Schmucky Schumer: “I had Pneumonia too!”

schumer_clintonChuck defends Hillary and claims he also had pneumonia.

Turns out Chucky Schmucky Schumer also had Pneumonia and was with Hillary at the 9/11 memorial on Sunday:

AP – Schumer was diagnosed several weeks ago. His disclosure Monday comes amid furor over Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s own pneumonia diagnosis.

In response to questions from The Associated Press, Schumer spokesman Matt House said in a statement that Schumer was diagnosed with pneumonia and took antibiotics per doctor’s order, and also kept a lighter schedule. “His doctor has pronounced him all cleared up and he’s feeling much better,” House said.

Schumer was present with Clinton at Sunday’s Sept. 11 memorial in New York. Clinton left the ceremony before it concluded, and could later be seen on video being helped into a car. Her staff subsequently disclosed that she had been diagnosed Friday with pneumonia.

The 65-year-old Schumer put out a statement on Sunday about chatting with Clinton at the event, but did not disclose his own condition at the time.

Hmmm. Schumer had pneumonia and now Clinton has it.

Coincidence? Let’s hope so because there’s way too much ewwww in the alternative.

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