Author Topic: Apes that may have evolved from humans  (Read 13537 times)

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Just Erica

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Re: Apes that may have evolved from humans
« Reply #25 on: March 02, 2008, 12:35:25 PM »
White genes or other race's genes aren't "weaker" per se, but many of the "white traits" do tend to be recessive traits that require a gene from each parent to express.

Light colored eyes such as blue or green or hazel are not going to be expressed if only one parent carries the genes for them.

Light colored hair is recessive.

Someone with very little melanin breeding with someone with a LOT of melanin is going to create a "yellow" like Obama, but not someone really dark.

Black features do predominate in a white-black interracial child because white traits tend to be recessive, but not necessarily weaker.

The white traits can even re-emerge from mixed parents:

These twins were both born to the same two parents.

I don't agree with miscegenation at all, but as a student of Biology I thought I should make these points.

That twin was 1 in a million.  They made a huge fuss over that in the media, because it was SO unbeleivably rare. And the parents were both Mulattos. 

The parents are white, Ambiorix. And those twins are the cutest! :D

Offline Rubystars

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Re: Apes that may have evolved from humans
« Reply #26 on: March 02, 2008, 12:36:04 PM »
You are amazing. You're basically saying that those gorgeous little girls are your downfall? You're scared of biracial babies now? This is rich!

Even that "white" girl is not really white, and will undoubtedly be raised in an environment where she identifies more with black culture than with white culture.

When a black and a white have a child, the baby always comes out black due to the recessive nature of white traits. This destroys the white parent's genetic legacy.

Whites are suffering as a demographic percentage and in total numbers. All you have to do is look at Zimbabwe/Rhodesia or the poor whites of South Africa to see what happens when others have power over whites. Every time I see an interracial child, I feel like I'm looking at an image of my own death.

I don't have anything against the child themselves, but I see miscegenation as a destructive, and deadly social force.

Just Erica

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Re: Apes that may have evolved from humans
« Reply #27 on: March 02, 2008, 12:37:07 PM »

The white traits can even re-emerge from mixed parents:

These twins were both born to the same two parents.

This photo is exactly what i don't want to happen in Europe.
Our genes should stay largely what they are. We don't need to be fanatical, but enough is enough.
If we allow even more aliens to help the 20 million non-whites to outbreed us, and -if we are not ethnically cleansed by them-
the resulting mixed race will produce some 1/8 or 2/8 genuine white looking babies, I still think it is a Holocaust/Genocide against white people. There is a deliberate policy of destroying the white race going on now, and it started with MLK in the USA.
The blacks should have been deported back to Africa in the 50ties, after WWII, before the decolonisation.
You are amazing. You're basically saying that those gorgeous little girls are your downfall? You're scared of biracial babies now? This is rich!
It is the destruction of the people of European descent.
I don't care if these babies are born in South - America e.g.
But here in Europe, non-whites must be kept out at all cost.
They are babies. How cruel can you be? Because the other baby wasn't born with lighter skin, she's going to destroy the world?

Offline Ambiorix

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Re: Apes that may have evolved from humans
« Reply #28 on: March 02, 2008, 12:38:35 PM »
White genes or other race's genes aren't "weaker" per se, but many of the "white traits" do tend to be recessive traits that require a gene from each parent to express.

Light colored eyes such as blue or green or hazel are not going to be expressed if only one parent carries the genes for them.

Light colored hair is recessive.

Someone with very little melanin breeding with someone with a LOT of melanin is going to create a "yellow" like Obama, but not someone really dark.

Black features do predominate in a white-black interracial child because white traits tend to be recessive, but not necessarily weaker.

The white traits can even re-emerge from mixed parents:

These twins were both born to the same two parents.

I don't agree with miscegenation at all, but as a student of Biology I thought I should make these points.

That twin was 1 in a million.  They made a huge fuss over that in the media, because it was SO unbeleivably rare. And the parents were both Mulattos. 

The parents are white, Ambiorix. And those twins are the cutest! :D
If the majority of the people become mixed with blacks in Europe, it is worse than all evil that ever happened to us.
I'd rather want to get the AIDS destroying us, than have these twins to become the standard.
Those parents are having mixed genes, so they cannot be whites.
Turkey must get out of NATO. NATO must get out of Kosovo-Serbia. Croats must get out of Crajina. All muslims must get out of Christian and Jewish land. Turks must get out of Cyprus. Turks must get out of "Istanbul". "Palestinians" must get out of Israel. Israel must become independent from USA.

