Author Archives: Shlomo

Federal Court Suit: Trump businesses illegally accept money from foreign officials

From the Daily News: The civil suit in Manhattan Federal Court claims Trump is in violation of the Constitution because his extensive business empire’s acceptance of foreign government money flouts a ban on gifts and emoluments — financial perks to a sitting President. Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, a good government group, sued in January and was later […]

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Here we go: Transgender convicted of sexually assaulting 10-year-old girl in bathroom

A Wyoming jury convicted Miguel Martinez, a transgender [man], Thursday of sexually assaulting a 10-year-old girl inside a bathroom. Martinez, who “identifies as a woman and goes by the first name Michelle, assaulted the girl inside a residential bathroom, according to the Billings Gazette. The girl was invited into the bathroom on March 23 by Martinez, who touched the girl’s breasts […]

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Judge Denied Restraining Order Against Muslim Gunman Who Shot Five People In Maryland

No, it’s not terrorism… it’s “workplace violence.” Earlier today we posted about police hunting for a gunman who shot five employees at a business near Baltimore, Maryland. Now it’s being reported  that the shooter has been apprehended by ATF agents in Delaware. Police believe he is responsible for another shooting in Delaware. The suspect was identified by Harford County Sheriff Jeffrey Gahler as […]

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Leftist Court Orders that so-called “Unconstitutional” 90-Year-Old Veterans Memorial Must Come Down

The U.S. Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals decided Wednesday that the cross-shaped Bladensburg World War I Veterans Memorial is unconstitutional and must come down.  The Bladensburg Memorial, located in Bladensburg Park, Md., has honored the sacrifices of 49 men from the Bladensburg area who died during World War I since 1925, but a three-judge panel ruled 2-1 in favor of the […]

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PLO Arabs lobby Supreme Court to block new Jewish town

A group of PLO Arabs submitted an “urgent” petition to the Supreme Court Thursday to prevent the establishment of the Jewish town of Amichai inside Israel. Amichai, which is to be the first new officially-sanctioned Jewish town established in Judea and Samaria in decades, is being built to house the now-homeless former residents of Amona, whose homes were demolished last February, on […]

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Disabled White Man Attacked on Bus: “You Owe Me for Making My Grandmother a Slave!”

A 27-year-old black man reportedly attacked a 52-year-old disabled homeless man on a Metrobus in Silver Spring, Maryland. “You owe me for making my grandmother a slave,” he reportedly said to the unidentified man, as “justification” for his assault. As reported by ABC News outlet WJLA in Washington, D.C., Marquis Evans-Royster first spit in the man’s face — before proceeding to rifle […]

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Ted Cruz’s congressional resolution defends Israel, condemns UNESCO

U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) today announced he will introduce the Senate companion to H.Res.570, a resolution introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives by Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.), reaffirming the deep historical connection between the Jewish people and the city of Jerusalem. The resolution also expresses support for the Israeli government’s protection of religious freedom for all faiths, and […]

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Swamp Update: Trump says relationship with McConnell is “outstanding”

With Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell at his side, President Trump said Monday their relationship is “closer than ever before” as they work on tax cuts and another attempt to replace [not repeal] Obamacare. “We’ve been friends for a long time,” Mr. Trump told reporters in the rose garden after emerging from a lunch meeting with Mr. McConnell. “My relationship with this gentleman […]

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FCC Chairman just “TRUMPED” Trump on revocation of media licenses that insult him

Now this is an awesome response by FCC Chairman Ajit Pai, albeit indirectly, to Trump’s tweets threatening the revocation of media licenses: VARIETY – FCC Chairman Ajit Pai said that the agency lacked authority to revoke the license of a broadcast station based on the the content of a newscast, in his first comments on the topic since President Donald Trump’s […]

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Lebanon Prime Minister Joins Government With Hezbollah Against Israel

Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri will join a coalition government with Hezbollah, conceding defeat and handing the terrorist organization more political power than it ever had before. Hariri, in an interview with the Italian newspaper La Repubblica while on a visit to Rome to meet with his Italian counterpart, Paolo Gentiloni, said that he and the Shi’ite jihadist group have “put […]

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Netanyahu to Promote Law Prohibiting Investigation of Sitting Prime Minister

The Netanyahu coalition is planning to submit to the Ministerial Committee on Legislation next week a bill that prohibits police investigation of sitting prime ministers, Ha’aretz reported Monday. The bill freezes the statute of limitations on the suspected crimes so that they may be investigated at the end of the PM’s term of office. The bill exempts sex, violence, drugs, […]

