article 400 of the new york state penal law article 400 deals with licensing and issuing.
Next thing is article 265.20 of the New York State penal law. That deals with possession ownership, and use of firearms to each criminal degree.
That's where they have to start, each county has it's own laws on licensing and concealment, and a lot of it depends on which judge is in office at that particular time, democrat, republican, anti-gun, pro gun, anti conceal, but issues licenses to carry.
Minimum Requirements, No violent felonies, federal law precludes all firearms ownership for any felony except non violent. Should someone have a non violent felony say a drunk driving situation, convicted, that becomes a felony, but if no one is injured, then you can request from the original convicting court "Certificate Of Release Of Disabilities", that's only for non violent felonies.
Certain misdemeanors like spousal abuse for example is automatic disqualification
State minimum, New York State Bearu of criminal investigations the FBI of the New York State Police, a New York state background psychological check as in mental health background information. An NCIS FBI criminal background check (Federal). That goes to the FBI.
6 sets of fingerprints, each on individual application, no duplicates, original, one will go to the original issuing agency, one will go to the judge, one will go to the investigating officer, and one set will stay with your license as it goes through the process. All of the references, minimum of 4 (state minimum), all your references will have to sign each individual application sheet. No photocopies. Original.
When the New York state stuff returns to the issuing agency and the federal stuff returns from the FBI and all that information along with the investing report and reference checks then that information from the issuing agency goes to a county judge or county judge level (in newyork city commision of police I think) At that person, they have the yay or nay which is the end result, they either sign it or they don't. New York State has two kinds of licenses, a carry conceal, and on premises. Have to have a license to own anything in New York City.
Pretty sure somewhere in New York City, they require at minimum a NRA pistol safety class.
If your licensed outside of the city, cannot take your guns there without expressed permission, if you have your permit issued in the city, you can take it anywhere in the state.
10 years ago, when Rudy Guiliani was in office, the going rate for a license to carry was about 5000 dollars. You had to hire a lawyer to fight for you. Guiliani made it a adversarel process.
Bloomberg is even worse.
To do what we want to do, we have to start a agency, and liability insurance, no idea on the cost.
The agency would need to have a agent which would be the head of the training, and he would be the one who's sworn in, everyone else would work under him. There is definitely liability insurance involved.
Pretty much have to have a clean record. No domestic disputes, no divorces (yes i'm dead serious).