DISGUSTING: Media Draws Equivalence Between Family Of Jews Slaughtered By Arab Terrorist And Violent Arab Killed in Rioting

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After three Israeli Jews were slaughtered in their home by a 19-year-old Palestinian terrorist as they sat down for their Sabbath meal, celebrating the birth of a new child, the media continued their long-standard efforts to equate the savage murder of Jews with Palestinians killed in riots as they hurled stones and other objects at Israeli soldiers.

Here’s a sampling of the headlines and the opening reports from the usual suspects:

CBS News: “3 Palestinians, 3 Israelis killed in violence over Jerusalem shrine.” This was followed by:

Escalating Israeli-Palestinian tensions over the Holy Land’s most contested shrine boiled over into violence on Friday that killed six people — three Palestinians in street clashes in Jerusalem and three Israelis in a stabbing attack at a West Bank settlement.

NBC News: “Al Aqsa Mosque Clashes: 6 Killed as Jerusalem Shrine Tensions Worsen.” NBC continued:

Three Palestinians died in clashes in Jerusalem and three Israelis were killed in a stabbing attack at a West Bank settlement as tensions gave way to violence over the Holy Land’s most contested shrine.

The New York Times: “Deadly Violence Erupts in Standoff Over Mosque in Jerusalem.” The Times had the gall to report the barbaric massacre of three Jews by claiming it  “appeared to be a terrorist attack”:

Six people were killed on Friday in an outbreak of violence that erupted over Israel’s  placement of metal detectors at entrances to the sacred Aqsa Mosque compound in Jerusalem and spread to the West Bank. Three Israelis were killed in what appeared to be a terrorist attack in a West Bank settlement hours after three Palestinians were killed in clashes with Israeli security forces.

CNN did not equate the two incidents, but didn’t tell the whole story in its headline, either, referring to the massacre as a “stabbing”: “3 Israelis killed in stabbing; 3 Palestinians killed in clashes.”

The three Jews killed were Yosef Salomon, 70, his daughter, Chaya, 46, and his son Elad, 36. Elad’s wife Michal reacted quickly to the attack, rushing three of her five children into another room where her two youngest, who are twins, were.  She hurriedly locked the door, called for help, and held on to the doorknob for dear life. She told Yehudiot Aronot:

I saw the profile of a person ploughing towards the kitchen. The terrorist, apparently, saw them through the window and entered the house. He didn’t see me, and came directly at them. I heard him ask them in Arabic: “What’s your name?” and I immediately understood that something wasn’t right. That something bad was happening. I immediately took the 3 kids upstairs, where [the two youngest children] the twins were sleeping. It was important that I, first of all, protect the children no matter what. I started to hear shouts and screams. I held the door with all of my strength, because it wasn’t locked. I lost my sense of time, but I didn’t let go of the doorknob. I called the Police and told them what was happening as my children surrounded me. I heard terrible screams and shots, and after a period which seemed endless, I understood that it was over. I came downstairs and saw Elad. I understood that my husband was no longer alive.

The family was celebrating a “shalom zachar,” the traditional Friday night celebration after the birth of a son.

Here’s what the scene looked like on the kitchen floor after the bodies were removed:

ZAKA Chairman Yehuda Meshi-Zahav stated:

The amount of blood here is horrific. To see this amount of blood, right near the Shabbat (Sabbath) table with the wine and the Shabbat candles, and the preparations for the celebration … It’s horrific. It says in the Bible, “Through your blood, you shall live.” Here, they celebrated the new life of a baby, and a terrorist came and took away lives. They didn’t even have a chance to touch the foods they’d prepared to celebrate the newborn. It was a stroke of luck that the neighbor heard the screams. … Otherwise, I don’t even want to think what could have happened, G-d forbid.

The IDF soldier who raced to the scene and shot the terrorist, saving the rest of the family, serves in the Oketz Unit, which is the IDF’s canine special forces unit. He recounted:

Last night, while my family ate the Friday night meal, we heard screams from the direction of our neighbor’s home. My father and I went out to see what was happening. When we saw that the situation was serious, I ran back home to get my weapon. I stood outside the house and saw the terrorist through the window. I knew that I couldn’t lose my cool; I had to be professional and controlled. I shot one shot towards his stomach and neutralized him. It seems I was at the right place at the right time. This is no doubt a traumatic incident for the community. We feel the sorrow of the family and embrace them. For me personally it’s not a simple occurrence. I try to focus on the fact that what I did prevented what could have been a worse tragedy. But this is not the first time we have experienced something like this. Three years ago a terrorist came into our house and attacked my younger sister. That incident ended miraculously — better than what happened last night.

The terrorist who slaughtered the Jews, Omar al-Abed, was treated in Petach Tikvah’s Rabin Medical Center.

Israeli Prime Minister bluntly stated, “This was an act of terrorism committed by a beast incited by wild hatred.”

But don’t tell that to the media.


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