Unending Incompetence: Trump Campaign Accidentally Emails their Plan of Attack to Politico

donald_trumpTrump only hires the very best people.

Apparently, Trump decided that he wanted to attack Hillary Clinton on the Whitewater scandal. You know, the same scandal that failed to take down the Clinton in the 90’s? That one. The only problem is that neither he nor his campaign really know anything about the scandal so they asked the RNC to research it for them.

How do we know all this? Well, because Trump campaign spokesman Hope Hicks meant to email Republican consultant Michael Caputo, who is a Trump advisor, and instead emailed Politico reporter Marc Caputo:

Trump campaign adviser Michael Caputo on Wednesday morning emailed a researcher at the Republican National Committee asking him to “work up information on HRC/Whitewater as soon as possible. This is for immediate use and for the afternoon talking points process.”

The email was obtained by POLITICO when Trump campaign spokeswoman Hope Hicks, who Caputo copied on his request to the RNC, accidentally responded instead to Marc Caputo, a POLITICO reporter who is not related to the Republican consultant.

Good grief. Does anyone think that this will be the last time we see a story like this? Also, why does any Republican need talking points on Whitewater?


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