• There are no palestinians. And the so called christians in the middle east are mostly idolators and pagans. Not to mention terrorists. Bentzi Gopstein was right about them. Its not real christianity!

      • Kyle, No Palestinians,
        Only Fakestinians

      • Kyle, Fakestinian Christians are such Vile Jew-Haters that if they could, they would even murder the innocent baby Jesus for being a Jewish infant, all the Disciples and Early Followers of Jesus were Jews , still that wouldn’t stop the Fakestinian Christians from Murdering in Cold Blood all the Early Jewish Followers of Jesus if they could

      • Kyle, the late
        Syrian Catholic “bishop”
        Hilarion Capucci who thankfully died on
        January 1, 2017 was a perfect Example of how
        Arab Christians are Sadly Also

      • Kyle ,
        blogs.timesofisrael.com has
        An article by
        Dexter Van Zile is headlined
        “Jack Munayer’s Improper Use of Privilege”
        JUNE 15, 2020 about how Palestinian Christians are Ungrateful Liars, distort the truth leaving out Context and are Supporters of Terrorism,

      • algemeiner.com has an article headlined
        “The Palestinian Christians Defending Hamas”
        by Dexter Van Zile on
        July 14, 2021

      • Kyle, the Fakestinian Christian
        Edward Said was Evil as well ,
        Have you ever heard of
        Alex Odeh ? Hello ?

    • blogs.timesofisrael.com has an article headlined
      “Why Has Jack Sara Declared War On American Evangelicals?”
      JAN 27, 2018, about how Fakestinian Christians Lie all the Time in order to demonize Israel

    • More about Fakestinian Christians and their Usual Hate, Terrorism & Lies
      camera.org has an article headlined

  • Two Palestinian Christians are that hideous beast Hanan Ashrawi and the evil assassin Sirhan Sirhan. Let them eat pig’s feet.

    • I remember the self hating jew Peter Jennings had an affair with Hanan. YEECH!!

      • Kyle, Peter Jennings wasn’t a
        self-hating Jew , Jennings was a Non-Jew, but Jennings was a Vile Anti-Semite & Jew-Hater. Good that Jennings is dead,

    • A friend of mine years ago said
      Hanan Ashrawi is an Arab Whore and basically an Ugly Bullfrog

    • Don’t forget the late
      George Habash of the
      Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, he was a Fakestinian Christian and Arab Monster

    • About the Ugly bullfrog
      Hanan Ashwari
      aijac.org.au has an article headlined
      “Hanan Ashrawi proves – yet again – why she should never have been a candidate for any peace prize”
      Nov 6, 2023 by Alana Schetzer, Allon Lee



    • From askdrbrown.org an article is headlined
      “A Reprehensible Statement from Palestinian Christians” on
      October 22, 2023 by
      Michael L. Brown

  • No rockets- only boots on the ground- sounds like the Bay of Pigs and will get you the same result

  • thanks again

  • So sorry Chaim to hear about your precious mother……… Having known her I can only say that she was what we used to call her that being a Honey Bun. Such a person really did make the world a better place………

    The Arabs who live in Israel are a real cancer. And cancers have to be eliminated or else the host will die. No longer can Israel allow Arabs to feed off of Jews.

    He who is merciful to the cruel is destined to be cruel to the merciful / Kohelet Raba 7. So true in Israel today where the leaders bend over backwards to appease those who do not recognize the sovereignty of a Jewish State, while preventing true Torah Zionists to even publicly speak about this fact. This Chilul Hashem must stop.

    • Bruce, The Arabs are a Cancer in every nation that they live, look at how they Act, everywhere they go they cause trouble, violence,crime, spew Raw-Hate , it’s always their fault, Everything is their fault.

    • Bruce, more about the Arab Cancer
      meforum.org has an article headlined
      “Why Israel’s Arabs Are Its Biggest Threat”
      by Efraim Karsh
      Middle East Quarterly
      Spring 2022 (view PDF) ,
      The sad fact is most Arabs, Fakestinians and Muslims are so Evil & Wicked that even if they discovered the honest truth about
      Israel and Jews not being the bad guys, it would Not Change them, they would still the desire the Extermination of Israel and the Jews , even if the Propaganda and Anti-Israel Lies were exposed to them and they became aware of the truth, it would Not Change their Evil and Wickedness, that’s the sad ugly truth

    • Speaking about the Arabs being a Cancer, in 2019
      Jennifer Lopez performed in Israel.
      Jennifer Lopez was in Israel performing for her Concert
      Countless people were terrified that the Arabs would try to murder
      her in Cold Blood for performing in
      Israel. Countless Jennifer Lopez fans knew that the Arabs would harm or murder her in cold blood if they could. Jennifer Lopez fans were concerned for her Safety.
      Thank God the Arabs were unable to harm her .