Just Erica

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Re: Apes that may have evolved from humans
« Reply #29 on: March 02, 2008, 12:43:33 PM »
You are amazing. You're basically saying that those gorgeous little girls are your downfall? You're scared of biracial babies now? This is rich!

Even that "white" girl is not really white, and will undoubtedly be raised in an environment where she identifies more with black culture than with white culture.
How, ruby? When their parents are both white!?

When a black and a white have a child, the baby always comes out black due to the recessive nature of white traits. This destroys the white parent's genetic legacy.

Not necessarily true. I have a neice who's mom is white, my brother is black. She's got her mother's complexion and my brother's nose, face and smile. :) In fact, I know lots of blacks who were biracial and took on their white mom's/ or dad's complexion.

Whites are suffering as a demographic percentage and in total numbers. All you have to do is look at Zimbabwe/Rhodesia or the poor whites of South Africa to see what happens when others have power over whites. Every time I see an interracial child, I feel like I'm looking at an image of my own death.

That's sad. I hope that my kids don't grow up thinking like this. Because someone's hue is darker than yours they're destroyers of the world. That's just cruel.
I don't have anything against the child themselves, but I see miscegenation as a destructive, and deadly social force.
Ruby when you basically call the child "an image of your own death" that's just mean.

Just Erica

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Re: Apes that may have evolved from humans
« Reply #30 on: March 02, 2008, 12:45:17 PM »
White genes or other race's genes aren't "weaker" per se, but many of the "white traits" do tend to be recessive traits that require a gene from each parent to express.

Light colored eyes such as blue or green or hazel are not going to be expressed if only one parent carries the genes for them.

Light colored hair is recessive.

Someone with very little melanin breeding with someone with a LOT of melanin is going to create a "yellow" like Obama, but not someone really dark.

Black features do predominate in a white-black interracial child because white traits tend to be recessive, but not necessarily weaker.

The white traits can even re-emerge from mixed parents:

These twins were both born to the same two parents.

I don't agree with miscegenation at all, but as a student of Biology I thought I should make these points.

That twin was 1 in a million.  They made a huge fuss over that in the media, because it was SO unbeleivably rare. And the parents were both Mulattos. 

The parents are white, Ambiorix. And those twins are the cutest! :D
If the majority of the people become mixed with blacks in Europe, it is worse than all evil that ever happened to us.
I'd rather want to get the AIDS destroying us, than have these twins to become the standard.
Those parents are having mixed genes, so they cannot be whites.
You'd rather have AIDS than to have two twins with a bright future in front of them to stand next to you? What year is this? 1956?

Offline Ambiorix

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Re: Apes that may have evolved from humans
« Reply #31 on: March 02, 2008, 12:51:49 PM »
White genes or other race's genes aren't "weaker" per se, but many of the "white traits" do tend to be recessive traits that require a gene from each parent to express.

Light colored eyes such as blue or green or hazel are not going to be expressed if only one parent carries the genes for them.

Light colored hair is recessive.

Someone with very little melanin breeding with someone with a LOT of melanin is going to create a "yellow" like Obama, but not someone really dark.

Black features do predominate in a white-black interracial child because white traits tend to be recessive, but not necessarily weaker.

The white traits can even re-emerge from mixed parents:

These twins were both born to the same two parents.

I don't agree with miscegenation at all, but as a student of Biology I thought I should make these points.

That twin was 1 in a million.  They made a huge fuss over that in the media, because it was SO unbeleivably rare. And the parents were both Mulattos. 

The parents are white, Ambiorix. And those twins are the cutest! :D
If the majority of the people become mixed with blacks in Europe, it is worse than all evil that ever happened to us.
I'd rather want to get the AIDS destroying us, than have these twins to become the standard.
Those parents are having mixed genes, so they cannot be whites.
You'd rather have AIDS than to have two twins with a bright future in front of them to stand next to you? What year is this? 1956?
it is 2008. We whites must take our future much more seriously.
If we do not, we will have ethnical conflicts all over the globe for the coming centuries.

Some with Jews.
The Jews have abandonned the Zionist policies, and now want to make peace with the arabs(under UN/USA/EU/OPEC pressure).
You see what happens now?

they should have expelled all the arabs in 48 and 67. Now the arabs will outbreed them, and drive them in the mediteranian- unless
the Jews kick the arabs out, while they have the power to do so.
I hope Israel wakes up soon.
Turkey must get out of NATO. NATO must get out of Kosovo-Serbia. Croats must get out of Crajina. All muslims must get out of Christian and Jewish land. Turks must get out of Cyprus. Turks must get out of "Istanbul". "Palestinians" must get out of Israel. Israel must become independent from USA.

