Great episode Reuven and Chaim. Please do an episode on marijuana legalization (and consumption in general) – also very harmful.
Theodore Dalrymple contrasts the argument for its legalization with the same false argument for the legalization of necrophilia — in that it doesn’t harm anyone (but it does in fact harm society as a whole).
Dovid_2 Many people are saying America Needs to Legalize Prostitution, Sex Work for all Consenting Adults and in Every State. There are countless Incels
Involuntary Celibates in America who want Sex yet for various reasons are unable to get it
Incels are Suffering unbearably every single day, and they can’t even legally pay for Sex with Fear of being Arrested ,
The “Freedom” in America is a Joke, a Sick Pathetic Joke
There are many Evil, Wicked forms of Prohibition in America,
Such as “Suicide Prevention”
Forced Living Extremism in America
Pro-Life Suicide Prevention Extremism is Evil, Torture, Cruel and Unethical
The Right To Die Movement continues to Grow in America and Worldwide
America sadly Sucks in Many Ways
Why does America
Torture and Torment
Incels and Other Sex Starved people by Denying them the
Right to Paid Sex via
Legalized Prostitution ?
Why ? How the Hell can America expect countless Tens of Millions of
Involuntary Celibates , Incel Americans to Live without Sex , How ? How ? How ?
People are Suffering Every Single Day in America from
Incel problems , Its No Joke
The Public Schools in America need to Teach Social Skills to All Students , so they don’t grow up to be Incels
Because Not All Parents Teach Social Skills to their Children
Losing weight may not seem easy right away—but it can be.
With the perfect balance of ingredients, instruction, and examples, this brand-new cookbook features three chapters, over 10,000 words,
and a mixture of breakfast, dinner and lunch recipes. <— download here completely free.
And all of it is designed to deliver you an unparalleled new way of losing weight. <— download here completely free.
HeZqdnryzW , we are Talking about the Intense Sufferings of Incels , the Growing Incel
Involuntary Celibacy Crisis in America and Worldwide, and the Need of America to Legalize Prostitution in Every State Immediately
Incel Lives Matter !
Incels , are Human Beings with Feelings and Valid Legitimate Desires and Needs
Chronic Long Term Involuntary Celibacy problems is an
Extremely Serious Painful Problem for Countless people , causing Horrible Suffering that words cannot describe
And they can’t even legally pay for Sex with Prostitutes without fear of being Arrested
99.9 percent of the Time
Incels are the REAL Victims in Life
That’s why Incels and other Sex Starved people unable to get Sex what it
Legalized in All 50 States but at Reasonable Prices, there should be some Regulation, more people are Realizing that Sexual Intercourse, Sexual Relations is indeed a
Human Right, Civil Right, there is a Right To Sex , for All Human Beings, especially for people with Special Needs
What are America and Other Nations going to do to Help Incels and other people unable to get Sex naturally ?
Involuntary Celibacy is everybody’s problem, it could happen to anyone
SEX is a Vital Want and Need
That’s why Incels and other Sex Starved people unable to get Sex WANT it
Legalized in All 50 States but at Reasonable Prices, there should be some Regulations in Place
Plus, Incel problems are also common in the Animal Kingdom
There are Animals Suffering from Involuntary Celibacy,
Israel has “Security Agreements” and “Security Coordination” with
the Fakestinian “Authority”
And Still this Happens, it’s also been documented how in the past Arabs have even used innocent Animals to carry out Terrorist attacks against Israel
They Exploit and use
Innocent Animals to Carry out Terrorist Attacks against Israel
The Death toll from the
Fakestinian East Jerusalem Synagogue Terror Attack is up to 7, and Israel arrests 42 Arabs in Response , Only 42 Arrested , that’s it ?
plus has an article headlined
“Palestinians celebrate Jerusalem synagogue massacre with fireworks, sweets” on
January 28, 2023
Sick Satanic Fakestinian “Celebrations”
Truly Demonic
Are you thinking of
Ernst vom Rath an article online about him said “Rath, though an anti-Semite himself, had expressed regret at the treatment and suffering of Jews.” Was
vom Rath homosexual ? has a
Pro-Israel article headlined
“From the River to the Sea, Palestine is already free”
by Alan Perlman
January 23, 2023 about the Origin of the name “Palestine”
221 , what about the
Suffering, the Intense Sufferings of Incels , incels
Incels are Human Beings with Feelings, it can happen to Anyone
The Incel Crisis is sadly getting worse and worse in America and Worldwide , it’s No Joke
All People Need More Sex
Not Less
Chaim, former city councilman and Orthodox Jew David Greenfield, was an advocate for public school security guards in Yeshivas. He said on his that anyone against public school security in Yeshivas didn’t care about children. Was he bought off or just ignorant?
