After Bashing Alicia Machado’s ‘Sex Tape,’ of Course a Trump Porn Video Surfaces!

donald-trump-sex-tape-porn-videoRemember that Trump casinos were the first in the world with porn, strip clubs, and gay strip clubs and that Trump’s wife was also in lesbian porn.

I should have known that when el Trumpo bashed former Miss Universe Alicia Machado for a supposed “sex tape” that he would have something just as bad or worse in his history. That’s exactly his standard practice.

It took Andrew Kaczynski of Buzzfeed to find the video:

Donald Trump made an appearance in an explicit 2000 Playboy video.

Trump’s role in the porn is relatively benign and centers around him breaking a bottle of champagne on a Playboy-branded limo while several of the playmates are visiting New York City. BuzzFeed News obtained the footage from the online-only Buffalo, New York–based adult video store Cinema Cornucopia.


On a bus tour hunt for the 2000 Playmate of the Year around the country, the Playmates travel to different cities including New York, Las Vegas, Chicago, Nashville, and San Diego. Trump welcomes the Playmates in New York and pops a bottle of champagne to kick off the New York stop. Trump then pours it over the Playboy bunny logo.

“Beauty is beauty, and let’s see what happens with New York,” Trump says.

Nobody cares what degenerate stuff Trump does in his personal life, but it’s certainly hypocritical of him to clutch his fake pearls and act aghast at the actions of Alicia Machado, when he himself appeared in a softcore porn0 video.

The Trump campaign was asked to comment about Trump’s porn0:


But hey, don’t worry. I guarantee it’s gonna get worse before it gets better!

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