Baltimore Has Highest Monthly Murder Rate since 1972

baltimore-violenceThe city of Baltimore recorded 43 murders in the month of May, according to law enforcement officials. That total is the highest murder rate in the city since 1972 when Baltimore had 45 murders in the month of August.

So far this year, the city has recorded 116 murders compared with 81 murders for the same time period last year. Most of the murder victims in the majority African American city in May were black males. According to police, the number of non-fatal shootings rose as well, reaching 219, in comparison to 120 at the same time last year.

The murder spree started after the death of Freddie Gray, a black man who died in police custody. City officials came out criticizing the police for Gray’s death, which may explain Baltimore’s relaxed policing environment.

Asked if police were making fewer arrests after Gray’s death, contributing to the murder rise, Police Commissioner Anthony Batts told reporters last week that there were “a lot of levels of confusion” among Baltimore officers.

Some were still shaken by the unrest surrounding Gray’s death, and others were reluctant to face possible legal repercussions by making a questionable arrest, Batts said.

Baltimore erupted in chaos over Gray’s death. “Gray’s death led to protests and a day of rioting, arson and looting. Six officers have been charged in his death, including counts of murder and assault.”

The DOJ is investigating the Gray death in Baltimore over the use of force and the use of discriminatory practices. “The Baltimore Sun said some officials had speculated that the rise in violence could be attributed partly to the looting of drugs from pharmacies after Gray’s death.

One comment

  • This is what Liberalism, including appeasement, leads to. It’s only going to get worse based on the direction the United States is going in.

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