Arab Muslim Terrorists Firebomb Jewish Motorists in Jerusalem

firebombA 27-year-old Israeli woman suffered moderate injuries with first and second-degree burns over 20 percent of her body after she and her husband were firebombed while driving in northern Jerusalem on Monday.

The attack occurred at a junction between the northern Jerusalem neighborhoods of Beit Hanina (Arab) and Pisgat Ze’ev (Jewish).

The woman’s husband was uninjured in the attack. But a passerby who tried to offer assistance suffered smoke inhalation, and a pedestrian was lightly injured after being hit by the couple’s vehicle as it went up in flames.

The injured woman was said to be in stable condition at Jerusalem’s Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital.

Police forces quickly secured the junction and set up roadblocks in an effort to apprehend the perpetrators. Authorities also ejected a group of Arab youth who had gathered to watch the targeted car burn.

Stoning and firebomb attacks against Jewish motorists have become routine at this particular junction, as well as at other locations on the eastern side of Israel’s capital.

Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat said in the wake of Monday’s attack that “every stone and firebomb thrown is an act of terrorism. We will not surrender to terror.”


  • Monday, August 03, 2015
    By the way, Arabs throw firebombs at Jews every day

  • Every time a Jew is murdered by Palestinians, there should be rage on the street against the politicians who won’t allow the IDF to do their job and have been appeasing the Arabs and refusing to deal with the arson, firebombing, drive by shootings and rock throwing at cars that has been going on for months. Appeasement causes more anger in Israelis as well as more Arab terrorism.

  • like except for right now, where they are surrendering to terror by doing nothing, but yeah like other times that don’t exist yet they won’t surrender to it 4 sure.

    Also, please disable the ip protection thing on LKZ, it says this: Login failed. This account is protected by ip address. If you are the owner of this account you can reset this by creating a secure login link sent to your email address.

    then i click and get no email.

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