America-Hater Colin Kaepernick named “Citizen of the Year” by GQ Magazine

The irony… They call him an American “hero” for hating America.

Colin Kaepernick — the former [degenerate and racist] NFL quarterback who launched a trend of kneeling during the national anthem to protest racism and police brutality in America — was named “Citizen of the Year” by GQ magazine on Monday.

The feature article accompanying Kaepernick’s cover photo notes that his anthem kneeling “puts him in rare company in sports history: [Muslim] Muhammad Ali, Jackie Robinson—athletes who risked everything to make a difference.”

“Approximately 90 men are currently employed as quarterbacks in the NFL, as either starters or reserves, and Colin Kaepernick is better—indisputably, undeniably, flat-out better—than at least 70 of them,” the article states. “He is still, to this day, one of the most gifted quarterbacks on earth. And yet he has been locked out of the game he loves—blackballed—because of one simple gesture: He knelt during the playing of our national anthem.”

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