Author Archives: Shlomo

Israeli Air Force attacks terrorist Hamas infrastructures following rocket fire

The only thing that will save Israel is to throw the terrorists and Arab terrorist supporters out of Israel and stop trying to kiss the U.N. and Obama’s tuchus. The Israeli Air Force (IAF) attacked terrorist infrastructures belonging to Hamas in northern Gaza overnight Wednesday, according to the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit. “The attack took place in retaliation for high trajectory […]

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GOP Congressman Claims Russians ‘Hacked’ RNC, Then Says He ‘Misspoke’

Texas Rep. Michael McCaul, the Republican Homeland Security chair, said Wednesday that the Republican National Committee’s data has been hacked, then later walked back his assertion, claiming he “misspoke.” McCaul made the comments during an interview with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, in which he told “The Situation Room” host that he has been briefed on intelligence showing hackers, suspected to be Russians, […]

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Colin Powell’s email hack: Strong words against both Trump and Clinton

Former secretary of State Colin Powell labeled Donald Trump “a national disgrace” and “international pariah” in emails he sent to a former colleague in 2016. The retired four-star general is the latest government official to have his emails hacked. Other leaked emails indicate “Hillary’s mafia” had tried to drag him in to commenting about Clinton’s email scandal, multiple sources reported […]

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New Doc Reveals Obama Knowingly Concealed Iran Nuclear Deal Plans Until He’d Be Out of Office

The steady drip of disturbing revelations about President Barack Obama’s Iran nuclear agreement continues unabated. On Monday, the Associated Press reported that key restrictions on Iran’s uranium enrichment activities will significantly ease after 10 years, long before those restrictions expire after 15 years. The AP acquired a confidential document, leaked by an anonymous diplomat involved in the Iran nuclear issue, which […]

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This Disgusting Attempt To Make Trans Student’s Lewd Behavior Acceptable Goes Too Far

Not long ago I reported on a story where a group of high school girls in Minnesota were brought to tears after their school continuously ignored complaints that a trans student – a boy – who has been given access to the girl’s locker rooms, continuously engaged in lewd behavior around the girls. When the girls attempted to move to different […]

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Leftist Arafat loving Shimon Peres suffered massive cerebral hemorrhage; induced medical coma breathing with respirator

Shimon Peres claimed that mass murderer “Arafat should not have been assassinated” after Arafat died from AIDS spreading conspiracy theories against Israel. Former President Shimon Peres was fighting for his life at Chaim Sheba Medical Center in Tel Hashomer Tuesday night, just an hour after he was felled by a severe stroke. Peres was rushed to the hospital Tuesday evening after […]

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Trump Tilts Even Further Left With His Climate Change Stance

So he’s for touchback amnesty, single-payer healthcare, a childcare plan that is nothing more than expanded entitlements (an add-in from his daughter), a tariff on imports, is against fracking, and now wants to reconsider global warming. Sounds like the perfect candidate. For Democrats. “There is still much that needs to be investigated in the field of ‘climate change,’” he said […]

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NY attorney general launches Trump Foundation inquiry

I wonder if Trump still loves his NY values? New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman is investigating Donald Trump‘s foundation to see whether it’s complying with the state’s charity laws. The Donald J. Trump Foundation is coming under increasing media pressure for misreporting a number of donations and using its money in a questionable fashion. A source familiar with the […]

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Trump’s Liberal Maternity Leave Plan: ‘It Sucks’

Trump wants to create a new liberal welfare program. Tuesday night on Mark Levin’s radio program, Conservative Review’s Editor-in-Chief expressed disappointment in Donald Trump’s new paid maternity leave plan. “Do you think you should pay for six-weeks’ maternity leave?” Levin asked. This proposed “safety net for new mothers” is “liberal-speak” for creating a new welfare program, Levin said. “So here […]

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Obama Threatens to Veto Bill Prohibiting Release of More Islamic Terrorists from GITMO

The Obama administration on Tuesday threatened to veto legislation that would prevent the transfer of remaining Guantanamo Bay detainees to foreign countries or federal prisons in the United States. The White House’s Office of Management and Budget said in a statement that the administration “strongly objects” to the Guantanamo Detainee Transfer Prohibition Act, which would prohibit the use of federal funds to transfer […]

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Two female IDF soldiers rescued with injuries from PLO-controlled city of Tulkarem after entering by mistake

