Antifa Leader: “Violence Against Right Wingers Is Not a Crime”

One of the many things the Democrat establishment and the Republican establishment agree on is that Antifa goons are the “good guys”, [simply] because they oppose [Nazis and the KKK (which we also oppose and so what?)].

That puts a “white hat” on Yvette Felarca:

Felarca, the Berkeley area school teacher and militant left-wing protester responsible for organizing the riot at the University of California, Berkeley in February 2017, claims that violence against the far-right is “not a crime.”

Felarca, who belongs to “By Any Means Necessary,” a far-left group, is currently facing assault charges after she was caught on video assaulting a white supremacist during a July 2016 rally in Sacramento, Cali. …

“Standing up against fascism and the rise of Nazism and fascism in this country is not a crime,” she said.

By “fascism” and “Nazism,” she means any point of view to her right, i.e., any point of view other than her own — including those of Antifa’s useful idiot mainstream supporters.

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