Chaim, you should honestly be running Desantis’s campaign in NY or even nationally. I was die hard Trump till you woke me up. You can get the trumpeters off of the trance they are in.
America Needs a Viable
Third Party , Libertarian Party to Advocate for Libertarian Freedom
As it is, the “Freedom” in America is a Joke , Adults cannot even do what they want with their own lives and bodies , no wonder why Many Americans are Not Patriotic
Adults cannot even do what they want with their own lives and bodies , that is Truly Sickening
Incel Americans are Suffering Unbearably , Countless Americans are unable to Get Sex for Various Reasons , America won’t Legalize Prostitution , America has Disgusting Pro-Life
“Suicide Prevention” and
Forced Living Extremism, and the insane Unjust Failed
“War on Drugs” that Everyone Hates
America Needs a Libertarian President
America Needs Real Freedom
How can Incel Americans possibly like America ?
America is Making Incels Suffer Even More
America Sucks in Many Ways
Americans Know it
The Whole World Knows it
America Needs REAL Freedom
Libertarian Freedom for All Adults
Countless Americans Hate America with a Passion because of it’s horrible Crimes against it’s own Suffering people, Mentally ill, Terminally ill, Incels and other Suffering people , making them suffer even More
Such “Freedom” that America has when Adults cannot even do what they want with their own lives and bodies
The so-called “Freedom” in America is a Joke , Adults cannot even do what they want with their own lives and bodies
Americans want Bodily Autonomy
Incels and other Suffering people want Sex , they want SEX
Just like Everyone Else
In 2019 a person typed on the Internet
“America isn’t a free country by any means; anyone who is skeptical can drive to a law library and delve into the U. S. Statutes at Large and the Code of Federal Regulations. When one has finished that impossible task, Do the same for the state, The county, And the city. Politicians at all levels of government are all in the business of suppressing your natural rights. There are very few freedoms that Americans retain, But these freedoms are only allowed because they’re beneficial to the state.
We have the freedom to shop, The freedom to vote, And the freedom to criticize the government, Of course. A functioning economy is necessary in order to have wealth to plunder. Very few will admit that taxes collected are used at least as often against the taxpayer as they are for the taxpayer. We pay taxes to the rulers who in turn use the taxes to harass us when we travel (e. G. Random checkpoints, TSA), To knock down our doors and shoot us if we try to defend ourselves, To surreptitiously monitor our activities (e. G. En masse surveillance), And give children the ultimatum of killing in war or being thrown in a cage.
Of course, Freedom to vote is important to preserve. After all, It’s a placebo that’s administered to give the masses the illusion that they have some control over what government does. If voting really upset the power structure, It would be prohibited.
As for speech, Robert Higgs notes in “Neither Liberty Nor Safety, “, “Our government usually allows people the freedom of speech. . . Almost as if the rulers had the wit to follow the advice Vilfredo Pareto once gave to Mussolini: “Let the crows caw, But be indefatigable in repressing [rebellious] deeds! Experience demonstrates that leaders who embark upon this path of censorship find headaches, Rather than benefits.”
Life is sadly Horrible for Most People , Many people wish that they were Aborted
America with it’s
“Freedom” makes Incels and other Suffering People Suffer Even More
America is unjustly making Suffering people Suffer even More
Its not God Will that evil happens. God’s Will and what God allows are not one and same.
God did not create robots God allows people their own self physical (fleshly) will and most people they bring on themselves suffering and much is allowed by anti-God people.
Because its Murder. Life begins at conception and conception would not and could not happen unless God allowed. See RUTH 4:13 God said “You will conceive and have a son”
Janet, are you a
Calvinist ? What about the
Predestination vs Free Will Debate ,
God’s Perfect Will vs. Permissive Will, what if the whole Universe is a Giant Computer Simulation as some people claim, and we are All living in a situation similar to the 1999 Movie
“The Matrix”
The “Freedom” in America is a Joke , Adults don’t even have
Bodily Autonomy, Self-Ownership, Self-Determination
Incels and people with
Involuntary Celibacy, Incel Problems are Human Beings with Feelings and Needs just like Everyone Else
Incels are Suffering All Sorts of hideous Mental Health Problems
America isn’t helping Human Beings Suffering from Incel
Involuntary Celibacy Problems
Incels are Human Beings with Feelings, Not Monsters
Yet America gives No Recourse
No Legal Recourse to
Suffering Incels
It’s Terrible how Puritan Sexually Repressive Immature Childish America gives no Legal Recourse for the Countless Incels
People Suffering from Chronic Long Term
Involuntary Celibacy , Incel Problems
A recent article online said about Male Incels that
Incels suffer from poor mental health with high rates of depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts.
America is Making Incels Suffer Even More, Even More
No sound
Chaim, you should honestly be running Desantis’s campaign in NY or even nationally. I was die hard Trump till you woke me up. You can get the trumpeters off of the trance they are in.
Nikki Haley is the prettiest Indian since Priyanka Chopra.
What about Padma Lakshmi ?
How about Persis Khambatta?
How about Aunt Jemima? I heard she can cook too!
Aunt Jemima has been discontinued by the left-wing Christ-killers.
Is Bollywood better than
Hollywood ?
