Donald Trump to push Israel to make a “deal” with Muslim terrorists

Trump says he will be “neutral” between Israeli Jews and Arab Muslim terrorists.

donald_trumpGOP presidential candidate Donald Trump said he’d give brokering a [so-called] “peace” accord between Israel and [so-called] Palestine “one hell of a shot” as president but that he didn’t want to start pointing fingers at who’s to blame since it might hurt the efforts down the road.

There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It is a lie and a propaganda war intended to destroy Israel the Jewish people. Click here for more information.

“A lot of people say an agreement can’t be made, which is OK, sometimes agreements can’t be made, not good,” Mr. Trump said at a town-hall event that aired on MSNBC Wednesday evening. “But you have both sides really, but you have one side in particular, growing up and learning that these are the worst people, these people are the worst people, etcetera etcetera.”

“It is a very, very tough agreement to make. I was with a very prominent Israeli the other day, said it’s impossible because the other side has been trained from the time they’re children to hate Jewish people,” he said. “But I will give it one hell of a shot. That I can tell you. But of all agreements … if you can do that deal, you can do any deal. But that’s probably the toughest deal in the world right now to make and it’s possible it’s not makeable because, don’t forget, it has to last.”

Asked whose fault he thinks the conflict is, Mr. Trump said he didn’t want to get into it.

“If I do win, there has to be a certain amount of surprise, unpredictability — our country has no unpredictability,” he said. “If I win, I don’t want to be in a position where I’m saying to you, and the other side now [says], ‘We don’t want Trump involved, we don’t want’ — let me be sort of a neutral guy, let’s see what — I’m going to give it a shot. It would be so great.”

“I would be so proud if I could do that,” he said. “I don’t know if it’s doable. I have friends of mine that are tremendous business people that are really great negotiators. They say it’s not doable. You understand a lot of people have gone down in flames trying to make that deal. So I don’t want to say whose fault is it. … I don’t think it helps.


  • Most american jews want a “deal.” If american jews were a sensible lot things would be different.

  • Only liberal and Jewish in name only would even consider a deal. The land belongs to Israel. Send the fictitious Palestinians to one of the 57 Islamic nations. There is only one Israel, but there are 57 Islamic nations.

  • NoMosqueHere your logic is absurd bending over backwards to defend trump, twisting yourself into a pretzel. Trump already told the Jewish groups he doesn’t want their money and told us all he will not be influenced by the Jews. Now trump states his honest opinion about the middle east and you want to blame it on American Jews. It is his view of the conflict, and it is ignorant, immoral and unjust. It cannot be blamed on anyone else. Wake up and leave the Trump cult before it’s too late.

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