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The Ask Lubab "Show"

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--- Quote from: Paulette on September 26, 2008, 09:28:47 AM ---
--- Quote from: ProJewChristian on September 18, 2008, 05:19:03 PM ---
--- Quote from: Lubab on September 18, 2008, 04:37:45 PM ---I support Nik being brought back and the old "Stop The New World Order" section be brought back as well where his threads would be moved.
This way we are not stifling debate and yet it doesn't need to take place in the General Discussion section where some JTFers would find it embarrassing and distracting. 

I have brought up this idea to the higher ups but so far no response.

Maybe if people get together and demand it something will happen.

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I have to say this with all due respect. nikmatdam was warned numerous times about his 9/11 conspiracy posts by the admins and mods. I would support his return if he stopped with the conspiracy nonsense. Personally, I think JTF gave him a rather generous shot.

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  PJC...with the Anti-Semitism that is now here, while his conspiracy theories were off, and ON.. I think EVERYTHING that IS happening, SOLIDIFIES what he WAS TRYING TO GET ACROSS.  That thread that he kept STARTING was NOT really for the Righteous Gentiles on this forum, IT WAS A WARNING that we HAVE to take HEED to, as Jews- AND AS CHRISTIANS, after all, PJC, the GOOD Catholics during the holocaust were AGAINST Hitler, AND their Church, and if Jews EXPOSE the EVIL in OUR people, Christians & Catholics, ETC NEED to do the SAME thing.

  IF a person is STRONG in their faith in G-d, then stuff like what Nik wrote means ZERO. Why? BECAUSE IT DOES NOT PERTAIN TO YOU.  There IS good and BAD in ALL religions, ALL, And to NOT stand and SEE the unrighteouness in ones OWN doctrine- is SHAMEFUL.  My BEST friend (who died) was Catholic, and she CONSISTENTLY stood AGAINST when Catholicism was OFF.  Catholicism WAS off in the 30's/40's, EVIDENCE of this, IS THE MANY MANY CATHOLICS that stood in the GAP and SAVED, and hid JEWS.

  Lubab, I believe that you should use all your power to get Nik back, while some, and even MANY of his insights- ESPECIALLY 9-11 were OFF, he is very gifted as far as seeing things AHEAD.   HE IS NEEDED. HE IS A RABBI. HE IS ALSO loving, but people were TOO BUSY PERSONALLY attacking him, to have seen this! I saw it, I also saw how he SHARED his personal life, and it was USED AGAINST HIM. Very BAD. 
Like him or NOT- he is BRAVE.

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I have been trying but I will try harder. But I do recall you being one of the people who gave him a very rough time.
If you've changed your view about him I respect and accept that.


  No, I never did, you may ask him yourself, and check my posts. I stood by Nik, b/c he got BRUTALLY and PERSONALLY attacked. I did not agree with what he said, Lubab, but I DID NOT attack him AT ALL. NO WAY.  I liked Nik, and respected him, even moreso, b/c he had to withstand the ferocious attacks. NOT me, Lubab, uh uh  :nono: I DONT come against a Rabbi- to me that is like touching a piece of G-d and Thou shalt not touch G-ds ones, and live.
  I am all for FREE SPEECH, PERIOD, it is simple now, I choose to ignore certain people that I believe are HATEFUL individuals, I dont see WHY he cant come back, and do the same, people ignoring him, if they dont like it? Don t you think so? They had a CHOICE to ignore, or get in the middle, didnt they?

Is Nik really a Rabbi? Did he get Smicha? Judging from the way he wrote it is hard for me to believe that this guy was a Rabbi. From his writing style it seemed like he was not very literate {spelling and grammar errors and atrocious punctuation}. I read Rabbis writing every day and it seemed like Nik hadnt learned the way to express his ideas.

I know that he and I would not get along in the same room. I am a proud American, my family has fought for this country, my brothers life was taken by terrorists, and yet this guy wants to blather on about how America is really the enemy. Really?

If that is what you want, you can have it. I just know that I dont associate with people who believe such stuff. We are in many ways judged by the people we associate with. I have tried to understand Nik, but what I came away understanding is that he was unable to get along with people because he was warned NUMEROUS times to put a sock in it concerning several issues. He adamantly disobeyed the requests and got what he deserved.

What ever happened with the idea that Nik set up his own blog where he can express his 'esoteric' ideas without having to associate with me and the other sane people. I support his freedom of expression but I just dont think it does the Anti-Obama campaign any good, and that is what brought me to this site. If this site is one where all kinds of anti-American conspiracies are propagated please count me out. I am very proud of this country and my families ability to prosper here. People who are tearing it down are on my crepe lists.