      • Countless Jennifer Lopez fans were concerned for her safety when she was performing in
        Israel in 2019
        They were terrified that the Arabs would try to kill her , like the Arabs killed
        Robert F. Kennedy for Supporting Israel.
        Thankfully God & the Bodyguards, Security Agents did a good Job of Protecting
        Jennifer Lopez

    • Bruce , many Arab “citizens” of Israel are a hideous Fifth Column

  • Condolences on your dear mother’s passing, death is a night between two days.

  • And again, more jews crying because the people you fuck over fight back and fight back hard,

    let me see. imagine the Palestinians had half the shit USA gave you….. you’d already have a ticket back to Hungary you kikes!

  • More about the Fakestinian people
    Has an article headlined
    “Everyone hates Palestinian Arabs when there are no Jews around” on Monday June 8, 2015

    Nobody, Nobody truly cares about the Fakestinian people, they just use the Fakestinians as pawns to attack Israel and the Jews ,
    The poor Suffering Fakestinians , poor poor Fakestinians, all of their alleged suffering is Their own Fault
    Not the Fault of Israel or the Jewish people, all the alleged Suffering of the Fakestinian people is their own Fault
    Everything is their Fault

  • This is a Superb Video
    Exposes Fakestinian Lies

  • Even more disturbing is articles online documenting how
    many Arab “societies” are becoming Very Anti-American
    Rabidly Anti-American .
    Those people are Certainly Addicted to their Hate , they hate America, Israel, the West , is their anything the Arabs don’t hate ?

  • Kyle, also about
    Arab and Fakestinian Christians being Evil, Wicked
    The Jerusalem Post website
    jpost.com has an article about the Liar Munther Isaac headlined
    “Report: Palestinian pastor relays PA lies at Christ at Checkpoint”
     MARCH 8, 2016

    • About the Fakestinian
      Christian Liar Munther Isaac , online it says he holds a BS from
      Birzeit University near Ramallah in
      “Palestine” BS , a rather accurate description of the Anti-Israel Lies he spews

    • Even More about the
      Fakestinian Christian Liar
      Munther Isaac
      blogs.timesofisrael.com has an article headlined
      “Paying the Jizya in Bethlehem”
      APR 15, 2016 by
      Dexter Van Zile

    • About Fakestinian Christians networks.h-net.org has an article headlined
      “Antisemitism in Palestinian Christian Theology” on
      March 29, 2014 by
      Prof Alejandro

  • A rather revealing article from
    aish.com by Rivka Ronda
    Robinson is headlined
    “From Egyptian Muslim to Defender of Israel” this article is about Hussein Aboubakr Mansour and quotes Mr. Mansour as saying
    “I was born an Arab; I know how violent, hateful, intolerant and aggressive Arabs are. So I support the right of the free people of Israel to have their own independent country. I support the civilized man against the savage, I support honesty over dishonesty, I support life over death, I support freedom against slavery, I support intelligence over stupidity, I support rationalism over terrorism. Thus, my dear reader, I support Israel.” a rare decent Arab tells the truth, an exception that proves the rule

  • Also about Hussein Aboubakr
    standwithus.com has an article headlined
    “Minority of One’: How Hussein Aboubakr Risked His Life to Become a Warrior for Peace”
    by Gerri Miller

    June 15, 2020

  • More about the Fakestinian
    Christian Munther Isaac
    and his BS Lies
    news.kehila.org has an article headlined
    “The Checkpoint-Christian’s way to God”
    By Hannah Weiss
    June 22, 2018

  • The Facebook Page Why Jews in
    April 2023 posted
    “Israeli journalist Tuvia Tenenbom spent seven months among American Jews. What is happening to them cannot be called otherwise than a “catastrophe”. A huge number of them show ebullient, rabid anti-Semitism.

    “Outside the Orthodox community, where Jews are proud to be Jews, you get to know the rest of the community, which includes most of them. Some have completely assimilated, but there are others – what you call American Jews. State after state, synagogue after synagogue, what I saw and witnessed was a nightmare.

