MaryJoe: The people on this forum have asked you ten times to answer the question, but ten times you have avoided the question and thrown insuts at us.
Here's the question one more time: Why does your black inventors list claim that the aircondtioner was invented by a black man, when in fact, the first airconditioner was invented and patented by Carrier, who was a white man. (When I discovered this lie, which only took a minute) , it caused me to doubt everything the blacks claim. I mean everything! Mr. Carrier, the real inventor of the aircondtioner is turning over in his grave and screaming, "I invented the air conditioner and patented it."
You owe Mr. Carrier and his family an apology, a sincere apology in writing. And you owe us an apology in writing as well, for hurling insults, for simply discovering a lie about an inventor. All we have done is ask you to answer a question. Answer the question, or you will lose the respect of thewonderful people of the Jewish Task Force.
PS: I want to contact the Carrier family letting them know that a black inventors list is claiming that Mr. Carrier did not invent the first airconditioner. Please send me the source of your list so I may forward it to the Carrier family, and they can take appropriate action.