--- Quote from: muman613 on September 26, 2008, 04:50:04 PM ---Is Nik really a Rabbi? Did he get Smicha? Judging from the way he wrote it is hard for me to believe that this guy was a Rabbi. From his writing style it seemed like he was not very literate {spelling and grammar errors and atrocious punctuation}. I read Rabbis writing every day and it seemed like Nik hadnt learned the way to express his ideas.

I know that he and I would not get along in the same room. I am a proud American, my family has fought for this country, my brothers life was taken by terrorists, and yet this guy wants to blather on about how America is really the enemy. Really?

If that is what you want, you can have it. I just know that I dont associate with people who believe such stuff. We are in many ways judged by the people we associate with. I have tried to understand Nik, but what I came away understanding is that he was unable to get along with people because he was warned NUMEROUS times to put a sock in it concerning several issues. He adamantly disobeyed the requests and got what he deserved.

What ever happened with the idea that Nik set up his own blog where he can express his 'esoteric' ideas without having to associate with me and the other sane people. I support his freedom of expression but I just dont think it does the Anti-Obama campaign any good, and that is what brought me to this site. If this site is one where all kinds of anti-American conspiracies are propagated please count me out. I am very proud of this country and my families ability to prosper here. People who are tearing it down are on my crepe lists.


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Yes Muman, Nik is an Orthodox Rabbi who has delved into researching the anti-Jew movements and has placed most, if not all, of his contempt for the Vatican and their Society of Jesus.  The fact that Perez is, some say, selling out Jerusalem to the Vatican and perhaps the Russians...  May give Nik base for his contempt.

I'm well aware of the history of the Jesuits and the Vatican and too the many theories towards their goals/intentions but Nik has placed them in his sights over all other anti-Jew movements.  He is very knowledgeable on Torah, Gamara, Halacha etc.


--- Quote from: MarZutra on September 26, 2008, 06:02:17 PM ---
--- Quote from: muman613 on September 26, 2008, 04:50:04 PM ---Is Nik really a Rabbi? Did he get Smicha? Judging from the way he wrote it is hard for me to believe that this guy was a Rabbi. From his writing style it seemed like he was not very literate {spelling and grammar errors and atrocious punctuation}. I read Rabbis writing every day and it seemed like Nik hadnt learned the way to express his ideas.

I know that he and I would not get along in the same room. I am a proud American, my family has fought for this country, my brothers life was taken by terrorists, and yet this guy wants to blather on about how America is really the enemy. Really?

If that is what you want, you can have it. I just know that I dont associate with people who believe such stuff. We are in many ways judged by the people we associate with. I have tried to understand Nik, but what I came away understanding is that he was unable to get along with people because he was warned NUMEROUS times to put a sock in it concerning several issues. He adamantly disobeyed the requests and got what he deserved.

What ever happened with the idea that Nik set up his own blog where he can express his 'esoteric' ideas without having to associate with me and the other sane people. I support his freedom of expression but I just dont think it does the Anti-Obama campaign any good, and that is what brought me to this site. If this site is one where all kinds of anti-American conspiracies are propagated please count me out. I am very proud of this country and my families ability to prosper here. People who are tearing it down are on my crepe lists.


--- End quote ---
Yes Muman, Nik is an Orthodox Rabbi who has delved into researching the anti-Jew movements and has placed most, if not all, of his contempt for the Vatican and their Society of Jesus.  The fact that Perez is, some say, selling out Jerusalem to the Vatican and perhaps the Russians...  May give Nik base for his contempt.

I'm well aware of the history of the Jesuits and the Vatican and too the many theories towards their goals/intentions but Nik has placed them in his sights over all other anti-Jew movements.  He is very knowledgeable on Torah, Gamara, Halacha etc.

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  He MOST DEFINATELY IS Orthodox. He did NOT DESERVE the defaming and DELIBERATE attacks on his persona. He didnt attack ANYONE, PERSONALLY- he said ONE thing- "Shut upDan" that was IT.
  Others may not agree and that is FINE BY ME. 
  MarZutra is a WONDERFUL character and GREAT man, who would NOT make things up, And he CANNOT bear false witness to/against ANYONE EVER, will NOT EVER to 'take up for someone' or the vice/versa "JUST BECAUSE"   Lubab is a RIGHTEOUS man, and LOVES HaShem, as is MassuhD. 
  They are NOT going to 'lie' just to look good. AT ALL, EVER.

  Lubab- I want to know something, (MarZutra has brought this upto me as well) I am starting to REALLY believe that there is an 'oligarchy' I want to know, do YOU believe DOWN DEEP in your heart that the CFR is real?  The Bildebergs REAL? All of these people, ARE THEY REAL, and do YOU think that they are tied up in Islam?   (I DO)


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