ASK JTF 10/06/22 – Chaim Ben Pesach answers questions from JTFers
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The program is 45 minutes this week.
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The Hilltop Youth are illegal outposts. Chaim: aren’t you worried that your illegal work will be used against you when you try to make alliyah again? Duh
Its not illegal for Jews to settle their G-d given land.
The Arabs illegally build all the time and in violation of all international treaties but neither you nor the government or the international community even complain.
Its only when Jews want to settle in their G-d given land that we see everyone get mad!
Utter hypocrisy!
They always will find something stupid to stop him from going home where he belongs!
Kyle, More Proof of Arab Evil & Wickedness and how Arabs are the Wild Donkey mentioned in
The Bible verse Genesis 16:12
On March 22, 2021, the tragic mass shooting that occurred at a King Soopers supermarket in Boulder, Colorado, Ten people were killed, The alleged shooter, 21-year-old Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa is a Syrian Arab Muslim and numerous online articles say this Arab was
Laughing as he Murdered innocent people, this Arab grim reaper was actually laughing as he Murdered innocent people.
Arabs are The Worst
The Arab grim reaper was actually laughing as he
Murdered innocent people
I do remember that now. The media tried to hide it. Just like when they shot up San Bernardino and when a farrakhan muslim tried to kill Obama.
As soon as they learned the guy was a black guy or a Muslim or a homosexual, they always try to back away, shy away, and then cover up the story and bury it.
Maybe so, but they’re the ones who write by the rules.
Kyle, sadly many
Arabs are grim reapers
Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa be given the Death Penalty ?
Chaim: you mixed up Chris Cuomo with Andrew Cuomo
What about the late
Mario Cuomo ,
Some people jokingly called him
“Super Mario”
Yet Mario Cuomo didn’t
stomp on any Koopa’s or Goomba’s or have to rescue a Princess trapped in a Castle
Some good News
America has killed two ISIS
Terrorists in a Air Strike in Syria
Anyone else want to see those two dead ISIS Terrorists turned into Dog Food
two down, untold millions to go
Remember the 2015 film
“Straight Outta Compton” well the Vile Anti-Semite Bigot
Nick Cannon looks like he is
Straight Outta the Crown Heights Riots
Sadly everyone still hates the Jews as Always
Chaim, what’s your opinion on organic food?
The term organic means nothing. It’s a marketing gimmick meant to boost sticker price.
What about a Vegan or Vegetarian diet ? Both Israel & India have many Vegetarians and Vegans
In the Star Trek: Discovery episode
“There Is a Tide…” which takes place in the 32nd century, Israeli actor Oded Fehr plays
Admiral Charles Vance ,
Admiral Vance tells the truth about what is put into the Replicators to Produce Food for Humans, trust me , you don’t want want to Know what is used
Anyone see that
Star Trek: Discovery episode
“There Is a Tide…” and believe me , you don’t want to know what they put into the Replicators to
Produce Food for Humans in the
32nd Century
Did anyone see that
Star Trek: Discovery episode ?
It’s so Disgusting what they put into the Food Replicators in the Fictional 32nd Century to Make Food for Humans
Another good website