Offline Rubystars

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Re: Apes that may have evolved from humans
« Reply #32 on: March 02, 2008, 01:02:22 PM »
How, ruby? When their parents are both white!?

Their parents are as black as Obama. Are you going to start referring to all mullatoes as white now?

Not necessarily true. I have a neice who's mom is white, my brother is black. She's got her mother's complexion and my brother's nose, face and smile. :) In fact, I know lots of blacks who were biracial and took on their white mom's/ or dad's complexion.

They're not white. Your neice's white grandparents have more genes in common with some random white child than they do with their own "grandchild". How is that family?

That's sad.

It is sad, because I want my people to survive into the future and to thrive, and to live in peace, and to live in societies that value them and where they can have good lives. I don't want to see my people disappear due to mixing.

In many ways it's similar to the problem the Jews face. Jews worry about their people marrying out and/or assimilating with predominating Gentile cultures. They call this another form of Holocaust.

Whites are having literal genocide committed against us as well, because our genes are being wiped out and destroyed and mixed in. Once you mix eggs into a cake, you can't get the eggs back out. That's the same thing with miscegenation.

I hope that my kids don't grow up thinking like this. Because someone's hue is darker than yours they're destroyers of the world. That's just cruel.

That's not what I said at all and I don't think that's what anyone else said here. I believe every people should stay among their own kind and marry among their own kind and preserve their own heritage. I believe every people should have their own nations in which to live free and in security in societies that value them and promote individual success and community health.

Being black isn't bad, but destroying another people through mixing is pure evil. Radical black nationalists of the 60s talked about using mixing as a warfare strategy to destroy whites.

Ruby when you basically call the child "an image of your own death" that's just mean.

It's not against the child. I want these children to have successful and happy and righteous lives.

I just don't want to be a minority because I know that means death for me and other whites. They are being used as a weapon against whites by those committing Holocaust and genocide against whites as a people. A slow death through mixing is just as sure a death as outright gunning us down, and that's happening as well at the same time.

Offline Ultra Requete

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Re: Apes that may have evolved from humans
« Reply #33 on: March 02, 2008, 01:17:01 PM »
I don't agree with all points made by Ruby or Ambroix, but I recognise that G-d create us different for a reason, rampant race mixing advocated (only) in west by radicall left will destroy human diversity just like nazi idea of exterminating anybody straying from being "pure aryan".   
Jeremiah 8:11-17

11 They dress the wound of my people as though it were not serious. Peace, peace, they say, when there is no peace.

12 Are they ashamed of their loathsome conduct? No, they have no shame at all; they do not even know how to blush. So they will fall among the fallen; they will be brought down when they are punished, says the LORD.

13 'I will take away their harvest, declares the LORD. There will be no grapes on the vine. There will be no figs on the tree, and their leaves will wither. What I have given them will be taken from them.'

14 Why are we sitting here? Gather together! Let us flee to the fortified cities and perish there! For the LORD our God has doomed us to perish and given us poisoned water to drink, because we have sinned against him.

15 We hoped for peace but no good has come, for a time of healing but there was only terror.

16 The snorting of the enemy's horses is heard from Dan; at the neighing of their stallions the whole land trembles. They have come to devour the land and everything in it, the city and all who live there.

17 See, I will send venomous snakes among you, vipers that cannot be charmed, and they will bite you, declares the LORD.

Love your Enemy
And Heap Burning Coals on his Head!!!

Offline Ambiorix

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Re: Apes that may have evolved from humans
« Reply #34 on: March 02, 2008, 01:17:26 PM »
You are amazing. You're basically saying that those gorgeous little girls are your downfall? You're scared of biracial babies now? This is rich!

Even that "white" girl is not really white, and will undoubtedly be raised in an environment where she identifies more with black culture than with white culture.
How, ruby? When their parents are both white!?

When a black and a white have a child, the baby always comes out black due to the recessive nature of white traits. This destroys the white parent's genetic legacy.

Not necessarily true. I have a neice who's mom is white, my brother is black. She's got her mother's complexion and my brother's nose, face and smile. :) In fact, I know lots of blacks who were biracial and took on their white mom's/ or dad's complexion.

Whites are suffering as a demographic percentage and in total numbers. All you have to do is look at Zimbabwe/Rhodesia or the poor whites of South Africa to see what happens when others have power over whites. Every time I see an interracial child, I feel like I'm looking at an image of my own death.