    Here you have rabbis or so-called rabbis, leaders or supposed leaders, standing on the podium, and all they can say to their listeners is that Israel is an apartheid state and that Judaism is racism. This is what they preach to you, over and over and over…

    Again and again, if you see something anti-Jewish, and you dig deeper and deeper, using a magnifying glass, to see who is behind it, then again and again you find a Jew. This is scary. This is the last call. I would say, it’s time for us Jews to wake up…

    I went to evangelical churches where, as it seemed to me, Jews were loved. The older generation still supports Israel, the younger generation is already talking about a free Palestine. Even in the most Republican states. The youth and the majority are for a free Palestine…

    European anti-Semitism is entering the USA. We are not there yet, America is not yet like Germany, or France, or Belgium, or Poland, but the process is moving in that direction very quickly…

    I have lived in these countries, I am aware, and I can tell you that what I have seen in America now has shocked me, frightened me…

    From Europe through colleges, through various media comes anti-Semitism, classic European anti-Semitism, which is “covered up” with the State of Israel. This is reality. If you don’t wake up, what will happen to us is what happened in Europe…
    If you go to Jordan or Saudi Arabia or Doha, Qatar, you will see a lot of anti-Semitic literature in bookstores and newsstands.

    Guess who wrote these books. Muslims? No, Europeans!
    Arab hatred of Jews will never compare with the hatred of Europeans. There is a cute myth that Muslims are bringing anti-Semitism to the European continent. I’m sorry to disappoint you, but their hatred is as different from European hatred as day and night.

    Even among Palestinians, who hates Jews more: Christians or Muslims? Christians. Do you know how many times I heard from Christian Palestinians that Jews are not people, but demons that fly? I have heard more terrible things from them than from Muslims.”

    From the editors:
    Based on what we just read from Tuvia Tenenbom, we should be reminded yet again that we must unite in order to avoid another catastrophe that happened to us in Europe. And our unity is brotherly love, being one man with one heart, as we promised when we were proclaimed a nation at Mount Sinai.”

  • More about Fakestinian Christians being Evil
    blogs.timesofisrael.com has an article headlined
    “Mitri Raheb’s Dark Side” by Dexter Van Zile
    July 21, 2017

    • More about the Heretic, Liar
      Mitri Raheb
      theaquilareport.com has an article headlined :
      “Jesus was a Palestinian” is a False Narrative”
      by Victor Styrsky | Friday, January 30, 2015

    • More about the liar Mitri Raheb
      mosaicmagazine.com has an article headlined
      “The Palestinian Theologian Trying to Turn Christian Churches against Jews” on
      Feb 9, 2018

  • jcpa.org has an article headlined
    “Palestinian Christian Abuse of Christian Organizations in the West” by
    Dexter Van Zile a Must Read article

  • More about Arab & Fakestinian Christians being
    Evil & Wicked
    content.time.com has an article headlined
    “Terrorism’s Christian Godfather”
    By Scott MacLeod Cairo Monday Jan. 28, 2008
    About the Pig George Habash

  • elderofziyon.blogspot.com has an article headlined
    “Is Naim Ateek of Sabeel antisemitic?” on Wednesday
    February 17, 2021 about how sadly
    Naim Ateek is a Vile Anti-Semite

    • About Naim

      jns.org has an article headlined
      “Priest Naim Ateek’s ‘theology’ of lies and hatred against Israel” by
      Moshe Dann May 28, 2018

      & israelmyglory.org has an article by Charles McCracken on
      September/October 2014 headlined
      “The Art of Reframing: Palestinian Liberation Theology” about the Lies of Naim Ateek

    • About the Liar Heretic
      Naim Ateek
      juicyecumenism.com has an article headlined
      “In Bethlehem, the Wrong Kind of Christian Festival”
      April 9, 2014 by Luke Moon

  • More about Fakestinian
    Christians & Terrorism
    meforum.org has an article headlined
    “Jesus Christ as Palestinian Terrorist?”
    by Raymond Ibrahim on
    January 20, 2022

  • Even More about Fakestinian Christian Lies, Evils & Wickedness
    ngo-monitor.org has an article headlined
    “Deck the Halls with Exploitation: How Anti-Peace NGOs Abuse and Misuse the Message of Christmas” on
    December 23, 2015

  • ngo-monitor.org has an article headlined
    “Sabeel’s Theology of Contempt” on
    June 16, 2015 about the
    Christian Fakestinian Liar & Heretic Naim Ateek

