• That was a very interesting point, I never knew that criminals were given a wrong demographic.

    If you can look past the racism and the whole israel thing, what you got here is a good talk show sometimes, and sometimes very funny, the only problem is you have to wait 25 minutes or even 25 weeks for something funny or interesting to be said on this show but its worth the wait….

    • Jeremiah 31:7 says Israel is the head of the Nations ,
      See Also Deuteronomy 28:13

    • Chaim, The Iranian Regime is getting worse , it poses a Mortal Danger to America , Israel and the Entire Western World
      apnews.com has an article headlined
      “An Iranian nuclear facility is so deep underground that US airstrikes likely couldn’t reach it”
      May 22, 2023 Countless other articles document this

      • Many have mentioned how
        Iran has a deep seated Hatred of the Arabs , they Hate the Arabs but they use them as Pawns to Attack Israel

    • israelhayom.com has an article headlined
      “WATCH: 75 years of Nakba lies that define today’s Israeli-Palestinian conflict”
      by Brooke Goldstein on
      May 17, 2023

    • A person recently typed online
      “For some unknown reason, Jews are the only group of people where it’s ok or not career ending to be biased against. Just ask Roseanne Barr or all the others who had their career come to a screeching halt with just ONE asinine comment.”

    • I’ve actually known some
      Self-hating Jews who while they don’t like being Jewish or looking Jewish, and often deny being Jewish, yet when they see what
      Arabs are, what Arabs and Fakestinians are , they are Happy , Very Happy that they are Not Arab or Fakestinian, Very Glad
      Images of Arab Terrorists on TV have given people horrible Nightmares

  • israelnationalnews.com on
    September 5, 2019 has an article by Ron Jager headlined
    “American Jewry in total denial” In
    2023 most American Jews are in Total denial

  • In 2023 Most American Jews are sadly STILL in Total Denial , Now of course Not all Gentiles are
    Jew-Haters or Anti-Semites , but I can certainly understand why some Jews might view with
    Suspicion and Fear that within every single Gentile there is either a Jew-Killer or a Potential Jew-Killer , just as some argue that all Men are either Rapists or Potential Rapists
    That even a Gentile who is
    Pro-Israel and Supports the Jewish people might ultimately betray Israel and the Jewish people and become a
    Jew-Hater or Anti-Semite , Anti-Israel Bigot in the Future
    But in all fairness some Jew-Haters , Anti-Semites & Anti-Israel Bigots have had a change of Heart when they learned, discovered the truth that Jews & Israel are Not Evil or bad , and they became supporters of Israel and Jews
    Still 99.99999 percent of the time, once a person is an Anti-Semite or a Jew-Hater , Anti-Israel Bigot they Never change their Evil Heartless Ways

    • Even More So Now after the Hamas Attacks of October 7th, 2023 , myself and Countless others can certainly understand why Many Jews and people who are part-Jewish might view with Suspicion and Fear that Within
      Every Single Gentile , Non-Jew there is a Jew-Hater, Jew-Killer or Potential Jew-Killer
      Esau always Hates Jacob

  • Any opinions of
    Anthony Scaramucci aka
    “The Mooch”

  • What do we think of Marco Rubio ?

  • lidblog.com has an article headlined
    “Jerusalem Day: Muslim And Christian Scripture Agree: The Temple Mount Is JEWISH Holy Site”
    by Jeff Dunetz | May 18, 2023 |

  • Some have said that in the Bible
    Laban was the first Anti-Semite

    • The New York Post
      nypost.com has an article headlined
      “Anti-Israel left has become New York Dems’ ugly future”
      By Post Editorial Board
      May 20, 2023

    • Do we agree that in the Bible
      Laban was the first
      Anti-Semite ?

  • An April 2023
    article from israeltoday.co.il
    Quoted Jewish Believer in Jesus
    Olivier Melnick as saying
    “Antisemitism will only be fully dealt with when Jesus returns. But we must fight it; we must be vocal against it.”  When will the
    Hatred of Jews & Israel End
    100 percent, once and For All
    Forever ? When, When will the Hatred End ? Not just Reduced but gone Forever

  • aish.com has an article headlined
    “A True Understanding” about the Roots of Anti-Semitism , Jew-Hatred
    Part of this article says
    “The Hebrew pronunciation of “Sinai” is almost identical to the Hebrew word for “hatred” – sinah.”

  • From torchweb.org an article headlined
    “Mount Sinai and the UN”
    By Rabbi David Zauderer

  • The New York Post , nypost.com has an article headlined
    “Why Biden might be the Dems’ last pro-Israel president”
    By  Alan Dershowitz and
    Andrew Stein on

    May 18, 2023 

  • israeltoday.co.il has an article headlined
    “Israel’s Leaders Must Be Jewish, Argues Top Rabbi”
    By Ryan Jones | May 16, 2023

  • Anyone Remember the
    1947 film
    “Gentleman’s Agreement” with
    Gregory Peck about the Topic of
    Anti-Semitism , Also in 1947 another movie about Anti-Semitism was released named
    “Crossfire” with Robert Young ,
    Robert Mitchum, & Robert Ryan
    Anyone Remember those Films ?

