last time I checked blacks are descendants of adam made in the image of G-d. You are slapping G-d in the face with your hatred against blacks. I happen to have a black neighbor downstairs who runs a business and employs many people. Your racism is sickening.
Yeshua, the majority of blacks choose to lead base and vile lifestyles. JTF wishes nothing but the best for those who do not.
I don't have a problem with pointing out cultural problems, but saying Blacks are devoid of intelligence is flat out racist and has nothing to do with cultural debate.
Ze'ev has the bellcurves. Their IQ is 65-70 (average in africa, 85 in the USA. So they ARE less intelligent (on average).
IQ is heavily influenced by environmental factors like nutrition and mental stimulation during the formative years, even a loving environment is important to mental development. People in the slums need Judeo/Christian values and need to stop the disintegration of the family unit. The family is the most basic political unit, if you have chaos in the home you will eventually have anarchy at the national level. If you can put those things in place and restore integrity and work ethic people can get out of the slums and make the criminal activity drastically decline. The problem is you have humanistic programs that throw money at the problem and it keeps getting worse. People need to be spiritually fed first, and then a hand up will do much good. Where I live most of the criminal activity is Godless whites who have no hope. They put up a top 10 criminals poster and 8 out of 10 are white. All men without G-d will be reduced to savagery. I don't believe throwing blacks and hispanics out of your country is going to deal with the root problem.
You are certainly right that environmental factors are important.
But do remember Chaim saying how his grand-mother was giving food to the people even she was poor (depression 30ties)
Of course, we now have relatively much richer blacks who destroy the habitat they live in .
That's why I never refer to the word Ghetto , for black / muslims neighbourhoods.
i call it Enclaves.
The Jews never even numerically , demographically threatened Europeans, as do the muslims now with their "Ghettos".
Outside the borders 1.7billion are waiting to come in .
that 's why i am so mad at those filthy Weltners and Dukes.
They claim Jews are the source of all evil.
Whilst it is the opposite.
What made Germany so good?
What made the Soviet-union so good.
Not that the non-jews were bad at all,
But what Jews contribute with their average higher IQ's was fantastic.
![Kiss :-*](
And so they are seen as the 'elders of zion that want to take over he world by making the Goyim slaughtering each-other"
yeah right
![Undecided :-\](
But back on topic, the environmental is not determining everything.
A child is NOT a tubula rasa.
Child from blacks are born stronger, and can sit .
Children from whites/asians can sit i think in the 3d week.
IQ of black babies is higher , the first 3 years,
than gradually lower than asians/whites.
No environmental aspects can undo this.
I know a 140 IQ black man here,
but he is a leader of a criminal gang and has
himself €800
/ 4 woman (never married) €3200 (exclusive gratis housing)
/17 children of whom (
![Huh ???](
4 adults, paid about a €3200 (exclusive gratis housing)
plus dealing kilo's of marihuana.
plus stealing cars and shipping them to africa.
plus playing music and getting 600€ a gig.
He is smart.
And evil
And in his living room there's a 1mx1m photo of Mekka!!
and he claims to be Christian???
Time to expel this family & slaves (60% of the 2000 people of Ghanese nationality in the city were i live)