Israel: Netanyahu “cracks down” on so-called Jewish “extremists” with new arrests without charge

netanyahu-abbasBecause if you are a Jew who believes in defending Jewish lives against Muslim terrorists, then you are labeled an “extremist”.

Israel intensified its crackdown on [so-called] Jewish “extremists” [that means right wing religious Jews] Sunday, imprisoning two high-profile [Jews] for six months without charge and arresting additional suspects in West Bank settlement outposts, security authorities said.

…Tensions have soared since that attack and on Sunday, Israeli troops shot and killed a [Muslim Arab Terrorist] who had stabbed an Israeli in the West Bank, wounding him lightly.

Authorities called the arson attack an act of “Jewish terrorism,” and Israel’s Security Cabinet approved the use of harsh measures to combat the trend, including administrative detention, which allows suspects to be held for lengthy periods without charge.

…Meir Ettinger, the grandson of the late U.S.-born [pro-Israel] Rabbi Meir Kahane, and Eviatar Slonim, another [so-called] Jewish “extremist”, were placed under administrative detention Sunday for their suspected involvement in [a right ring] Jewish organization, the office of Israel’s defense minister said.

The two, who are in their early 20s, were arrested last week. Another suspected Jewish extremist, Mordechai Meyer, was placed under six-month administrative detention last week.

Israeli human rights activists who advocate on behalf of [Arab Muslims], as well as lawyers for the Israeli suspects, criticized the use of administrative detention.

“It is carried out based on an administrative order only, without indictment or trial, and the detainee cannot defend himself against the allegations as the evidence is classified,” a statement by human rights group B’Tselem said.

“This measure is dangerous … for the entire legal system and for democracy,” added Aharon Rozeh, a lawyer for Ettinger and Slonim, who said his clients were innocent.

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