She is hotter than Pocohantas
America Needs a Viable
Third Party , Libertarian Party to Advocate for Libertarian Freedom
As it is, the “Freedom” in America is a Joke , Adults cannot even do what they want with their own lives and bodies , no wonder why Many Americans are Not Patriotic
Adults cannot even do what they want with their own lives and bodies , that is Truly Sickening
Incel Americans are Suffering Unbearably , Countless Americans are unable to Get Sex for Various Reasons , America won’t Legalize Prostitution , America has Disgusting Pro-Life
“Suicide Prevention” and
Forced Living Extremism, and the insane Unjust Failed
“War on Drugs” that Everyone Hates
America Needs a Libertarian President
America Needs Real Freedom
America Needs Real Libertarian Freedom
More Freedom,
Libertarian Freedom
How can Incel Americans possibly like America ?
America is Making Incels Suffer Even More
America Sucks in Many Ways
Americans Know it
The Whole World Knows it
America Needs REAL Freedom
Libertarian Freedom for All Adults
Countless Americans Hate America with a Passion because of it’s horrible Crimes against it’s own Suffering people, Mentally ill, Terminally ill, Incels and other Suffering people , making them suffer even More
Such “Freedom” that America has when Adults cannot even do what they want with their own lives and bodies
The so-called “Freedom” in America is a Joke , Adults cannot even do what they want with their own lives and bodies
Americans want Bodily Autonomy
Incels and other Suffering people want Sex , they want SEX
Just like Everyone Else
An online article said Incel culture went mainstream in 2023
Incels are Suffering Unbearably
We The People,
The American People want More Freedom, Real Freedom
Be Libertarian
In 2019 a person typed on the Internet
“America isn’t a free country by any means; anyone who is skeptical can drive to a law library and delve into the U. S. Statutes at Large and the Code of Federal Regulations. When one has finished that impossible task, Do the same for the state, The county, And the city. Politicians at all levels of government are all in the business of suppressing your natural rights. There are very few freedoms that Americans retain, But these freedoms are only allowed because they’re beneficial to the state.
We have the freedom to shop, The freedom to vote, And the freedom to criticize the government, Of course. A functioning economy is necessary in order to have wealth to plunder. Very few will admit that taxes collected are used at least as often against the taxpayer as they are for the taxpayer. We pay taxes to the rulers who in turn use the taxes to harass us when we travel (e. G. Random checkpoints, TSA), To knock down our doors and shoot us if we try to defend ourselves, To surreptitiously monitor our activities (e. G. En masse surveillance), And give children the ultimatum of killing in war or being thrown in a cage.
Of course, Freedom to vote is important to preserve. After all, It’s a placebo that’s administered to give the masses the illusion that they have some control over what government does. If voting really upset the power structure, It would be prohibited.
As for speech, Robert Higgs notes in “Neither Liberty Nor Safety, “, “Our government usually allows people the freedom of speech. . . Almost as if the rulers had the wit to follow the advice Vilfredo Pareto once gave to Mussolini: “Let the crows caw, But be indefatigable in repressing [rebellious] deeds! Experience demonstrates that leaders who embark upon this path of censorship find headaches, Rather than benefits.”
Abortion needs to be banned.
Why do you say Abortion needs to be banned ?
Would you have liked being aborted?
Well Countless Americans Hate Life and Hate their Lives and definitely wish they were Never Born
Life is Horrible for Most People
Life is sadly Horrible for Most People , Many people wish that they were Aborted
America with it’s
“Freedom” makes Incels and other Suffering People Suffer Even More
America is unjustly making Suffering people Suffer even More
Its not God Will that evil happens. God’s Will and what God allows are not one and same.
God did not create robots God allows people their own self physical (fleshly) will and most people they bring on themselves suffering and much is allowed by anti-God people.
Because its Murder. Life begins at conception and conception would not and could not happen unless God allowed. See RUTH 4:13 God said “You will conceive and have a son”
Janet, are you a
Calvinist ? What about the
Predestination vs Free Will Debate ,
God’s Perfect Will vs. Permissive Will, what if the whole Universe is a Giant Computer Simulation as some people claim, and we are All living in a situation similar to the 1999 Movie
“The Matrix”
Janet are you there ?
God’s Perfect Will vs. Permissive Will
It’s Impossible for Many Americans to be Patriotic
Incels are Human Beings with Feelings and Needs like Everyone Else
The “Freedom” in America is a Joke , Adults don’t even have
Bodily Autonomy, Self-Ownership, Self-Determination
Incels and people with
Involuntary Celibacy, Incel Problems are Human Beings with Feelings and Needs just like Everyone Else
No sound
There is no sound on the video .
CBP says all Jews should make Aliyah to Israel. Would he like to change his mind after Oct 7th?
Incels are Suffering All Sorts of hideous Mental Health Problems
America isn’t helping Human Beings Suffering from Incel
Involuntary Celibacy Problems
Incels are Human Beings with Feelings, Not Monsters
Yet America gives No Recourse
No Legal Recourse to
Suffering Incels
It’s Terrible how Puritan Sexually Repressive Immature Childish America gives no Legal Recourse for the Countless Incels
People Suffering from Chronic Long Term
Involuntary Celibacy , Incel Problems
A recent article online said about Male Incels that
Incels suffer from poor mental health with high rates of depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts.
America is Making Incels Suffer Even More, Even More