Category Archives: Articles

Newly Arrested Hezbollah Terrorism Planner is U.S. Citizen Who Lied on Immigration Papers

Here’s a novel idea… stop allowing people in people from enemy countries! A Lebanese-born man charged in New York on suspicion of scouting potential U.S. and Israeli targets for the Iranian-backed Shi’ite terrorist group Hezbollah became a naturalized American citizen after declaring to authorities that he had no associations with terrorists, according to a criminal complaint. Acting on instructions from […]

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“Religion of Peace”: 12 Injured After Molotov Cocktail Thrown Into Paris Restaurant

Twelve people were injured, including six police officers, after a ‘Molotov cocktail’ was thrown into a restaurant in Paris, causing a major fire, The Daily Mail reports. Three people were seriously burned in the attack and French daily newspaper Le Parisien reported 50 firefighters at the scene and 15 vehicles tackling the blaze. “The restaurant is part of a five-story building,” an emergency services source told Le […]

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Turns out Reality Winner wanted to set the White House on fire and join the Taliban

Reality winner was denied bail because she had actually written in her notebook that she wanted to join the Taliban: FOX NEWS – The woman accused of leaking classified information once wrote she wanted “to burn the White House Down…find somewhere in Kurdistan to live,” prompting prosecutors on Thursday to argue she would flee the country if she was released […]

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DC police: We have to look at terrorism ‘very closely’ for truck driven through crowd, runs over 2 police officers

One victim in critical condition and two in serious condition. Two police officers are among those who have been taken to a hospital after being struck by a pickup truck at a busy Washington D.C. intersection. The officers were on bicycles when the truck swerved around a bus, striking them at 9 p.m. local time. A traffic aide and two […]

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Saudi Arabia footballers refuse silence for London attack victims

Trumps $110 billion arms deal with Muslim Saudi Arabia is the biggest arms deal in world history and threatens Israel’s safety. Now this shows how dangerous it really is. Saudi Arabia’s national football team have been criticized for failing to observe a minute’s silence held before Thursday’s match against Australia in Adelaide. The Socceroos lined up in the centre of […]

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Charlotte and North Carolina Democrats approve making June “Ramadan Month”

The Ramadan proclamation was added to the town meeting agenda at the last minute, but of course, there were many speakers in support of the proclamation. Those speakers also talked about the history of Islam and the traditions of Ramadan. But not the mass killing. Further islamization of the public square. This is pathetic pandering as jihad rages across the […]

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Trump, Netanyahu and Abbas to meet next month to discuss two-state final solution

A three-way meeting between U.S. President Donald Trump, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and [PLO terrorist] chairman Mahmoud Abbas could take place within a month, Channel 20 reported on Thursday. Diplomatic sources quoted in the report that the goal of the meeting will be “ending the deadlock” between the sides and “moving forward a process of accelerated political negotiations”. Abbas has already […]

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Terrorist Iran rejects Trump’s condolences after terror attack, calls statement “repugnant”

Trump defended the Muslim people of terrorist Iran saying “We grieve and pray for the innocent victims of the terrorist attacks in Iran, and for the Iranian people, who are going through such challenging times.” A top Iranian official on Thursday rejected President Trump’s condolences after a pair of terror attacks in Tehran, saying, “Iranian people reject such U.S. claims of […]

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US Police Arrest Hezbollah Members Planning Attacks Against Israeli and US Targets

The US Department of Justice confirmed Thursday that two men were arrested for planning attacks against Israeli and US targets in Panama. The arrests took place on June 1. Ali Kourani was arrested in the Bronx, while Samer El Debek was arrested in Michigan. Both men were arrested for “providing, attempting, and conspiring to provide material support to Hezbollah; and […]

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James Comey: Loretta Lynch Ordered Me to Downplay Hillary Clinton’s Criminal Investigation

Former FBI Director James Comey revealed on Thursday that former Obama Attorney General Loretta Lynch — the same Loretta Lynch that infamously met Bill Clinton on a tarmac “coincidentally” in Phoenix while Hillary Clinton was under investigation for crimes committed in the EmailGate scandal — ordered him to use Hillary Clinton campaign talking points. Under questioning by Senator James Lankford […]

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Abortion Clinic Cited for 44 Pages of Health Code Violations

Several Pennsylvania state Senators recently sent a letter to the Secretary of the PA Department of Health, asking why the [Hillcrest] abortion center’s license had not been revoked. The letter followed the release of a 44-page document noting the health and safety failures of the long-time abortion operation. Violations included everything from failing to maintain proper medical credentials to maintaining […]

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Both the US Army and the Marine Corps want more time to develop “transgender acceptance policy”