Two female Israeli paratroopers were attacked Monday evening after they accidentally entered the PLO-controlled city of Tulkarem. The city is located barely 11 kilometers (seven miles) east of Netanya. Arab residents hurled stones at the two soldiers who had driven their vehicle into the city by mistake, according to military sources who said they sustained injuries to the head and […]

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Former Ku Klux Klan leader praises Pence for declining to call him ‘deplorable’

Former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke praised GOP vice presidential nominee Mike Pence on Monday for refusing to call him “deplorable.” In a CNN interview on Monday, Donald Trump’s running mate declined to call Duke “deplorable,” saying he won’t engage in “name-calling.” But Pence reiterated that the campaign denounces Duke’s support of the GOP ticket. In the CNN interview, […]

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Trump Jr. and Top Supporter Share White Supremacist Pic on Twitter

And here at first I thought the turtle was supposed to be Mitch McConnell (not kidding!). Roger Stone, a Donald Trump ally, and Donald Trump Jr. have shared a White Nationalist symbol on Twitter. The two were responding to Hillary Clinton‘s recent controversial comment about half of Trump’s supporters falling into a “basket of deplorables.” “I am so proud to be […]

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Schmucky Schumer: “I had Pneumonia too!”

Chuck defends Hillary and claims he also had pneumonia. Turns out Chucky Schmucky Schumer also had Pneumonia and was with Hillary at the 9/11 memorial on Sunday: AP – Schumer was diagnosed several weeks ago. His disclosure Monday comes amid furor over Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s own pneumonia diagnosis. In response to questions from The Associated Press, Schumer spokesman […]

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FBI Director Comey refused to testify on Clinton emails

Gee wiz… big surprise. FBI Director James Comey refused to attend a classified briefing with the House Oversight Committee despite receiving an invitation to testify about the bureau’s reluctance to disclose thousands of pages of evidence compiled in its year-long investigation of Hillary Clinton’s private email use. Rep. Elijah Cummings, the committee’s top Democrat, said Monday that Comey had declined […]

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Trump doesn’t care about America, ethics, or values; He cares about his ego

[NYT] – Sure, some of Vladimir Putin’s political opponents wind up in jail, while some of the journalists he dislikes end up in the morgue. Yes, his government is apparently committing cybercrimes to meddle in our election. And there was that small matter of invading and annexing one of Russia’s neighbors. But look at his numbers! What’s a little blood on […]

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Clinton Doctor Says She Has Pneumonia

Hillary Clinton’s personal physician, Dr. Lisa Bardack, said that the Democratic candidate for president was diagnosed with pneumonia on Friday, given antibiotics, and advised to modify her schedule. Clinton left the 9/11 memorial ceremony in New York early and later appeared to collapse while trying to get into her car. CNN: “While at this morning’s event, she became overheated and dehydrated. […]

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J-Street looks to IRS for help in campaign against groups supporting Israel

The IRS has already been targeting conservatives and groups that support Israel for years. An Israeli watchdog organization has launched an investigation into a left-wing NGO, after the latter initiated its own campaign to strip the former of its status as a charitable organization in the United States. Regavim, an Israeli group which monitors illegal Arab construction and land grabs […]

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U.K. Police allowed to wear burka as uniform in effort to “boost diversity”

What if you were faced with a policewoman in a burka? Police have said they may let Muslim officers wear the Burka as they seek to boost diversity in the force. Senior officers at West Midlands Police revealed they would discuss allowing the traditional Islamic dress to become part of Muslim female officers’ uniform at a recent meeting. Chief Constable, […]

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‘Art of the Deal’ Ghostwriter: Trump Will Be a ‘DICTATOR‘ if Elected – Why Trump ‘Reveres’ Putin

Donald Trump continues to perplex many Americans with his ongoing praise and adoration of Russian strongman and former Soviet Union KGB officer Vladimir Putin. During the “Commander-in-Chief” forum hosted by NBC on Wednesday, Trump lauded Putin for his “82% approval rating,” while promising to continue his praise toward Putin as long as the compliments were reciprocated. “Well, I think when […]

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Trump Still Prefers Foreign Workers To Americans

They keep talking about what a great businessman he is, but that doesn’t mean he’ll be great for American workers. On Friday, the Department of Labor posted a petition from the Trump International Beach Resort, in Sunny Isles Beach near Miami, Florida, to import temporary workers. The resort, which licenses Trump’s name but is owned by the International Resorts Management Group, asked […]

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Trump’s foundation relies wholly on other people’s money; Donald bought 6-foot painting of himself for $20,000

