Category Archives: Videos

Bernie Sanders: “Israel is the cause of Middle East strife”

Bernie Sanders is a self-hating Jew who spews the same anti-Semitic propaganda that Nazis and terrorists do. Democratic Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders claims his [so-called] ‘judaism’ is an important part of who he is. Israel is apparently not part of his ‘judaism‘ liberalism. Here he is speaking on Monday in Dearbornistan, Michigan. Let’s go to the videotape: Honestly, he doesn’t […]

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Emergency Committee for Israel: Why is Donald Trump always kissing up to dictators?

The Emergency Committee for Israel has released its first online advertisement in a while. It’s directed at Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump. Here’s the press release: Today the Emergency Committee for Israel released “Trump Loves Dictators,” a 30-second ad highlighting Donald Trump’s disturbing affection for anti-American dictators. The ad will appear online and on television in primary states this week. […]

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SNL Targets Trump KKK and Nazi David Duke Controversy in Parody Ad

“Saturday Night Live” was back this week with a new political spoof. This week, Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump was the target. The segment parodied the standard campaign ad, with one little twist. “The media’s been saying pretty negative things about Donald Trump,” the narrator begins as the camera rolls over a suburban American neighborhood. “But what are real Americans […]

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Kids pretend to be Trump with “Trump action figure” – you’ll LOVE this (new video)

Cruz tweeted out the campaign’s latest web ad after his victory, one that takes aim at the winner, Donald Trump. The ad depicts children playing with their new “Donald Trump action figure,” and says what he does most is “pretend to be a Republican: It’s a tour de force of counter-Trump arguments. The ad manages to mention Trump’s friendship with […]

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