  • Yet even More about the
    Anti-Semitic Cult Sabeel , from
    an article is headlined
    “Updating the Ancient Infrastructure of Christian Contempt: Sabeel” by
    Dexter Van Zile, on April 14, 2012

  • About Fakestinian Christian Liar
    Jack Munayer
    blog.camera.org has an article headlined
    “Distorted History at Christ at the Checkpoint 2018” on
    May 28, 2018

  • camera.org has an article about Another Fakestinian Christian Liar , Heretic Bishara Awad headlined
    BY: DEXTER VAN ZILE on JUNE 13, 2012

  • Kyle , did you see the article from
    israeltoday.co.il headlined
    “Preachers Peddling Lies” on
    January 6, 2022 by
    Charles Gardner about Fakestinian Christian Liars

  • from israelhayom.com an article by
    Barry Shaw
    “Lies Palestinians tell at Christmas” on
    Dec 25, 2019
    Did anyone see it ? Anyone ?

  • commentary.org has an article headlined
    “Don’t Fall For Palestinian Christmas Lies”
    by Jonathan S. Tobin
    on December 24, 2014

  • More about Fakestinian Christian Lies

    malcolmhedding.com has an article headlined:
    “A Refutation of the Film “With God On Our Side” on
    June 3, 2012 by Malcolm Hedding

  • Even More about Fakestinian Christian Wickedness & Evil
    israellycool.com has an article headlined
    “First Woman Pastor in Israel Seems to Have Some Troubling Views”
    by David Lange  on
    January 23, 2023
    About the Lies of Sally Azar

  • foi.org
    has an article headlined
    BY CHRIS KATULKA OCTOBER 1, 2013 , about the BS Heretic
    “Theology” of Fakestinian Christians

  • lcje-na.org has a PDF article headlined
    “Is Christian Palestinianism part of Eschatological Anti-Semitism?” on
    April 22, 2015 by
    Olivier Melnick

  • jns.org has an article about Fakestinian Christian Liar
    Alex Awad headlined:
    ‘They’re all Jews!’ on
    Oct 16, 2018 by
    Dexter Van Zile

  • camera.org has an article headlined
    “Munther Isaac Contradicts Himself ” on
    April 16, 2012 by
    Dexter Van Zile , the Fakestinian Christian Liar Munther Isaac can’t get his Lies correct

    • Even More Disturbing is how
      When some Pro-Israel people sleep they have hideous nightmares and bad dreams about the various Fakestinian Arab
      Christian Liars mentioned here
      These Arab Fakestinian Christian Liars literally torment decent
      Pro-Israel people in their sleep

  • 2.cbn.com has an article headlined
    “Christ at the Checkpoint: Distorting the Biblical and Political Narrative” by
    On March 10, 2016
    Munther Isaac is Refuted in this Article

  • About Fakestinian and Arab Christians, fides.org in
    October 2023 stated
    “The proportion of Christians in the ranks of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) was certainly higher than that of the baptized in the Palestinian population. Among others, Habib Kawaji, Hanna Nasser and Anglican Bishop Elias Khoury were members of the PLO Executive Committee. Historical leaders of the Marxist and radical parties such as George Abash of the Popular Front and Nayef Awatmeh of the Democratic Front also came from Christian families.”

  • Fakestinian Christian Liar
    Munther Isaac gave the World More of his BS with an
    Anti-Semitic Hate Filled “sermon” titled
    “Christ in the Rubble: A Liturgy of Lament” service on Dec. 23 in the West Bank.
    Munther Isaac Lies yet Again
    Fakestinians are the aggressors and yet when Israel defends itself , the Fakestinians cry that they are the victims

  • It’s February 2024
    And Fakestinian Christian
    “pastor” Munther Isaac is still spewing his drivel, hate and lies
    Showing that even Most
    Fakestinian Christians and Arab Christians are Vile Jew-Haters and Nobody’s Friend

  • About the Fakestinian “pastor”
    Munther Isaac
    Bernard N. Howard typed on X , formerly Twitter
    “Munther Isaac is a Christian apologist for Hamas: in his Christmas sermon he said “Gaza was hell on earth before October 7th” and he argued Israel “the colonizer” is “built on the ruins of the towns of those very same Gazans.” He also mocked the principle of Israeli self-defense.” on March 8, 2024
    Munther Isaac is just another
    Stupid Arab Creep and Liar

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