College Professors Discover New Way To Get Offended: “Invisibility Microaggressions”

Some race-consumed college professors just discovered a new way to get offended called “invisibility microagressions” that are invisible, and “published their findings in the NASPA Journal About Women In Higher Education.”

Unfortunately, they are more concerned with the invisible racist boogie man than education (literally).

From the Daily Caller:

The two professors interviewed 13 non-white [that means black] women at “predominantly white institutions” and found five different forms of “invisibility microaggressions.” Three were “environmental” and two were “interpersonal.”

Publishing their findings in the NASPA Journal About Women In Higher Education on Aug. 29, the professors claim that the environment-based “invisibility microaggressions” occur when they are “among the few, or only” non-whites in a workplace or communal context.

Meanwhile, interpersonal “invisibility microaggressions” are said to hinder non-white people in “everyday work roles” because their ethnicity or gender is being ignored or because they don’t see other non-white people there.

The participants reported “campus invisibility,” where non-white faculty members say they experienced invisibility for being one of the few non-white faculty members on campus.

Unlike regular microaggressions, which require at least two parties for them to occur, invisibility microaggressions only needs for one person to feel invisible in an environment.

The professors also recommend that campus leaders “must be especially vigilant in considering and recommending Women of Color for leadership roles.”

NASPA Journal About Women In Higher Education? Are they assuming womens’ gender?

This is nothing new. It’s called affirmative action where people are promoted or hired only because of the color of their skin, while qualified individuals are denied because of their skin color. Isn’t that racist by the very definition in the dictionary?

Racisma belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human racial groups determine cultural or individual achievement

That’s right, it’s not possible to be racist against white people (Jews and Asians are considered to be “white” even when they aren’t).

What they are saying in a nutshell is that whites are racist for not having the same or higher percent of blacks in any environment. Did anyone happen to mention to these idiots that blacks make up only 13% of the population?

These college “professors” are sure bad at math.

I wonder if “safe spaces” are also required to have equal numbers of blacks, women, homosexuals, and Muslims. There is one thing you will never see, a requirement for equal numbers of Asians, Indians, Jews (especially Jews), Christians, straight people, or conservatives.

Have you ever noticed that the left is completely obsessed with race? Even inanimate objects like the latest solar eclipse, hurricane Harvey, white horses, and banana peels are racist. I guess it makes for easy victims.

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