Category Archives: Articles

Muslim Arab Nazis in Israel ‘Warn’ Over Temple Mount Visits and Jerusalem Housing

[So-called] “Palestinian” Authority spokesperson Nabil Rudaineh is “warning” Israel over its decisions to build housing in Jerusalem, and visits by lawmakers and others to the Temple Mount. Yesterday (Monday, Nov. 3) Rudaineh roundly condemned Israel’s approval of a project to build 500 housing units in Jerusalem’s crowded Ramat Shlomo neighborhood. Although the PA spokesperson had called for calm in Jerusalem, […]

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This Is What a Feminist Looks Like

In Nigeria and Iraq, Muslim armies are selling women as slaves. Iran hanged a woman for fighting off a rapist. ISIS was more direct about it and beheaded a woman who resisted one of its fighters. But we don’t have to travel to the Middle East to see real horrors. The sex grooming scandal in the UK involved the rape […]

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Privacy: UK spy chief demands more access to Twitter, Facebook because of “Terrorism”

If the Western governments actually cared about terrorism, they would protect their borders, support Israel, and admit that Islam is not a religion of peace. Instead, they use terrorism as an excuse to spy on innocent people. (Reuters) – Twitter and Facebook are so important to militant groups that the U.S. technology giants should give security services greater access to […]

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ISIS now on another border of Israel

Ansar Bayt Al-Maqdis, Egypt’s most active militant group, has sworn allegiance to Islamic State, a statement from Ansar said Monday night. Ansar had previously told Reuters that it sought inspiration and advice from Islamic State, the radical Al-Qaeda offshoot that has taken over swathes of Iraq and Syria, drawing US-led airstrikes as it tries to remake the map of the […]

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Was Foley rescue delayed? Administration had strong intelligence on hostages, location weeks before raid sign-off

As early as May, the Obama administration had strong and specific information about the location of American James Foley and other hostages held in Syria, a source close to the discussions told Fox News, but the rescue mission was not approved until early July. The gap raises new and compelling questions about whether the operation to save the American and […]

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Ben Stein: Obama ‘Is The Most Racist President There Has Ever Been’

Speaking to Fox News, Stein called President Barack Obama the most racist president in U.S. history. “The president is the most racist president there has ever been in America,” Stein said. “He is purposely trying to use race to divide Americans.” Stein claimed that Obama and other Democrats are trying to portray the GOP as anti-black. “What the White House […]

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University Instructor: U.S. Troops Worse than the Islamic State

A University of Arizona instructor is facing criticism for claiming that the U.S. military is “a greater threat” than the Islamic State (IS) and for portraying American soldiers as anti-Muslim rapists who commit crimes on par with—or even worse than—IS itself. University of Arizona instructor Musa al-Gharbi—who also serves as an academic affiliate at the university’s Southwest Initiative for the […]

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Ted Cruz Warns: Republicans Might Pass Internet Sales Tax After Election

Senator Ted Cruz (R., Texas) warned that some congressional Republicans hope to cooperate with Democrats in passing an internet sales tax after the elections. Cruz said party leadership could take up the bill in the lame-duck session, when recently-defeated Democrats would be able to support the bill. “There are some voices in Washington who want a lame duck precisely so they can […]

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Latest Democratic coping mechanism: You’re all a bunch of racists

Let’s engage in a thought experiment. If Republicans were so terrified of impending electoral losses that they resorted to rallying pro-life voters by distributing mailers via surrogates that warned of the forcible, government mandated abortion in the wake of a Democratic victory, the political press would be scandalized. The flipside of that scenario, Democrats embracing the caustic and dangerous notion […]

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School Paid Ex-FBI Agent $157,000 to Spy on Kids’ Facebook Pages

Remember that bizarre news item about a school district deciding to monitor its students’ Facebook accounts on advice from the NSA? pursued the story and discovered that the district paid $500,000 over the last two years to several employees at a consulting firm tasked with handling cyber surveillance. That figure includes $157,000 for Chris McCrae, a former FBI agent […]

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Self-Hating Jews in Israel are Trying to Save the Life of Senior Hamas Terrorist Leader’s Sister

