Category Archives: Articles

Barbaric Arab Muslim Mothers Make “Cries of Joy” When Their Terrorist Children Die

There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It is a lie and a propaganda war intended to destroy Israel the Jewish people. Click here for more information. The following article is from PMW: PA Minister of Women’s Affairs: The Palestinian woman is different from all other women in the world “as [only] she receives the news of […]

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Obama and the Leftist Media Care More About Planned Parenthood Than Innocent Jews Being Stabbed Every Day

‘Planned Parenthood Shooter‘ Identifies as Female. The Gateway Pundit is reporting information today which suggests that, contrary to the dearest hopes of rush-to-judgment liberals, the so-called Planned Parenthood shooter is not a right-winger driven to “domestic terrorism” by “anti-Planned Parenthood rhetoric.” The man who killed three, including Police Officer Garrett Swasey, and wounded several more in a shootout yesterday that ended in […]

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Bronx Middle School Tells Students: “Swastikas Mean Peace”

Notebook was found with the words “Hitler Rocks!”. After swastikas began turning up three weeks ago at an elite private middle school in the Bronx, administrators decided to inform their sixth-graders about the symbol. Unfortunately, they focused mainly on it as a symbol of peace in some cultures and completely neglected to mention the Holocaust, according to the New York Post. One parent […]

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14-Year-Old Slapped, Dragged Out of School by Her Hair for Not Wearing Muslim Headscarf in Missouri

Police said Youssif Z. Omar, 53, on Tuesday was at the school attended by a 14-year-old relative of his and noticed she wasn’t wearing her hijab — a traditional Muslim headscarf. Omar became irate, police said, grabbed the girl “very violently by the hair” and pulled her down a flight of stairs. He then allegedly slapped her face and then pulled […]

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The Affirmative Action Education Bubble Behind the Campus Protests

The Left creates misery and then profits from it. Forget the housing bubble, the education bubble is about to burst. Student loan debt is at $1.2 trillion. College enrollment increased under Obama, but graduation rates fell. Barely half the students who enrolled in 2009 graduated. His plans for expanding enrollment rates worked, but the plans for expanding graduation rates didn’t. […]

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Paying to be invaded: Over 90 percent of Middle Eastern “refugees” on food stamps; 70 percent on government assistance

So it is no secret why consistent majorities of Americans are opposed to mass immigration, as well as President Obama’s plan to resettle as many as 10,000 Syrian “refugees” in the U.S. Indeed, many Americans are beginning to feel as though their country is under invasion, from refugees to those streaming over the Southwest border. What is even more galling […]

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Black Friday: 3 Arab terrorist attacks in one day – 1 Jew stabbed and 8 rammed by cars

Police and EMT rushed to the area where 6 Jews ages 19-20 were wounded while local Arabs began throwing rocks at the arriving ambulances. Israeli authorities on Friday believe that the stabbing of a 37-year-old Border Police officer in the northern town of Nahariya was motivated by nationalist sentiments. The stabbing occurred near the central bus station on Haga’aton Boulevard in […]

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Obama Administration says America’s legal gun owners are a threat, but Islamic State is no threat at all

American gun owners can spot a gun-grabber a mile away, and they have known for several years now that their president is one of them. Time and again, Barack Obama has attempted to goad the country and Congress into backing stricter gun control laws that would do little to reduce mass shootings that are statistically rare to begin with [PDF], […]

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DOZENS Of Islamic State Suspects in America Warrant 24/7 FBI Surveillance

The FBI is using elite surveillance units to monitor at least 48 Islamic State suspects in the United States who are considered particularly high risk. Hundreds of suspected ISIS sympathizers in the U.S. are being monitored, but the FBI is using special units to monitor the most serious suspects, reported Fox News. Units of at least a dozen FBI agents monitor the […]

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Feds: Georgia must process food stamps for Syrian migrants

Federal officials are ordering Georgia to process food stamp applications for Syrian “refugees”. Jessica Shahin, associate administrator of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, sent a letter Wednesday to Bobby Cagle, director of the Georgia Division of Family and Children Services, which administers the food stamp program in the state. Gov. Nathan Deal last week issued an order directing state agency […]

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Obama says Syrian Muslim “refugees” are America’s “modern-day pilgrims”

[Barack Hussein] Obama on Thursday compared Syrian refugees to the first Pilgrims who journeyed to America seeking a better life, as he delivered his annual Thanksgiving Day radio message. Obama noted that America’s greatness “comes from our generosity” as he spoke about the controversy. Critics fear terrorists can sneak into the country among the refugees. “Nearly four centuries after the […]

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Despicable: Israeli police seek to arrest Jewish victim of Arab terrorism

The Israel Police has notified the parents of Alroi Bergman, 18, that it intends to arrest Alroi soon, sources at the Homesh Yeshiva said Thursday. Bergman was injured in a car ramming terror attack Monday against youths who study at the Homesh Yeshiva. The terrorists were driving a jeep with [PLO] plates when they identified a group of yeshiva boys and started […]