A Christian typed online several years ago
“Out of all the people in the world who should stand with Israel and the Jewish people, it is Christians.
If a Christian is not standing with Israel and the Jewish people, it is like hating your brother or sister or parents. God sees Christians and Jews as people He has called out from the world. So we do not look or act like the world.
And I suspect you will find those “Christians” who stand with the “Palestinians” and demonize Israel, as not Christians, but people caught up in “Churchianity”. A tare form of the fake Christian.
Yes we love and want to help the “Palestinians”. But we do not do it at the expense of Israel and the Jewish people, whom God still has love and plans for.
We do not help the “Palestinians” at all, by demonizing the only people who are actually protecting them, Israel.
The rest of the world ensures the disease, hate, destruction in Palestinian areas, because the world supports those who enslave those Arabs in Israel in the areas of Gaza and Judea.
The EU/Obama admin/UN enable those who do more harm to the “Palestinians” and stand with the lies and Islamic terrorists that keep the “Palestinians” in slavery to hate, hopelessness and despair.
And the UN/Obama/EU do it on purpose. Antisemitism has a home in these worldly groups, driven by greed for Arab ,money, lack of love for the “palestinians” and self interest.
I pray for those who stand with Israel and for helping and doing what is right for those trapped in the Gaza and Judea areas under the fascism of Islamic terrorism of Hamas, Hezbollah and Iranian funded hate and savagery.”
Of course, if you claim that they can do this evil in a “safe way” that is dishonest to, especially with all of the drugs and alcohol, etc. involved and people chasing after their unholy desires. There is no safe way it can be done even the safest of intentions have resulted in people doing great injury to themselves, not just physically, but in so many other ways.
YHVHalliance , if the U.S. Government , Israeli Government and other World Governments are reading all the comments on they Know that Incels are Suffering Unbearably, Incel problems are sadly getting worse and worse every day in America and Worldwide
How can America and the World help people Suffering from
Chronic Long Term
Involuntary Celibacy , Incel problems
I’m neither an Incel or a troll , however , like most people I did have problems dating in the past. Now
Countless American Citizens understandably Hate America with a Passion, because of the countless problems America has and because the
“Freedom” in America is a Joke
How can Incels and other suffering people be Patriotic,
How ?
How ?
Life isn’t supposed to be easy all of the time. The opposite is also true. We lack middle ground these days. It’s all out of wack. Feminism has gone too far. The system wants compliant immigrants. has an article headlined
“Have More Sex, Please!”
on Feb. 13, 2023
By Magdalene J. Taylor This article mentions the Intense
Sufferings of Incels
About Transgender
A UK museum has reclassified the ancient Roman emperor Elagabalus as transgender and will subsequently be referring to the ruler as “she” in its displays.
Anyone read about it ?
Great episode Reuven and Chaim. Please do an episode on marijuana legalization (and consumption in general) – also very harmful.
Theodore Dalrymple contrasts the argument for its legalization with the same false argument for the legalization of necrophilia — in that it doesn’t harm anyone (but it does in fact harm society as a whole).
Shabbat Shalom.
Dovid_2 Many people are saying America Needs to Legalize Prostitution, Sex Work for all Consenting Adults and in Every State. There are countless Incels
Involuntary Celibates in America who want Sex yet for various reasons are unable to get it
Incels are Suffering unbearably every single day, and they can’t even legally pay for Sex with Fear of being Arrested ,
The “Freedom” in America is a Joke, a Sick Pathetic Joke
There are many Evil, Wicked forms of Prohibition in America,
Such as “Suicide Prevention”
Forced Living Extremism in America
Pro-Life Suicide Prevention Extremism is Evil, Torture, Cruel and Unethical
The Right To Die Movement continues to Grow in America and Worldwide
America sadly Sucks in Many Ways
Why does America
Torture and Torment
Incels and Other Sex Starved people by Denying them the
Right to Paid Sex via
Legalized Prostitution ?
