his lover yelping like a hyena.”

  • The article continues
    “Munteaunu continued: “I’ve never before seen so much cleverness, blood and filth all together in one man.”

    Munteaunu, wrote Pacepa, spent months pulling together secret reports from Egyptian, Jordanian and Syrian intelligence agencies as well as Romanian files.

    “I used to think I knew just about everything there was to know about Rahman al-Qudwa,” Arafat’s real name, “about the construction engineer who made a fortune in Kuwait, about the passionate collector of racing cars, about Abu Amman,” Arafat’s nom de guerre, “and about my friend Yasser, with all his hysterics,” explained Munteaunu, handing Pacepa his final report on the PLO leader. “But I’ve got to admit that I didn’t really know anything about him.”

    Wrote Pacepa: “The report was indeed an incredible account of fanaticism, of devotion to his cause, of tangled oriental political maneuvers, of lies, of embezzled PLO funds deposited in Swiss banks, and of homosexual relationships, beginning with his teacher when he was a teen-ager and ending with his current bodyguards. After reading the report, I felt a compulsion to take a shower whenever I had been kissed by Arafat, or even just shaken his hand.” The article was from freerepublic.com

  • Some people say that Israel poisoned Arafat , we all wish Israel did indeed Kill Arafat by poisoning, but if Israel really did Poison Arafat , it doesn’t change the
    FACT that Arafat had AIDS ,
    His Arab Ass definitely had AIDS,
    Arafat was a pedophile also , he was an Arab Monster, the
    Quintessential Arab

    • Plus Years ago a
      Christian Supporter of Israel admitted that Yasser Arafat was a
      Dirty Arab , Dirty Ugly Arab

      • Other Christian Supporters of Israel have pointed out that
        Yasser Arafat was so ugly and grotesque looking that he didn’t look remotely human

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