Trump bashes U.S. media while a guest on Russian STATE-OWNED media

Vladimir Putin and TrumpThe Trump campaign is saying that they had no clue that Trump was appearing on a Kremlin-controlled, state-owned media outlet when he bashed the dishonesty of the U.S. media.

From a CBS reporter:


This is while appearing on media that is literally owned by the Russian government to push out pro-Putin propaganda. They regularly bash America and try to tell their viewers that everything is awful here and wonderful in Russia. And while he’s bashing the media, he’s doing it from an outlet that endorses a man who killed journalists and political opponents.

It’s just remarkable.

This reminds me of the time Donald Trump Jr. agreed to an interview with white supremacist radio, and then later said he didn’t realize what he had agreed to. These are the best minds available? Really?

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