Arab PLO Police Violently Beat Jewish Worshipers at Joseph’s Tomb

Al_Fatah_Palestinian_Commandoes_Nazi_Salute_CommanderThe Ariel Police detained five people – including three minors – overnight Saturday/Sunday, on suspicions of entering Joseph’s Tomb outside Shechem (Nablus).

Their attorney, Itamar Ben-Gvir, reported that some detainees were bleeding after [Arab PLO] police found them and beat them; two of them are suffering from head injuries.

On Saturday night, the detainees arrived at the Tomb together with about 30 people to protest the site’s arson by [Muslim] Arabs last week.

The [PLO] police beat as many people as possible upon their entry to the site, however, banging their heads against their jeeps until the IDF arrived; the IDF then arrested the five for entering a closed military site.

Ben-Gvir stated to the press Sunday that he demands that Israel Police transfer the five for medical treatment immediately.

“It can’t be that after the severe trauma they experienced, the police will continue to detain them overnight when what they need is care,” he said.


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