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Obama administration tells states they can’t refuse Syrian “refugees”

The Obama administration warned states over the Syrian refugee crisis Wednesday, telling them in a letter they do not have legal authority to refuse the refugees, and states that do not comply may be subject to enforcement action. The letter, from the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR), told state resettlement officials that they may not deny benefits and services to […]

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Terrorism Deaths Quadruple Under Obama

The worldwide number of annual terrorist deaths has more than quadrupled since President Barack Obama was inaugurated in January 2009. Deaths from terrorism increased 80 percent last year to an all-time-record of 32,658 people killed, compared to 18,111 in 2013. The number is up about 426 percent from the 7,654 killed by terrorists in 2008 under President Bush, according to […]

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UN Report on Whether Iran Was Making Nuclear Bomb “Will Not Reach a Definitive Conclusion”

You know exactly what that means. A U.N. report on whether Iran has in the past carried out work related to nuclear weapons will not reach a definitive conclusion on the subject, the chief of the U.N. nuclear watchdog said on Thursday. The report by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is required under a landmark deal between major powers […]

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Report: ‘Thousands’ of Islamic State (ISIS) terrorists now inside U.S. cities

The Islamic State has recruited thousands of supporters in the United States, far more than previously thought, according to a scathing new report, raising the likelihood that supporters of the terrorist army could be plotting attacks similar to those carried out in Paris. And the “challenges of screening incoming refugees” from Muslim countries may be adding fuel to the fire, […]

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The Left’s Solution to Terrorism: “Be Nicer to Muslims”

The left is completely insane. Have you hugged a mass-murdering terrorist today? From Sarah Lyons-Padilla and Michele Gelfand writing at the Washington Post: The discovery that several of the Paris attackers were European nationals has fueled concern about Muslim immigrants… Some politicians have expressed views that the best way to avoid homegrown terrorists is to shut the door. The refugee migration […]

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Austrian Islamic State ‘poster girl’ beaten to death after trying to escape Syria

She stated “We will serve Allah and we will die for him”… and that’s exactly what happened. One of two Austrian teenagers dubbed “poster girls” for ISIS was beaten to death after she was caught trying to escape the terror group’s de facto capital in Syria, according to published reports. Two Austrian newspapers reported Tuesday that Samra Kesinovic, 18, was […]

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“Global Warming Caused Hitler”

The lunatic left is teaming with complete morons. You just can’t get any more stupid and naive than this. Global warming’s reputation as the most evil and dangerous thing ever to happen in the history of the world has just gone full Godwin: apparently – among all its myriad other crimes – it may have been responsible for the rise of Adolf […]

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NOAA Head Refuses to Turn Over Documents That Show Manipulated Climate Data

Because global warming isn’t based on science. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration head is refusing to hand over internal documents to a Republican lawmaker who is accusing federal scientists of doctoring the data to fit President Obama’s global warming agenda. NOAA’s Commerce Secretary Penny Pritzker responded to a claim from House Science Committee Chairman Lamar Smith (R-TX) who says […]

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Sen. Sessions Reveals 12 “Refugees” Who Quickly Joined Jihad Terror Plots to Attack the United States

And there are many, many more… thanks to Obama. He’s spotlighting the refugees-turned-jihadis because he’s trying to prod GOP leaders into halting Congress’ normal practice of giving the president huge leeway to import foreign migrants and refugees into the United States. This year, Obama is promising to bring in an extra 10,000 low-skill, potentially difficult-to-integrate Syrian migrants into the United […]

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Syrians are a Nation of Terrorists

Syria is a terror state. It didn’t become that way overnight because of the Arab Spring or the Iraq War. Its people are not the victims of American foreign policy, “Islamic militancy” or any of the other fashionable excuses. They supported Islamic terrorism. Millions of them still do. They are not the Jews fleeing a Nazi Holocaust. They are the […]

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Iranian Hackers Attack State Dept. via Social Media Accounts

Here’s an idea: Never make a deal with the devil… and then give terrorists nuclear weapons. WASHINGTON — Four months after a [suicidal “deal” with giving terrorist Iran nukes], American officials and private security groups say they see a surge in sophisticated computer espionage by Iran, culminating in a series of cyberattacks against State Department officials over the past month. […]

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26 Year Old Jew Hospitalized With Head Wound Injuries After Arab Terrorists Target His Car With Rocks

A 26-year-old man received head wounds after having his car targeted by stone throwers in Jerusalem, Magen David Adom said Tuesday evening. The man was traveling in a vehicle on Begin Road, driving towards Atarot, when his car was targeted. Paramedics provided medical treatment at the scene, who was then evacuated to the city’s Shaare Zedek Hospital.