The Army and Marine Corps want to delay implementing a policy to accept transgender applicants to serve, according to a report on Thursday. The requests come prior to the July 1 deadline given to the services to craft a transgender policy. Last year the Obama administration repealed a ban on allowing openly transgender troops to serve in the military for […]

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Washington Coach Fired for Praying After Football Games; Day in Court Monday

Pray and lose your job, unless you’re Muslim. The football coach fired for praying will have oral arguments before the Ninth Circuit Appeals Court Monday. Joe Kennedy is represented by First Liberty Institute, a religious freedom law firm. “We feel very prepared,” said First Liberty attorney Mike Berry. But “it’s impossible to predict how oral arguments will go.” “Constitutionally Protected,” […]

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North Korea launches multiple ground-to-ship missiles

North Korea launched several ballistic missiles from its east coast Thursday, according to South Korea’s military. “North Korea fired multiple unidentified projectiles, assumed to be surface-to-ship missiles, this morning from the vicinity of Wonsan, Gangwon Province,” the South Korean Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) said, according to the Yonhap News Agency. The JCS said the South Korean military has beefed […]

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What did Donald Trump tell James Comey about Russian hookers?

Former FBI Director James Comey’s prepared congressional statement on interactions with President Donald Trump regarding the Russia investigation is not devoid of Russian hookers. Comey is set to testify before a Senate Intelligence Committee hearing Thursday, and a copy of his opening statement was posted to the committee’s website Wednesday afternoon. The former FBI director went into detail over his “uncomfortable relationship” with […]

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BOMBSHELL: James Comey Sued for Covering Up Widespread Illegal Spying on Innocent Americans

A former U.S. intelligence contractor has sued fired FBI Director James Comey and other current and ex-government officials, alleging the bureau has covered up evidence provided to agents showing widespread illegal spying on Americans. The suit, filed late Monday night by Dennis Montgomery, was assigned to the same federal judge who has already ruled that some of the National Security […]

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YouTube Bans Conservatives, but Not the Jihadist Imams

Ultra-liberal Silicon Valley has a dangerous and evil double standard. One of the many maddening takeaways from the London Bridge jihad attack is this: If you post videos on YouTube [calling for] Muslim viewers to [murder] innocent people, YouTube will leave you alone. But if you post a video on YouTube honoring innocent people murdered by barbaric jihadists, your video will get […]

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Muslim “refugees” that raped and filmed 5-year-old in Idaho go unpunished

The three Muslim refugee boys who plead guilty to the heinous sexual assault of a five-year-old girl in Idaho received no jail time in their sentencing yesterday (Tuesday), according to Pamela Geller, President of the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI). The judge barred everyone in the courtroom, including the victim’s own parents, from speaking about the case and threatened anyone […]

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Two More Muslim Terror Incidents in Europe: Hammer Attack at Notre Dame, Priest Attacked in Spain

More violence and murder from the “religion of peace”. Two other terror incidents have occurred in Europe since the weekend that aren’t getting the same kind of coverage as the London Bridge attack. On Tuesday, an Algerian student shouted “This is for Syria!” and proceed to attack a police officer with a hammer outside the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, […]

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Paris Terrorist Copies PLO Muslims in Israel Using Hammer, Kitchen Knives

Less than a week after three radical Islamist terrorists killed seven people and wounded 48 others in central London, another apparent Islamist carried out an attack Tuesday at 4:30 pm local time in central Paris, at the very heart of Roman Catholicism, outside the Cathedral of Notre Dame. Yelling, “This is for Syria!” French Interior Minister Gerard Collomb said a […]

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Moshe Feiglin: Time to Win the War

Fifty years have passed since the Six Day War and the reunification of Jerusalem. Most people think that the Six Day War was a resounding Israeli victory. There is no doubt that, from a military standpoint, the triumph was unequivocal. So why, fifty years after the indisputable victory, will no Israeli dare to stroll through east Jerusalem? Does Israeli sovereignty […]

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Matt Walsh: Please, leftists, explain how this ‘transgender’ madness empowers women

A mustachioed boy who “identifies as a girl” “heroically” won gold in the 100 meter dash and 200 meter dash for the Connecticut high school girl’s state championships last week. His times would have placed him a full second behind last place in the boy’s competition, but against the girls he easily came in first. Aside from the general insanity of […]

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More Leftist Censorship: TBS Edits Out The Word “Terrorists” From “Back To The Future”

Who could forget the film “Back to the Future?” The 80s classic is a frequent pick for many movie channels to screen on the weekends and is beloved by people everywhere. There are many great moments and quotable lines — like “88 miles per hours!” and “1.21 Jigawatts!”— that have managed to find their way into our pop culture and have […]

