Iran is now threatening the US that it will accelerate its nuclear bomb program

Iran is once again threatening to abandon the phony nuclear agreement and accelerate its nuclear program if the US doesn’t comply with its wishes:

NY POST – Iran on Tuesday warned that it could rev up its nuclear program if the US continues “threats and sanctions” against the country — and threatened to bail on the nuke deal it cut with world powers in 2015.

“In an hour and a day, Iran could return to a more advanced [nuclear] level than at the beginning of the negotiations,” President Hassan Rouhani told lawmakers, adding that Iran’s preference was to remain in the accord.

His remarks were his most direct warning yet that the deal could fall apart, and risked ratcheting up tensions with the US and President Trump.

The president had repeatedly denounced the deal, and said just last week that he believed Iran was in violation of its terms, which limited Iran’s ability to produce a nuclear weapon while ending most sanctions against it.

If I had to pick between N. Korea and Iran on which is more dangerous, I’d definitely go with Iran. It’s beyond baffling why Obama ever negotiated this ridiculous nuclear agreement in the first place with a terrorist country that will never comply with it.

They might as well go ahead and rip up the agreement because it’s not worth the paper it was printed on. We should have done so already and I still hope we do it first.

I think at this point it’s a fait accompli that they will get nuclear weapons. If Netanyahu was right five years ago at the UN, then they already have them.

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