70% Favor Pardon for Soldier Elor Azariya for Killing Jihad Terrorist Caught in the Act of Stabbing Jews

How was this man convicted of manslaughter? He shouldn’t be thrown in prison for killing a terrorist in the act of stabbing, he should be given a medal of honor.

Less than 24-hours after Sgt. Elor Azariya was convicted of manslaughter in the death of an Arab terrorist killed following a stabbing attack in Hevron in March of last year, several polls are already showing a majority of Israelis support a presidential pardon for the soldier – and that a majority disagree with the court’s ruling on Wednesday.

The latest poll, conducted by the Gal Hadash survey group on behalf of Israel Hayom shows that a whopping 70% of Israelis believe Azariya should receive a full pardon, compared to just 19% who say he should not. Eleven percent had no opinion on the matter.

An earlier poll, conducted by the Midgam Research Institute in conjunction with iPanel shows similar levels of support for a pardon, with 67% of Israelis saying they favored a pardon, compared to 19% who oppose.

The Midgam poll also shows that 51% of Israelis say they disagree with the verdict, compared to 36% who agreed with it.

One comment

  • Yaakov ben Yehuda

    the nothingiahoo regime must fall
    The true culprits for the condemnation of soldier Elor Azaria are those that ordered the military prosecutor to prosecute namely the chief of staff, above the minister of defense and finally the prime minister nietaniahu brain behind this itch hunt operation. Without these prosecutions there would have been no trial. Now it is the resignation of all this team that must be asked they put all the soldiers in difficulty. Elor Azaria is innocent, he must not sit a single day in prison and his trial must be revised

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