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New Jersey Muslim Terrorist Convicted On All Charges In NYC Bombing That Injured 30

A New Jersey man was convicted Monday of planting two pressure-cooker bombs on New York City streets, including one that injured 30 people with a rain of shrapnel when it detonated in a bustling neighborhood on a weekend night last summer. The verdict in Manhattan came after a two-week trial of 29-year-old Ahmad Khan Rahimi, an Afghanistan-born man living in […]

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Pediatrician drops a bomb on idea that transgenderism is real — completely destroys it with truth

A pediatrician went on a viral rant recently about the dangers of convincing children they are transgender and then prescribing them hormone blockers that prevent them from developing into their born gender. What did she say? At a recent Heritage Foundation forum about the topic, Dr. Michelle Cretella went on a lengthy rant about how it is child abuse to […]

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Do Black Lives Really Matter to Blacks? BLM ignores rising black-on-black murders

Using homicide figures from the 2016 FBI Uniform Crime Report released Sept. 25, Manhattan Institute fellow Heather Mac Donald found that the number of black homicide victims has jumped by nearly 900 per year since the Black Lives Matter movement took root in 2014. “The majority of victims of that homicide surge have been black,” Ms. Mac Donald said in an email. “They were […]

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Decertification Isn’t Repeal: Trump stays in the Obama Iran deal; Bolton says it’s a lost cause

Trump did decertify the Iran deal, however as expected he passed it off to Congress for them to fix the deal by making it tougher or something: NY POST – In a sharp but expected departure from US policy, President Trump said Friday he would decertify the deal on Iran’s nuclear program and kick it back to Congress so lawmakers could make […]

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Jordan Claim Jews on Temple Mount are a ‘provocation’ to Muslims

Jordanian minister claims Jews visiting Temple Mount ‘harm’ Al-Aqsa mosque, ‘provoke’ Muslims around the world. The Jordanian government condemned Israel for allowing Jews to visit the Temple Mount, calling it “irresponsible” and “provocative to Muslims around the world.” Jordan’s Minister of State for Media Affairs Mohammad Momani published a statement declaring Israel’s actions “unacceptable.” Israel, he said, is “provoking in […]

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VIDEO: Islam takes over American streets for bloody Muslim ritual

Muslims celebrated Ashura this year by taking over American streets for their religious holiday that sometimes turns bloody. It commemorates the day of the death of the grandson of Muhammed with self-flagellation and beatings. According to Creeping Sharia, here are some videos from the U.S., but you’d think it was Saudi Arabia: This is Queens, New York: This bloody video is from […]

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Absurd Leftist Lie: “America is a racist country that oppresses its minorities and women”

The most infamous libel in history is the one known as the Blood Libel. This was the medieval lie leveled at Jews in some European countries that accused the Jews of killing Christian children to use their blood to make Passover matzah. As the author of a book on the history of anti-Semitism (Why the Jews? The Reason for Antisemitism), having […]

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Hamas-linked CAIR indoctrinated Philadelphia public school teachers about “Islamophobia”

CAIR is an unindicted co-conspirator in a Hamas terror funding case — so named by the Justice Department. CAIR officials have repeatedly refused to denounce Hamas and Hizballah as terrorist groups. Several former CAIR officials have been convicted of various crimes related to jihad terror. CAIR’s cofounder and longtime Board chairman (Omar Ahmad), as well as its chief spokesman (Ibrahim Hooper), have made Islamic supremacist statements […]

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TV report: Islamic State terrorist leaders gather near Israel border, set up training camp

Several senior commanders from Islamic State who recently fled from Iraq and northern Syria are now based in southern Syria, just across the Golan Heights border with Israel, and are training hundreds of new recruits there, an Israeli television report said. Israel’s Channel 2 said the commanders have made their way to an Islamic State-controlled enclave “close to the border” […]

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Al Jazeera Planted Undercover Reporter in US Pro-Israel Groups

The Israeli government has long considered Al Jazeera to be an anti-Zionist media enterprise masquerading as a news organization. A number of pro-Israel organizations have voiced suspicions that they were infiltrated by an undercover reporter from the network. Al Jazeera, the [Hamas terrorist supporting] Qatar-funded news organization with 80 bureaus around the world, admitted this week to planting an “undercover […]

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CULTURAL MARXISM UPDATE: Boy Scouts Announces They’ll Start Accepting Girls