The sister of senior Hamas official Mousa Abu Marzouk is being treated in an Israeli hospital, it was revealed Monday. Halamia Shcata, 60, is suffering from cancer and has been hospitalized in Israel on a number of occasions in the past. Shcata is in critical condition. The Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories said that Israel approves the entry […]

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Islamic doctrine being forced on American kids in U.S. public-school classrooms

I have been fielding calls from distraught parents all week, reeling from the proselytizing for Islam in their children’s “social studies” or “world history” classes. They are not teaching the children “world history,” which would include Islam’s 1,400-year history of jihadi wars, land appropriations, cultural annihilations and enslavements, not to mention the extermination of the entire Jewish Banu Qurayza tribe […]

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Ted Cruz: GOP-Led Congress Must Stop Executive Amnesty, Support US Workers

On Breitbart News Sunday, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) said a GOP-led Congress must champion blue-collar American workers, which includes stopping President Barack Obama’s illegal amnesty. Cruz said Obama made the midterms a referendum on amnesty, and voters are intent on rejecting it. Referencing his USA Today op-ed in which he laid out his agenda, Cruz said Republicans must have a […]

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2014 midterms: Why the ‘bums’ (in Congress) won’t be thrown out this year

I’m told that the public is “angry” at today’s politicians. Eighty-two percent disapprove of the job Congress is doing. So will Tuesday’s election bring a big shakeup? No. Congressional reelection rates never drop below 85 percent. The last big “wave” election was 1994, when Democrats lost control of both houses. The media called it a “revolution,” and the late Peter […]

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Why Did Hundreds of Common Core Implementers Meet in Muslim Terrorist Dubai?

Common core is a federal government controlled education system being pushed on the United States citizens without vote. A concerned Williamson County [Tenn.] parent stumbled upon this, “On October 24 and 25, hundreds of schools, leadership teams, and teachers from across the region will gather in Dubai, to learn about the Common Core State Standards, share curricula and best practices, […]

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Egypt minister says Zionism promotes atheism, homosexuality

Egypt’s Religious Endowments Minister accused “Zionist forces” of promoting atheism and homosexuality in his country. Speaking with Al-Hayat TV, an Evangelical Arabic-language television station, Mohammed Mokhtar Gomaa said “colonial Zionist forces” support “atheists and atheism and finance homosexuals and homosexuality” in an effort to fragment Egyptian society. The interview, which took place in September, was published Sunday by MEMRI, a Washington-based Middle Eastern […]

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Abbas Sent Condolence Letter to Terrorist’s Family that Attempted to Murder Glick

Israeli journalist Gal Berger, posted on social media on Sunday, Nov. 2, what he claims is a condolence letter from the acting leader of the [so-called] “Palestinian” Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, to the family of  Muataz Hijazi. Hijazi is the man who shot Jewish rights activist Yehuda Glick at point blank range last week. The man about whom Abbas took the time to send an […]

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James “F*** the Jews, they don’t vote for us anyway” Baker: I barred Netanyahu from the State Department

James “F**k the Jews, they don’t vote for us anyway” Baker: I barred Netanyahu from the State Department Former US Secretary of State James Baker seems quite pleased with the treatment that Prime Minister Netanyahu is receiving from the Obama administration. In fact, Baker claims that he too once barred Netanyahu from the State Department (Hat Tip: Memeorandum). “These kinds […]

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Tone Deaf: Romney Promises Amnesty from Republican Senate

On “Fox News Sunday, former Gov. Mitt Romney (R-MA) said a Republican-led Senate would pass new, stronger legislation on immigration reform. Romney said, “You’re going to see a provision, first of all, to secure the border. Second of all, to deal with those who come here illegally. And third, to make sure our immigration policies are more open and transparent … That’s […]

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Israel Government Approves “Reform Conversion”

The government ratified in its Sunday session the compromise between Justice Minister Tzipi Livni (Hatnua) and Minister of Religious Services Naftali Bennett (Jewish Home), regarding conversion into Judaism. All of the ministers in attendance voted in favor of the decision except the Jewish Home’s Uri Ariel. The decision determines that municipal rabbis may establish conversion courts, which will receive administrative […]

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Facebook’s Campaign for Illegal Amnesty and Homosexual “Marriage”

