You’ve Got to Be Kidding Me: Hillary Clinton Is Looking to a 2020 Run

hillary-clinton-laughingRon Fournier, longtime Washington Bureau chief and a fixture of the White House press corps for a couple of decades, has been covering Bill and Hillary Clinton since his days as a reporter in Little Rock, Arkansas. Today this appears in his Twitter timeline:



And, if you read the responses a lot of other people — people, I might add who thought Hillary was headed toward a 500+ electoral vote vote — had the same feeling.

There are three facts to keep in mind here. First, Fournier is not Alex Jones. He isn’t prone to flights of fancy and he isn’t about to burn down a reputation built over the course of a lifetime to get a little buzz on Twitter. Second, you can never go wrong by betting on Bill or Hillary Clinton to engage in craven opportunism. Third, the DNC is owned and operated by the Clintons. It is staffed by Clinton loyalists. It floats on cash raised by the Clinton fundraising apparatus. As we saw this year, if Hillary Clinton decides to put in her dentures, pull on her Depends, and make another White House run in 2020, no one in the DNC is going to stand in her way.

The National Review’s Jim Geraghty is ready with a campaign slogan: Hillary Clinton 2020: Because America Hasn’t Suffered Enough.


  • Even if she is planning to run again, I don’t see how a recount, if it ends in the same result of Trump winning, possibly helps her chances for 2020.

  • Wouldn't you like to know

    Right-on. She doesn’t whine, she doesn’t cry, she marches forward!

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