Border Patrol Agents Make Sure Burritos are Warm and Provide Childcare to Illegals

burritos“Basically 100%” of families crossing border allowed into the U.S.

According to Border Patrol Chief Mark Morgan, agents along the southern border have been reduced to “professional child care providers” whose priorities include keeping the provided burritos warm for illegal crossers.

Instead of sending the agents out on regular patrol duties and doing searches for drug dealers, Morgan sends his officers out to restock baby supplies. He made his complaint in front of the Senate Homeland Security Committee:

“It really is child care professional stuff that we’re doing: clothing them, feeding them, making sure that they get the medical attention, making sure that they’re able to sleep, making sure that they get appropriate meals during the day, make sure they have snacks, that meals are warm…

“Agents, one of their jobs during the day, is to make sure the burritos that are being provided are being warmed properly.”

Though Morgan believes a tougher deportation policy would help them get back to business, DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson disagrees:

“Experience shows that you can build more walls and you can put more border security on the southwest border, but you’ve got to address the underlying circumstances in Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador that motivate a 7-year-old child to transit the entire length of Mexico, come to the United States for a better life.”

According to The Washington Times, over 68,000 families and another 68,500 unaccompanied children crossed the border illegally in 2014, dropped a little in 2015, but surged back in 2016 with nearly 60,000 children crossing without parents and “a record 77,674 family members.”

Morgan agrees with Johnson that these children face a host of horrors and are desperate to escape Mexico and South America just to stay alive. But he believes those cases deserve “special humanitarian relief” and that too many adult illegals have learned to say the right things to get a free pass into America.

“We know that they’re coaching individuals on specifically what to say when they come here,” Morgan said. “They just rattle off, and they memorize the magic words that they need to say so they’ll fall within the statute of credible fear.”

And the lack of consequences is astounding. Morgan said “basically 100 percent” of the families crossing the border are released into the U.S.:

“The reality is they come to the borders and they are being released. What that does is it sends a strong message to those folks in the country that if you get to the United States border, we’re going to let you in.”

One solution Morgan encourages is “more fencing” because that frees up his agents to take care of other situations. However, he doesn’t think it’s necessary along the entire border.

“The fence is great, but if we don’t have access roads to get to the fence, it’s not as good,” he said.

And Mexico isn’t doing anything to relieve the influx, as the Times noted in its report. Mexican officials regularly issue 20-day travel permits to Haitians who fled their earthquake-ravaged homes for Brazil and Chile and that gives them “enough time to cross from south to north and reach the U.S. border, where they can demand asylum.”

At a press conference at the Carrier plant on Thursday, President-elect Donald Trump doubled down on his campaign promise:

“Trust me, we’re going to build the wall. And, by the way, people are going to come through that wall — we’re going to have doors in that wall. But they are going to come through legally. And people are going to come through on worker permits to work the fields… a lot of people are going to come through. But it’s going to be done through a legal process. But one thing that’s not going to come through is drugs. The drugs are gonna stop.

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