That's sad. I hope that my kids don't grow up thinking like this. Because someone's hue is darker than yours they're destroyers of the world. That's just cruel.
I don't have anything against the child themselves, but I see miscegenation as a destructive, and deadly social force.
Ruby when you basically call the child "an image of your own death" that's just mean.
That is the truth ... uhm ... the real inconvenient truth... forget about al ghore's global warming. That isn't even bothering me a 0,5% of what this nonwhite-immigration-colonisation-racemixing-wave will do to our people.
I have no feelings of affection for babies that are black, and live here. (in Africa 0% problem with babies)
I despise them. I know they will reproduce , and mix with our people.
that makes me angry.
But blacks, with blacks in a african black country is of course perfectly fine.

I don't want grand-grand-grand-children with blacks.
I don't want blacks in my street.
I don't want blacks on my TV-screen.

I am 100% for racial segregation, but since that system doesn't work for a period longer than 400-500 years,
It is better never to take slaves of another race, and let them live around you.

The best thing whites in the USA can do, is to create a segrationist state for whites only, and have a big, big wall around it and a huge army to protect them.
Turkey must get out of NATO. NATO must get out of Kosovo-Serbia. Croats must get out of Crajina. All muslims must get out of Christian and Jewish land. Turks must get out of Cyprus. Turks must get out of "Istanbul". "Palestinians" must get out of Israel. Israel must become independent from USA.

Just Erica

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Re: Apes that may have evolved from humans
« Reply #35 on: March 02, 2008, 01:25:14 PM »
How, ruby? When their parents are both white!?

Their parents are as black as Obama. Are you going to start referring to all mullatoes as white now?

I thought that it was the other way around...I'm sorry. There was a little black boy born to a white couple though. I'll have to find his picture. At any rate, those little girls are beautiful.

Not necessarily true. I have a neice who's mom is white, my brother is black. She's got her mother's complexion and my brother's nose, face and smile. :) In fact, I know lots of blacks who were biracial and took on their white mom's/ or dad's complexion.

They're not white. Your neice's white grandparents have more genes in common with some random white child than they do with their own "grandchild". How is that family?

What's wrong with that? She's human. Living, breathing, and playing. And that family is fine, thanks. Color in skin is just pigment. You're turning it into a revolution or something.
That's sad.

It is sad, because I want my people to survive into the future and to thrive, and to live in peace, and to live in societies that value them and where they can have good lives. I don't want to see my people disappear due to mixing.

No, its sad that you basically called the little black girl "your death" when she doesn't even know you. Why would you say such a thing? By all means, love and purify your race but the babies who are born into this world with dark skin don't need your grief. They have to eventually make it in this world also.

In many ways it's similar to the problem the Jews face. Jews worry about their people marrying out and/or assimilating with predominating Gentile cultures. They call this another form of Holocaust.

And here you are comparing biracial relationships and children to death again.

Whites are having literal genocide committed against us as well, because our genes are being wiped out and destroyed and mixed in. Once you mix eggs into a cake, you can't get the eggs back out. That's the same thing with miscegenation.

So whites who decide to fall in love with and marry blacks and have kids with them are taking your culture away? Are you even reading what you're typing? People don't get married to please races anymore. They get married and have children to be happy and share their lives together. I can't see myself, even as a married woman now; doing it just to fulfill my end of the bargain "Marry a black man" to preserve the black race. If my husband wasn't black,  he sure would have been my husband as a white man, an Asian man or a Hispanic man. He treats me the way I deserve to be treated...

I hope one day you find happiness, Ruby.

I hope that my kids don't grow up thinking like this. Because someone's hue is darker than yours they're destroyers of the world. That's just cruel.

That's not what I said at all and I don't think that's what anyone else said here. I believe every people should stay among their own kind and marry among their own kind and preserve their own heritage. I believe every people should have their own nations in which to live free and in security in societies that value them and promote individual success and community health.

Being black isn't bad, but destroying another people through mixing is pure evil. Radical black nationalists of the 60s talked about using mixing as a warfare strategy to destroy whites.

Blacks don't really have a heritage anymore. And furthermore, killing people is evil , stealing is evil, raping someone is evil. Falling for someone who loves you dispite what color you are hurts NO ONE.

Ruby when you basically call the child "an image of your own death" that's just mean.

It's not against the child. I want these children to have successful and happy and righteous lives.

I just don't want to be a minority because I know that means death for me and other whites. They are being used as a weapon against whites by those committing Holocaust and genocide against whites as a people. A slow death through mixing is just as sure a death as outright gunning us down, and that's happening as well at the same time.

