Author Archives: Chaim Ben Pesach

Ted Cruz crushes left-wing media at Republican presidential debate (new JTF video)

Please publicize this important video everywhere possible. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) sparked one of the more contentious moments of Wednesday night’s GOP debate when he took issue with the way CNBC’s Carl Quintanilla phrased a question on the budget deal struck by President Barack Obama and Congress. “Congressional Republicans, Democrats and the White House are about to strike a compromise […]

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Netanyahu-Bennett regime: free thousands of Muslim terrorists but arrest Rabbi Kahane’s grandson

בס”ד The Netanyahu-Yaalon-Bennett regime in Israel frees thousands of Arab Muslim terrorist mass murderers but arrests Meir Ettinger, the grandson of HaRav Meir Kahane zt”l hy”d. The Netanyahu-Yaalon-Bennett regime funds the Muslim terrorists by sending billions of dollars to our enemies in Judea, Samaria and Gaza. Because in Israel, the phony right is worse than the left.

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