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London police leave 16 year old Jewish girl bleeding for hours after violent anti-Semitic assault

Police take two hours to respond to call after teenage girl beaten by anti-Semitic thugs for being Jewish in London. A 16-year-old Jewish girl who was wounded in a violent anti-Semitic assault in London was left bleeding for two hours after the Metropolitan Police Service failed to send any officers to the scene of the crime, the British Campaign Against […]

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Islamic State Terror Attack in Australia: Police rush terrorist who took a woman hostage

There’s been a terror attack in Melbourne, Australia, and ISIS is already taking responsibility. From the Associated Press: Australian police said on Tuesday that a shootout in which two men died, three police officers were wounded and a female hostage was freed was being treated as a terror attack. Police were called to an apartment building in the Melbourne suburb […]

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Jew-Hating UN Chief Denounces “50 Years of Israeli Occupation” on Six Day War Anniversary

This is nothing more than pure anti-Semitism. This disgusting pig and the UN are blaming Jewish victims for Arab Muslim mass-murder. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said that the five-decades-long Israeli occupation has imposed a “heavy humanitarian and development burden on the Palestinian people” and “fueled recurring cycles of violence and retribution.” There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. […]

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CNN Caught Staging “Muslims Against ISIS” Narrative After London Bridge Terrorism

CNN, already accused by the President of the United States and many others of being purveyors of fake news, gave the world a glimpse into how the fake news sausage is made in the aftermath of the London Bridge Islamic terrorist attacks. As you can see in the behind-the-scenes video below, CNN is caught orchestrating a protest of “Muslims Against ISIS” […]

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Breitbart reporter fired for anti-Muslim tweet after London terror attack

Breitbart were sellouts to Trump during the campaign, and are now firing it’s writers who insult Islam. A Breitbart writer who tweeted anti-Muslim comments shortly after a terror attack in London that left seven dead and nearly 50 inured has been fired. CNN first reported the firing of Katie McHugh, who tweeted out on Saturday night that “there would be no deadly […]

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New law allows government to take children away if parents don’t accept kids’ “gender identity”

Ontario, Canada passed a law that allows government to intervene in family life if parents of children with gender identity issues don’t accept their kids’ “gender expression,” Lifesite News reports. Bill 89 — also knows as The Supporting Children, Youth and Families Act of 2017 — was overwhelmingly passed in Ontario with a 63 to 23 vote. The new law […]

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Five Arab Muslims Arrested for Planning Terrorist Attack Against Jews at Temple Mount

Israeli security forces and the Israel Police arrested several Arab residents of east Jerusalem who are members of the Hamas-affiliated Shabab al-Aqsa organization who were involved in an attempt to carry out violent attacks against security forces and visitors to the Temple Mount. The Shabab al-Aqsa organization is declared a terrorist organization in Israel. The organization’s activists identify with the […]

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Religion of Peace: ISIS Claims Responsibility for London Attack

The Islamic State group claimed responsibility Sunday for an attack by knife-wielding [Muslims] who mowed down and stabbed revellers in London, killing seven people before being shot dead in a barrage of police gunfire. Saturday night’s rampage at a popular nightlife hub around London Bridge by three men wearing fake suicide vests was the third deadly terror attack in Britain […]

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Arrests After UK’s Kent Police Shamed for Ignoring Anti-Semitic Stoning Attack on Jewish Family

The UK-based Campaign Against Anti-Semitism organization announced that two arrests have been made by Kent Police in connection with a May 30th stoning attack on a Jewish family from the Stamford Hill section of London, during their visit to Minster beach on the Isle of Sheppey. Five teenagers between the ages of 15 to 18 hurled rocks at an Orthodox […]

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GOP financing helps Planned Parenthood have banner year

When Cecile Richards, the CEO of Infanticide, Inc. (a.k.a. Planned Parenthood) predicted in 2011 that the loss of federal funding would result in millions of women losing access to basic family planning services such as mammograms and cancer screenings, she flat-out lied. Not a single Planned Parenthood affiliate possesses X-ray machines necessary to do mammograms, and the only so-called cancer […]

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Just 10 days into Islam’s ‘holy month’ and more than 400 people have been murdered by Muslims

Islam’s “holy month,” called Ramadan, started just 10 days ago on May 26. During Ramadan, Muslims are required to fast during the day. Fasting during Ramadan is so important to Muslims that it is included in Islam’s five core beliefs, known as the “Five Pillars of Islam.” … Violence was projected worldwide Saturday when three Islamic terrorists mowed down pedestrians on […]

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