• newsweek.com has an article headlined
    “Sarandon, Dershowitz’s Opposing Views of Islamophobia See Different Results”
    Nov 21, 2023 by Paul Bond

    • Hitler had horrible teeth
      Thus showing the truth of the Bible verse
      Psalm 3:7 which says
      “Arise, O LORD! Save me, O my God! For you strike all my enemies on the cheek; you break the teeth of the wicked.” English Standard Version , ESV

    • A person typed online Yesterday
      “Qatar, a country that gladly harbors terrorists and is the home base for the leadership of HAMAS. A nation that allows HAMAS, Islamic Jihad and other violently Antisemitic, anti -Western groups to operate openly and freely. A nation that has given billions to HAMAS, knowing it was using the $ for terror not to help Gazans.

      Qatar and many other countries empowered HAMAS which allowed it to carry out its attack on Oct 7th. HAMAS thrives because of Qatar.

      Instead of always blaming Israel for all of the troubles in the region, maybe the real focus should be Qatar and other Arab nations that enable, promote and fund terror.

      Thanks, Qatar.”

    • israeltoday.co.il has an article headlined
      “Palestinians: ‘Extreme’ support for Hamas, Israel’s destruction”
      By Bassam Tawil Nov 23, 2023

    • The Jerusalem Post
      jpost.com has an article headlined
      “Israeli victims of Hamas terror file suit against Qatari banks, charities”
      By BENJAMIN WEINTHAL Published: JUNE 13, 2021
      Both Iran & Qatar and All their
      “citizens” & “civilians” Need to be Sued For Everything They Have for the Attacks of October 7th, 2023

    • timesofisrael.com has an article headlined
      “Hamas’s hostage manipulations show how much control it continues to hold over Gaza”
      26 November 2023,

    • conservativewoman.co.uk
      has an article headlined
      “The big lie about Israel threatens us all”
      By Philip Vander Elst
      November 25, 2023

    • Any opinion of Dutch Politician
      Geert Wilders recent Political Victory

    • A person typed online yesterday
      November 27, 2023 in defense of Elon Musk
      “It’s scary how many fellow Jews are so quick to call Musk a Jew hater and yet will endlessly defend Obama on the same subject.”

  • jewishpolicycenter.org
    has an article headlined
    “The ‘Genocide,’ ‘Colonialist’ and ‘Racist’ Lies” by
    Eric Rozenman • November 13, 2023

  • Anyone hear news that
    Russia’s Wagner Group Plans to Send Air Defenses to Hezbollah or
    Iran , articles about this appeared online
    Anyone read about it ?

  • blogs.timesofisrael.com has an article headlined
    “Letter from a left-wing atheist Arab to Jewish enablers of Hamas” on
    NOV 9, 2023 by Fred Maroun , a
    rare, extremely rare decent Arab

  • I don’t care if she is German- Ursula von der Leyen is a piece of tuchus.

  • On Thanksgiving, why doesn’t the President pardon a matsoh ball.

  • A person typed online earlier today
    November 29, 2023
    “Billions of people around the globe are about to celebrate the birthday of a Jewish man, born in Bethlehem 2000+ years ago, but don’t think Jews lived there before 1948.”

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