Why ? How the Hell can America expect countless Tens of Millions of
Involuntary Celibates , Incel Americans to Live without Sex , How ? How ? How ?
People are Suffering Every Single Day in America from
Incel problems , Its No Joke
The Public Schools in America need to Teach Social Skills to All Students , so they don’t grow up to be Incels
Because Not All Parents Teach Social Skills to their Children
Losing weight may not seem easy right away—but it can be.
With the perfect balance of ingredients, instruction, and examples, this brand-new cookbook features three chapters, over 10,000 words,
and a mixture of breakfast, dinner and lunch recipes. <— download here completely free.
And all of it is designed to deliver you an unparalleled new way of losing weight. <— download here completely free.
HeZqdnryzW , we are Talking about the Intense Sufferings of Incels , the Growing Incel
Involuntary Celibacy Crisis in America and Worldwide, and the Need of America to Legalize Prostitution in Every State Immediately
Incel Lives Matter !
Incels , are Human Beings with Feelings and Valid Legitimate Desires and Needs
Chronic Long Term Involuntary Celibacy problems is an
Extremely Serious Painful Problem for Countless people , causing Horrible Suffering that words cannot describe
And they can’t even legally pay for Sex with Prostitutes without fear of being Arrested
99.9 percent of the Time
Incels are the REAL Victims in Life
Legalized prostitution in Nevada is very expensive. Legalizing doesn’t mean easier necessarily.
That’s why Incels and other Sex Starved people unable to get Sex what it
Legalized in All 50 States but at Reasonable Prices, there should be some Regulation, more people are Realizing that Sexual Intercourse, Sexual Relations is indeed a
Human Right, Civil Right, there is a Right To Sex , for All Human Beings, especially for people with Special Needs
What are America and Other Nations going to do to Help Incels and other people unable to get Sex naturally ?
Involuntary Celibacy is everybody’s problem, it could happen to anyone
SEX is a Vital Want and Need
That’s why Incels and other Sex Starved people unable to get Sex WANT it
Legalized in All 50 States but at Reasonable Prices, there should be some Regulations in Place
Plus, Incel problems are also common in the Animal Kingdom
There are Animals Suffering from Involuntary Celibacy,
Be less gay and you get girls
221 , Let’s be Serious,
The Incels are Suffering in America and Worldwide , the Incel Crisis is Very Real
4 dead in E. Jerusalem synagogue slaying by fakestinian
Israel has “Security Agreements” and “Security Coordination” with
the Fakestinian “Authority”
And Still this Happens, it’s also been documented how in the past Arabs have even used innocent Animals to carry out Terrorist attacks against Israel
They Exploit and use
Innocent Animals to Carry out Terrorist Attacks against Israel
The Death toll from the
Fakestinian East Jerusalem Synagogue Terror Attack is up to 7, and Israel arrests 42 Arabs in Response , Only 42 Arrested , that’s it ?
plus has an article headlined
“Palestinians celebrate Jerusalem synagogue massacre with fireworks, sweets” on
January 28, 2023
Sick Satanic Fakestinian “Celebrations”
Truly Demonic
Ernst Rohm was SA not SS.
I Read Rise and Fall of the Third Reich; there wasn’t one word about homosexuality.
Are you thinking of
Ernst vom Rath an article online about him said “Rath, though an anti-Semite himself, had expressed regret at the treatment and suffering of Jews.” Was
vom Rath homosexual ? has a
Pro-Israel article headlined
“From the River to the Sea, Palestine is already free”
by Alan Perlman
January 23, 2023 about the Origin of the name “Palestine”
The Jerusalem Post has an article headlined
“The Israeli-Palestinian conflict can’t be solved, only ended – opinion”
Published: JANUARY 4, 2023
Do we agree with this article ?
The homosexual agenda has been there for a while. Transgender is just the tip of the spear of the transhumanist agenda you unwittingly support.
