The Israeli government knew that the rest of the world wouldn't let them keep the land they gained during the 6 day war, they gained bits of land from 3 different countries.
Did they aid Israel because the Soviet Union was joining up with the Arabs and because of the cold war, they wanted to remain a predominant superpower?
Or becuase of the Jewish Lobby in New York?
What the Hell is the matter with you? This will be the absolute last confrontation I'll ever attempt with you Sarah.
Firstly Sarah, Under international law, as another member posted, Israel had the right to annex the lands liberated after 1967. The ONLY reason why they did not was due to the EU-Arab, Communist Block and Turd World axis pressuring America which was lead by CFR-Trilateralist anti-Semite Jimmy Carter. Moreover, the Arabs used their debauchery within the OPEC to drop production and artificially inflate the price to America which produced billions for their investments in Western staple industry: Media for example. Read Bat Ye'or's book "Eurabia", for example, which I've linked the E-copy in the JTF site...
Secondly, according to the FIRST "Two State Solution" which 78% of the land of "P-lestine" was giving to a Jew Free Arab/Muslim nation called Jordan:

Notice where the borders are? Why do you not mention anything about when the Arabs: Jordan with "the W-st Bank" and Egypt with Gaza: Jordanians and Egyptians, between 1948 and 1967?
Israel had little aid in '48 war and Europe closed its borders to America's shipments. Russia and the Communist block simply took the place of the Nazis in supplying aid and coordination to the Arab military/states.
Why do you never condemn the Muslims massacring Christians in the Sudan, Phillippines or the Turks/Iraqis of the Kurds or the thousands murdered in Algeria, the beheadings and female circumcision in Saudi Arabia, Iran, Somalia, Sudan or racism and slavery that continues in the entire Muslim world specifically Saudi, Mauritania.... G-d how can Muslims be so blind?
The "Jewish Lobby" in New York? If it was up to me I'd ban your ass from this forum. You've been on here far longer than most and haven't learned a G-d damn thing!! I suppose you have a copy of the Protocols sitting next to your Qur'an like every good Muslim... Jewish Lobby Group? Name ONE main stream media outside of Israel that does NOT spew this anti-Israel pro-Muslim Arab distorted propaganda? What the hell do you think the Arabs/Muslims do with those trillions in Oil-blood money? Perhaps you might research into the Euro-Arab Committee, Arab Interparliamentary Union, Council on Islamic Education, Center for Monitoring the Impact of Peace, European Cultural Foundation, Euro-Mediterranean Study Commission, International Institute of Islamic Thought, Euro-Medeterannian Partnership Program, European Institute, for Research on Mediterranean and Euro-Arab Cooperation, Organization of Islamic Conference, UNRWA or simply open your eyes to the realities of the Islamitization and decline of Europe... Please go read and become learned. That Islamic school and your "teachers" are rotting your brain...period!
MarZutra out and please do not ever interact with me period. I have no time for your deception, closed mindedness and willful ignorance... You wonder why the average Brit (or any thinking person:
dhimmi or
kuffar for that matter) distrusts and abhors Muslims...