  • Also another film about Jew-Hatred was the 2001 drama
    “Focus” starring William H. Macy, Laura Dern, David Paymer and Meat Loaf based on a 1945 novel by playwright Arthur Miller.

  • American History X is my favorite movie of all time.

  • A person recently typed online about an Arab Yemeni “scholar” spewing hate against Jews that
    “Yemeni scholar . . .hahaha – an oxymoron!”

    Yemen is a Very Evil, Wicked Nation

  • spectator.com.au
    Has an article headlined
    “Keep an eye out for Israel Derangement Syndrome”
    by Juliet Moses on
    18 January 2020 Many other online
    Articles detail the Wickedness and
    Evil of the Anti-Israel Disease Known as IDS
    Israel Derangement Syndrome ,
    Anti-Israel People certainly are
    Satanic, Demonic, Diabolical and Deranged
    It’s disgusting, Evil, and sickening how the Whole World unjustly hates the Jews and Israel

    When will the Hatred End ???

  • More about
    IDS , Israel Derangement Syndrome
    Toronto Star
    thestar.com has an article headlined
    “Amnesty International’s Israel derangement syndrome”
    By Michael Levitt Contributing Columnist on
    Thu., Feb. 17, 2022

  • A person typed online about
    “The Palestinians are the colonizers – they are living on land assigned to a future Jewish state by the 1920 San Remo Conference.”

    • Also anyone Remember the famous quote
      “If the Arabs put down their weapons today, there would be no more ‎violence. If the Jews put ‎down their weapons ‎today, there would be no ‎more Israel’‎”

      (Golda Meir, paraphrased by Benjamin Netanyahu) Anyone Remember this famous quote

  • Robert De Niro is great , but too old , and he is Fully Gentile, we want a Younger Jewish Actor to Portray
    Meir Kahane
    So When is Hollywood going to Make the Movie to Honor Meir Kahane ?

  • jns.org has an article headlined
    “Arab ‘anti-state’ parties present ongoing challenge for Israel”
    October 27, 2022 Plus Polls have shown that the Overwhelming Vast Majority of Arabs in the Middle East are Against any type of Normalization with Israel

  • Who the bleep is Tim Scott?

  • How about Matisyahu as Rabbi Kahane.

  • Hold on , in the Fox sitcom
    “That ’70s Show” which took place in Wisconsin, the character of
    Fez , the horny foreign exchange student, they never said on the show his surname or what country Fez is from, could Fez have been from a country hostile to
    America, Israel and The West

  • More about Arab Evil & Wickedness
    dailymail.co.uk has an article headlined
    “I would be a suicide bomber three times over if I could’: Palestinian woman freed in Gilad Shalit deal vows to sacrifice her life”
    By Richard Hartley-parkinson
    20 Oct 20, 2011

    • More about the Ugly Arab Fakestinian female freed in the
      Gilad Shalit deal
      telegraph.co.uk has an article about her headlined
      “My dream was to be a suicide bomber. I wanted to kill 20, 50 Jews. Yes, even babies’ ”
      By Manuela Dviri in Tel Aviv
      26 June 2005 It’s Disgusting how Israel saves the lives of
      Arab and Fakestinian Terrorists in Israeli Hospitals, when do Arabs ever help Jews or help anyone

  • More about Arab Evil & Wickedness
    The New York Post , nypost.com has an article headlined
    “Parents of teen killed by Hamas bomb take on Jordan’s King Abdullah”
    By Doree Lewak
    August 7, 2021 , it’s All Documented in this Article

  • Also ,
    The Harvard Crimson
    thecrimson.com has an article headlined
    “Deafening Silence” by
    Rachel E. Huebner on
    Oct 15, 2015 this article even mentions a Jewish Israeli woman laying on the ground after a Terrorist Attack, the Israeli was crying for help and an Arab passerby Spat on her and laughed ,
    Terrible that the Arab spat on her and laughed, Anyone Also hear the news story of Arabs who threw innocent live puppies at Jewish Israelis, the innocent puppies sadly died , at other times in the past Arabs and Fakestinians have used innocent live animals to carry out Terrorist Attacks against Israel

  • vigourtimes.com has an article headlined
    “The Future Of Anti-Semitism Is Already Here”
    By Mike Schacter on May 20, 2023

  • Terrible how Also years ago the
    Fakestinians tried to claim ownership of the Dead Sea Scrolls ,

  • About the Meir Kahane Movie a person said on the Internet Earlier in 2023
    “They should make a movie like they did with Elvis and Nixon; but with Bob Dylan and Meir Kahane”

    Anyone think that’s a good idea
    Nixon knew about
    Rabbi Meir Kahane !!

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