Ego maniac Trump used $20,000 of foundation money from other people to buy a 6-foot painting of himself. The Donald J. Trump Foundation has been collecting donations from charities and using them to benefit other charities, with little to no money coming from the GOP nominee himself, according to a Washington Post investigation. As the Post puts it, Trump’s foundation is […]

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Obama administration orders ND pipeline construction to stop

The Obama administration said it would not authorize construction on a critical stretch of the Dakota Access pipeline, handing a significant victory to the Indian tribe fighting the project the same day the group lost a court battle. The administration said construction would halt until it can do more environmental assessments. The Department of Justice, the Army and the Interior […]

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Liberal Ed Schultz Defends Donald Trump’s Interview on Russian TV Show

It’s a rare thing for former MSNBC anchor and current RT America host Ed Schultz to defend Republicans – especially GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump —  but that’s what he did on Friday, when he released a video criticizing Hillary Clinton and her presidential campaign for never granting interviews to the Russian network. “Give me a minute,” the liberal anchor […]

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NYU cancels lecture by co-discoverer of DNA because his scientific views are offensive

So much for the party of “science”. New York University has rescinded a lecture invitation to James Watson, the co-discoverer of the structure of DNA, because of his apparently offensive views. The lecture, initially scheduled for September 12, was canceled in response to objections that Watson, who essentially led the way forward in microbiology and earned a Nobel Prize for […]

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Iran Received as Much as $33.6 Billion in Cash, Gold Payments From U.S.

Barack Hussein Obama is not only selling out America to Islam, he’s helping terrorist Iran facilitate a nuclear war against the United States and Israel. Iran may have received an additional $33.6 billion in secret cash and gold payments facilitated by the Obama administration between 2014 and 2016, according to testimony provided before Congress by an expert on last summer’s nuclear […]

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North Korea Tested Nuclear Warhead on Ballistic Missile, Is Iran Next?

North Korean TV confirmed that the seismic event recorded Friday morning had been a nuclear test. The Yonhap news agency cited a Pyongyang government announcement that the test proved it is capable of mounting standardized nuclear warheads on strategic ballistic missiles. Back in 1994, after North Korea had announced its intent to withdraw from the nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT), the […]

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Newly Obtained Photos Show The Cozy Relationship Between The Trumps And The Clintons

Only Trump’s most loyal and deeply invested fanboys and girls believe that the contest between he and Hillary Clinton is a contentious battle for the highest office in the land, and not some massive, corrupt work against the American people. When Trump casually mentioned during an interview that he entered the race after a conversation with Bill Clinton, in which […]

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Tampons Are Coming to the Men’s Room at Brown University

Men are men and women are women by their own function and DNA. Anything else is insanity. The student body president at Brown University, Viet Nguyen, will personally be handing out free tampons and pads in men’s, women’s, and gender neutral restrooms on campus, Newsweek reported Tuesday. “We wanted to set a tone of trans-inclusivity, and not forget that they’re an important […]

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Trump Praises Vladimir Putin As Great, Strong, Successful Leader – “Our Country Does Plenty of Killing Also”

Trump on Putin’s alleged killing of journalists: ‘At least he’s a leader’ Donald Trump hesitated on Friday to criticize Russian President Vladimir Putin for allegations the Kremlin has killed high-profile journalists critical of the leader, saying “our country does plenty of killing also.” During an interview with MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” Trump expanded upon his welcoming of praise from Putin, remarking […]

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The Trump University Corruption Story Just Got Worse

As if the pay-for-play allegations against Donald Trump weren’t bad enough, the evidence of his participation in government corruption deepens. It turns out not only did Trump donate $25,000 to Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi’s political committee before she inexplicably decided not to pursue charges against Trump University, he also held a posh fundraiser for Bondi at the infamous Mar-a-Lago […]

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Trump Beats Clinton Among Least-Educated Whites in Bloomberg Poll

Donald Trump is decisively winning white voters who don’t have more than a high-school education, but his stubborn unpopularity with minorities has given Hillary Clinton a narrow overall lead with America’s least-educated voters. Those findings from the latest Purple Slice online poll for Bloomberg Politics highlight two of the biggest demographic fault lines in this year’s presidential race: educational attainment and […]

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Dems release Colin Powell email advising Hillary on how to AVOID reporting requirements

So the Dems seem to have outsmarted themselves here – they released emails from Hillary and Colin Powell in an attempt to substantiate her claim that he taught her how to avoid reporting requirements. And it does seem to show that. But doesn’t that prove that she was trying to avoid reporting requirements? From the Wall Street Journal: The newly […]

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