Two More Muslim Terror Incidents in Europe: Hammer Attack at Notre Dame, Priest Attacked in Spain

More violence and murder from the “religion of peace”.

Two other terror incidents have occurred in Europe since the weekend that aren’t getting the same kind of coverage as the London Bridge attack.

On Tuesday, an Algerian student shouted “This is for Syria!” and proceed to attack a police officer with a hammer outside the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, France. The officer was only slightly injured. Daily Mail reports:

The man, whose name has not been released but is said to be a mature student in his 40s, was shot and injured by police after he used a hammer to attack an officer patrolling with two other policemen at 4.30pm local time.

One of the officers responded with two gunshots, which injured the assailant, who was carrying kitchen knives, a hammer and other unsophisticated weapons.

Paris prosecutors opened a counter-terrorism investigation soon after the attack after the hammer-wielding Algerian said he was an ‘ISIS soldier of caliphate’, according to a probe source.

The day before this attack, ISIS released a call for “soldiers” to “conduct operations” against Christians in France:

O’ people of France, demand of your government to stop its campaign against the Islamic State, if not, we will conduct operations of invasion and horror as you have lived in the cities of Paris and Nice. May peace be upon those who follow the guided message.

Soldiers of the Islamic State in France.

There were 900 visitors inside the cathedral which was put on lockdown. They had no idea what had happened outside. They were instructed to raise their hands as police searched them pew by pew. Surrounding buildings and cafes were also put on lockdown.

On Saturday in Spain, a 22-year-old Muslim man disrupted a wedding ceremony at a Catholic church, shouted “Allahu Akbar” and attacked the priest. The suspect tried to hurl sacramental objects at the wedding guests before being chased away. He also attacked several people on his way out.

PJ Media reports:

Police were able to identify and arrest the attacker, who will now be prosecuted for causing public disorder, threatening others, and for insulting religious sensibilities. The priest who blessed the wedding explained afterward that a “group of young troublemakers” started making noise at the back of the church. Next, one of the “young people” shouted “Allahu Akhbar” and charged the altar. “A lot of people,” the priest went on to explain, “including the bride’s mother, were crying, and there were people who had already jumped out of the pews because we did not know whether this person came alone or not, or if he was armed.”

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