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Kerry visits Israel and demands that Jews cannot build homes in Jerusalem and other parts of Israel

… and Arabs can build where ever they want – even illegally. JERUSALEM (AP) — A new spat emerged between the Israeli government and Washington over Jewish settlements on Tuesday, as U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry visited Israel and the West Bank for the first time in more than a year. … In Washington, the State Department quickly rejected […]

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Hillary Clinton: Saying ‘Illegal Immigrants’ Was Poor Word Choice

“I’ve heard all of this loose and inflammatory talk about refugees,” Clinton said. Hillary Rodham Clinton said Tuesday her use of the term “illegal immigrants” was a “poor choice of words” and she pledged not to use it anymore, responding to criticism from immigration activists. The Democratic presidential candidate was asked about her use of the term to describe people […]

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Suspect Confesses In Shooting Of Jewish Med Student, New Orleans

New Orleans police said the man they arrested in the shooting of a Jewish medical student has confessed. Euric Cain, 21, was arrested Monday morning and is accused of attempted murder, kidnapping and armed robbery, Louisiana’s The Advocate reported. Cain allegedly shot Tulane University medical student Peter Gold, 25, early on Friday after Gold, who had been driving past, intervened upon […]

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Obama Admits He’s A Muslim… Again.

Born to a Muslim father and raised in his early childhood by a Muslim stepfather in a Muslim nation, where he was registered in school as Muslim, Barack Obama has many ties to Islam that have caused some to doubt his profession of Christian faith. Obama, who as president has supported the Muslim Brotherhood, even referred in a television interview […]

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SJP Nazis Fight for Right to Harass Jews at UCLA – ACLU Takes the Side of anti-Semitism

Jewish students describe being told, “Hitler was right”. The University of California has an anti-Semitism problem. Its name is “Students for Justice in Palestine”. There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It is a lie and a propaganda war intended to destroy Israel the Jewish people. Click here for more information. Co-founded by Hatem Bazian, a notorious […]

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University of Colorado Anti-Racism Event Cancelled Because Organizers Are White

If you’re white, don’t bother trying to protest racism, because that’s just another way in which your white privilege suppresses voices of color. Case in point: an anti-racism rally planned at the University of Colorado, Boulder, to show solidarity with black activists at the University of Missouri was cancelled because – wait for it – the protest organizers are white. As Breitbart’s Lee Stranahan reports, the […]

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Arab Terrorist Stabber Murders 21-Year-Old Israeli Woman Hadar Buchris

JERUSALEM–An Arab jihadist repeatedly stabbed and killed a 21-year-old Israeli woman named Hadar Buchris Sunday in the latest random murder targeting Jews in a gruesome fashion prescribed by an imam in Gaza. There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It is a lie and a propaganda war intended to destroy Israel the Jewish people. Click here for […]

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Arab Muslim stabbing attack foiled as terrorist run over by civilian

Female terrorist attempts to stab pedestrians – but a former politician ran over her to stop the attack. A female [Muslim] Arab terrorist attempted to stab pedestrians [Jews] at Brigade Square in Samaria Sunday morning, just after 9:15 am. Her attempt was thwarted after former Samaria Regional Council head Gershon Mesika, who lives in Elon Moreh close to the intersection, […]

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Islamic State child terrorist executioners – Obama: “They’re just like our kids”

Obama claims they just need love. ISIS child executioner ignores prisoners’ pleas to spare them… then shoots them in the head without hesitating: Shocking footage shows how Islamic State’s evil has spread to the next generation Islamic State fanatics release sickening new footage of mass execution Included are horrifying scenes of a child executing several prisoners The 22-minute film shows […]

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BRUSSELS ON LOCKDOWN: Home of European Union Braces For Impending Muslim Terrorism

Belgian authorities warn of Paris-style jihad attack. When will they learn that Islam is not a “religion of peace”? The city of Brussels, Belgium is on lockdown. Home to the headquarters of the European Union and NATO, the city has gone to the highest level of alertness after authorities in the small nation raised the threat level over “precise information” […]

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It’s official: ‘Homophobia’ now a mental disorder!

New effort by ‘loony left’ to silence conservatives. If you think there might be something wrong with homosexuality, you most likely have a mental disorder, according to a recent study by a team of Italian researchers. Discussing the study, lead researcher Emmanuele A. Jannini, M.D., stated: “After discussing for centuries if homosexuality is to be considered a disease, for the […]

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Kanye West replaces every mention of God in Bible to his name instead

Affirmative action rapper and talentless auto-tune “artist” Kanye West claims he is a “god”. The holy book’s Genesis has been reworked for a “modern day Bible” dubbed The Book of Yeezus and believe it or not, every mention of God has been changed to the rapper’s name. “In a sense, Kanye’s [so-called] awesome and orchestrated spectacle is truly a religious […]

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PLO claims Israel planting bloody knives near the bodies of Arab terrorists

Even though the terrorists are caught on video, the PLO is now claiming the terrorists are innocent and have bloody knives planted on them – which also means they are accusing Israel of stabbing it’s own citizens to frame Arabs. The [PLO] on Sunday accused Israeli authorities of planting knives near the bodies of [so-called] “Palestinians” who are killed during […]

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