221 , what about the
Suffering, the Intense Sufferings of Incels , incels
Incels are Human Beings with Feelings, it can happen to Anyone
The Incel Crisis is sadly getting worse and worse in America and Worldwide , it’s No Joke
All People Need More Sex
Not Less
Sex Robots aren’t the Answer
Incels and other people unable to get Sex need Real Sex
Chaim, former city councilman and Orthodox Jew David Greenfield, was an advocate for public school security guards in Yeshivas. He said on his that anyone against public school security in Yeshivas didn’t care about children. Was he bought off or just ignorant?
A Christian typed online several years ago
“Out of all the people in the world who should stand with Israel and the Jewish people, it is Christians.
If a Christian is not standing with Israel and the Jewish people, it is like hating your brother or sister or parents. God sees Christians and Jews as people He has called out from the world. So we do not look or act like the world.
And I suspect you will find those “Christians” who stand with the “Palestinians” and demonize Israel, as not Christians, but people caught up in “Churchianity”. A tare form of the fake Christian.
Yes we love and want to help the “Palestinians”. But we do not do it at the expense of Israel and the Jewish people, whom God still has love and plans for.
We do not help the “Palestinians” at all, by demonizing the only people who are actually protecting them, Israel.
The rest of the world ensures the disease, hate, destruction in Palestinian areas, because the world supports those who enslave those Arabs in Israel in the areas of Gaza and Judea.
The EU/Obama admin/UN enable those who do more harm to the “Palestinians” and stand with the lies and Islamic terrorists that keep the “Palestinians” in slavery to hate, hopelessness and despair.
And the UN/Obama/EU do it on purpose. Antisemitism has a home in these worldly groups, driven by greed for Arab ,money, lack of love for the “palestinians” and self interest.
I pray for those who stand with Israel and for helping and doing what is right for those trapped in the Gaza and Judea areas under the fascism of Islamic terrorism of Hamas, Hezbollah and Iranian funded hate and savagery.”
A person online mentioned
Fakestinian “civil society” that’s a good one , what civil society, the ultimate oxymoron for those people has a article headlined
“Sins of commission and omission in anti-Israel reporting”
by Hugo Gurdon
January 31, 2023 on September 26, 2017 has an article headlined
“A textbook case of media bias that most people would miss”
Of course, if you claim that they can do this evil in a “safe way” that is dishonest to, especially with all of the drugs and alcohol, etc. involved and people chasing after their unholy desires. There is no safe way it can be done even the safest of intentions have resulted in people doing great injury to themselves, not just physically, but in so many other ways.
YHVHalliance , if the U.S. Government , Israeli Government and other World Governments are reading all the comments on they Know that Incels are Suffering Unbearably, Incel problems are sadly getting worse and worse every day in America and Worldwide
How can America and the World help people Suffering from
Chronic Long Term
Involuntary Celibacy , Incel problems
Discourage careers for women and feminism.
So are you saying Incels are right about some things, about why can’t get Sex ? Is there some truth to their beliefs
Are you one of them or a troll?
I’m neither an Incel or a troll , however , like most people I did have problems dating in the past. Now
Countless American Citizens understandably Hate America with a Passion, because of the countless problems America has and because the
“Freedom” in America is a Joke
How can Incels and other suffering people be Patriotic,
How ?
How ?
Rejection is very painful,
Romantic Rejection is Very Painful for Incels and other Sex Starved people
Life isn’t supposed to be easy all of the time. The opposite is also true. We lack middle ground these days. It’s all out of wack. Feminism has gone too far. The system wants compliant immigrants.
Incels have always existed throughout Human History ,
Has Feminism made it even more difficult for Men to get Girlfriends and Sex ?
Feminism has indeed gone way too far , it is worsening the Growing Incel Crisis in America and Worldwide has an article headlined
“Have More Sex, Please!”
on Feb. 13, 2023
By Magdalene J. Taylor This article mentions the Intense
Sufferings of Incels
About Transgender
A UK museum has reclassified the ancient Roman emperor Elagabalus as transgender and will subsequently be referring to the ruler as “she” in its displays.
Anyone read about it ?