SANTA MONICA, California —, the immigration reform initiative founded by Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, plans to launch a massive political push in December to support President Barack Obama’s planned executive action on immigration. On Tuesday evening, it brought roughly 100 entrepreneurs to a “mini-hackathon” at tech incubator Cross Campus as part of a nationwide push to support the president’s strategy. […]

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How Facebook Could End Up Controlling Everything You Watch and Read Online

How many of you are reading this because of a link you clicked on Facebook? In the online publishing industry (which WIRED obviously is part of), Facebook’s influence on site traffic—and therefore ad revenue—is difficult to overstate. Over the past year especially, “the homepage is dead” has become a standard line among media pundits. And more than anything else, it’s […]

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Iran hangs woman for killing alleged rapist

TEHRAN, Iran –  Iran hanged a woman on Saturday who was convicted of murdering a man she alleged was trying to rape her, drawing swift international condemnation for a prosecution several countries described as flawed. Reyhaneh Jabbari was hanged at dawn for premeditated murder, the official IRNA news agency reported. It quoted a statement issued by the Tehran Prosecutor Office […]

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‘Alarming’ Memo Reveals Obama Admin Plans to Bring Foreign Ebola Patients to U.S.

Republican leaders with jurisdiction over immigration policy are expressing shock at an Obama administration memo detailing plans to bring non-citizen Ebola patients to the United States for treatment. “It’s alarming that senior Obama Administration officials so vehemently denied the existence of any plans to transport non-U.S. citizens infected with Ebola to the United States for treatment when a leaked State […]

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Death spiral? Short-term health plans grow as cheap alternative to ObamaCare

A fast-growing, short-term alternative to ObamaCare that allows customers to get cheap, one-year policies could put the government-subsidized plan into a death spiral. The plans, the only ones allowed for sale outside of ObamaCare exchanges, generally cost less than half of what similar ObamaCare policies cost, and are increasing in popularity as uninsured Americans learn they are required to get […]

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White House Hacked!

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Suspicious cyber activity has been detected on the computer network used by the White House and measures have been taken to address it, a White House official disclosed on Tuesday. The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, would not say who might have been responsible for the activity on what was described as an unclassified computer […]

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US official: Netanyahu is a ‘coward’ on Iran

In damning report on crisis in US-Israel ties, senior Obama administration officials tell the Atlantic’s Jeffrey Goldberg of ‘red-hot anger’ towards Netanyahu. As the crisis between Israel and the US deepens, senior American officials continue to express “red-hot anger” at Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his administration. “The thing about Bibi is, he’s chickens**t,” said one US official to the […]

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Obama Admin: “Palestinians” Who Throw Molotov Cocktails at Israelis Are Not Terrorists

Obama’s jihad against Israel escalates. He is deeply, deeply anti-Israel. There was a time when he tried to mask his antisemitism; now he reveals it openly. Summing up Obama’s approach to the conflict — freedom vs submission: Muslim Brotherhood? Check! Al Qaeda in Syria? Check! Al Qaeda in Libya? Check! Muslim Brotherhood in Syria? Check! Muslim Brotherhood in Gaza (Hamas)? […]

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Harry Potter actress: Israel’s ‘stupid’ actions causing anti-Semitism

Jewish Actress Miriam Margolyes says that Israel’s actions in Gaza have caused a “troubling backlash” for Jews in Britain, but shows no love for Hamas. Actress Miriam Margolyes, 73, who played Prof. Sprout in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, blamed Israel over the rise in anti-Semitism following Operation Protective Edge, The Guardian reported Tuesday, citing an interview she […]

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Nazi War Criminals Still Receiving Social Security Checks

Nazi war criminals are still receiving Social Security benefits from the U.S. government despite their past crimes against Jewish people, prompting outrage from numerous Jewish organizations. “Nazi war criminals who once lived in the United States and faced investigation by the Justice Department continue to collect Social Security payments through a legal loophole, despite having left the country and renounced […]

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Verizon’s ‘Perma-Cookie’ Is a Privacy-Killing Machine

Verizon Wireless has been subtly altering the web traffic of its wireless customers for the past two years, inserting a string of about 50 letters, numbers, and characters into data flowing between these customers and the websites they visit. The company—one the country’s largest wireless carriers, providing cell phone service for about 123 million subscribers—calls this a Unique Identifier Header, […]

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