Cruz Calls Out O’Reilly: You Defend Trump

Republican presidential contender Ted Cruz confronted Bill O’Reilly Thursday over his coverage of Donald Trump, telling the Fox News host that he often defends the brash billionaire.

The remark from Cruz came during an exchange on Trump’s political donations to Democratic politicians.

“He did it as a businessman,” O’Reilly argued. “He did it as a businessman.”

That answer, which is the same response that Trump has offered to critics who have hammered him for past donations to Democrats, did not satisfy Cruz. The Texas senator told O’Reilly that Trump was, in part, responsible for the liberal policies of the politicians he helped put into office.

“I’m not buying it,” O’Reilly said.

“I know. You defend him a lot, Bill,” Cruz quipped.

O’Reilly insisted that he does “go after” Trump on certain issues.

“That’s why he’s not on the program, because he’s mad at me,” O’Reilly said.

Cruz’s criticism of O’Reilly serves as the latest signal that the Texas senator is having a rocky relationship with select Fox News hosts.

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