NBC News reports the Boy Scouts of America will start accepting girl scouts. The Boy Scouts of America announced on Wednesday that girls will soon be allowed to become Cub Scouts and to earn the coveted rank of Eagle Scout, the organization’s highest honor. “We believe it is critical to evolve how our programs meet the needs of families interested in positive […]

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NFL Defensive Lineman: “It’s Gonna Be an Uproar” if Black Players Are Forced to Stand for Anthem

If these ultra-wealthy blacks hate America so much for being “racist”, they should move somewhere else. Tampa Bay Buccaneers defensive lineman Gerald McCoy said Wednesday that he thinks there will “be an uproar” if NFL players are forced to stand for the national anthem. McCoy appeared on Adam Schefter’s podcast “Know Them From Adam,” where he responded to a statement released […]

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Google Sponsors Event Honoring President of Planned Parenthood Baby Murderers

Internet giant Google is sponsoring an event honoring Cecile Richards, the president of Planned Parenthood – the nation’s largest abortion provider. Google is a Platinum ($25,000) sponsor of the Center for Community Change’s “Community Champions Awards” event, which will be held Thursday, October 12, at the Howard Center in Washington, D.C., a Google spokesperson confirmed to on Monday. The […]

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Trump Tantrum: If Tillerson Called Me a Moron, We Can Compare IQ Tests and ‘I Can Tell You Who Is Going to Win’

Is the president supposed to act like an egotistical child throwing a temper tantrum? This is just sad. Trump put Tillerson in power. Trump was asked about Tillerson referring to him as a moron in an interview with Forbes and this was his response: CNN – President Donald Trump, scorned by reports that Rex Tillerson called him a “moron” earlier this […]

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Trump/Corker Twitter war proves the swamp is still full

Donald Trump embarked on one of his worn-out, self-aggrandizing Twitter wars over the weekend, this one against retiring Senator Bob Corker. Essentially calling the Tennessee Republican a coward, Trump Tweeted to the world that Corker only chose to retire after the New York Liberal refused to give the Tennessee RINO his endorsement. When you consider the loss by Luther Strange […]

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Poll: Trump approval falls in every state

President Trump’s approval rating has fallen in all 50 states since his inauguration in January, according to a new poll. A Morning Consult survey found that Trump’s national job performance numbers have also dropped since January. In September, 43 percent of respondents said they approved of Trump’s performance, and 52 percent disapproved. In January, 49 percent of voters approved of Trump’s performance, compared […]

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The Phony American Jewish Historical Society Hosts Destroy Israel Event

Hamas, Hezbollah and BDS in a “Jewish” organization. The American Jewish Historical Society was founded to study and preserve Jewish history. These days it’s instead partnering with Jewish Voice for Peace: an anti-Israel BDS hate group that defends anti-Semitism and which sponsored talks by an anti-Semite who accused Jews of drinking blood. The fruits of the AJHS and JVP partnership have been a series […]

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Report: Iran tried to acquire nuke, missile technology 32 times

The Iranian regime made dozens of attempts to acquire technology critical for its nuclear weapons and ballistic missile programs, Fox News reported Monday night, a possible violation of the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), better known as the Iran nuclear deal. Fox News cited three German intelligence reports which indicated that agents working on behalf of Tehran made “32 procurement attempts… […]

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Knowingly Exposing Others to HIV (Including Donating Infected Blood) Is No Longer a Felony in California

California has harsher penalties for LGBTQQIP2SAA “pronoun violations” than murdering people by giving them AIDS. Homosexual perverts are the new protected class. The act of knowingly donating HIV-infected blood, also a felony now, will be decriminalized. In the name of political correctness, it is no longer a felony in the state of California to knowingly expose another to HIV whether through intercourse […]

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Trump Will Not Move US Embassy to Jerusalem Because “Two-State Solution” Deal

US President Donald Trump said Saturday he will not go ahead with his controversial pledge to move the American embassy to Jerusalem until after pushing for an Israeli-Palestinian “peace deal” [with mass-murdering terrorists]. There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It is a lie and a propaganda war intended to destroy Israel the Jewish people. Click here […]

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‘DEEPLY TROUBLING’: Ted Cruz, Mike Lee Warn Trump to NOT Appoint Hillary Hack as Colombia Ambassador

Republican Sens. Ted Cruz and Mike Lee are urging President Trump not to appoint as ambassador to Colombia a prominent career State Department official who served as a top aide to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and worked closely with her in the aftermath of the Benghazi attacks. Joseph MacManus, a 30-year veteran of the foreign service, is a […]

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