You're really afraid that there'll be an eminent end to white people everywhere. I'm a minority and I'm no more dead than  you are. If the 17% of blacks that reside in America today took on your idea of doom and gloom, we'd all be running back to Africa to be with people our own color. We're not doing that, are we? You make up 80% of the U.S's population. Preserve your race, Ruby...I won't fault you for that. We all have a right to. But I dont' think it's up to you to say that Blacks need to go here.. whites' over here...Asians over there...It's like being in a high school cafeteria where everyone makes themselves unaccessible. I guess that's segregation for you.

Just Erica

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Re: Apes that may have evolved from humans
« Reply #36 on: March 02, 2008, 01:28:02 PM »
You are amazing. You're basically saying that those gorgeous little girls are your downfall? You're scared of biracial babies now? This is rich!

Even that "white" girl is not really white, and will undoubtedly be raised in an environment where she identifies more with black culture than with white culture.
How, ruby? When their parents are both white!?

When a black and a white have a child, the baby always comes out black due to the recessive nature of white traits. This destroys the white parent's genetic legacy.

Not necessarily true. I have a neice who's mom is white, my brother is black. She's got her mother's complexion and my brother's nose, face and smile. :) In fact, I know lots of blacks who were biracial and took on their white mom's/ or dad's complexion.

Whites are suffering as a demographic percentage and in total numbers. All you have to do is look at Zimbabwe/Rhodesia or the poor whites of South Africa to see what happens when others have power over whites. Every time I see an interracial child, I feel like I'm looking at an image of my own death.

That's sad. I hope that my kids don't grow up thinking like this. Because someone's hue is darker than yours they're destroyers of the world. That's just cruel.
I don't have anything against the child themselves, but I see miscegenation as a destructive, and deadly social force.
Ruby when you basically call the child "an image of your own death" that's just mean.
That is the truth ... uhm ... the real inconvenient truth... forget about al ghore's global warming. That isn't even bothering me a 0,5% of what this nonwhite-immigration-colonisation-racemixing-wave will do to our people.
I have no feelings of affection for babies that are black, and live here. (in Africa 0% problem with babies)
I despise them. I know they will reproduce , and mix with our people.
that makes me angry.
But blacks, with blacks in a african black country is of course perfectly fine.

I don't want grand-grand-grand-children with blacks.
I don't want blacks in my street.
I don't want blacks on my TV-screen.

I am 100% for racial segregation, but since that system doesn't work for a period longer than 400-500 years,
It is better never to take slaves of another race, and let them live around you.

The best thing whites in the USA can do, is to create a segrationist state for whites only, and have a big, big wall around it and a huge army to protect them.
Yeah...just like Hitler. He didn't want any imperfect people in his race either. That's why he became the ultra-segregationist and did the unthinkable. I can't believe what I'm reading here.

Offline Ultra Requete

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Re: Apes that may have evolved from humans
« Reply #37 on: March 02, 2008, 01:50:16 PM »
You are amazing. You're basically saying that those gorgeous little girls are your downfall? You're scared of biracial babies now? This is rich!

Even that "white" girl is not really white, and will undoubtedly be raised in an environment where she identifies more with black culture than with white culture.
How, ruby? When their parents are both white!?

When a black and a white have a child, the baby always comes out black due to the recessive nature of white traits. This destroys the white parent's genetic legacy.

Not necessarily true. I have a neice who's mom is white, my brother is black. She's got her mother's complexion and my brother's nose, face and smile. :) In fact, I know lots of blacks who were biracial and took on their white mom's/ or dad's complexion.

Whites are suffering as a demographic percentage and in total numbers. All you have to do is look at Zimbabwe/Rhodesia or the poor whites of South Africa to see what happens when others have power over whites. Every time I see an interracial child, I feel like I'm looking at an image of my own death.

That's sad. I hope that my kids don't grow up thinking like this. Because someone's hue is darker than yours they're destroyers of the world. That's just cruel.
I don't have anything against the child themselves, but I see miscegenation as a destructive, and deadly social force.
Ruby when you basically call the child "an image of your own death" that's just mean.
That is the truth ... uhm ... the real inconvenient truth... forget about al ghore's global warming. That isn't even bothering me a 0,5% of what this nonwhite-immigration-colonisation-racemixing-wave will do to our people.
I have no feelings of affection for babies that are black, and live here. (in Africa 0% problem with babies)
I despise them. I know they will reproduce , and mix with our people.
that makes me angry.
But blacks, with blacks in a african black country is of course perfectly fine.

I don't want grand-grand-grand-children with blacks.
I don't want blacks in my street.
I don't want blacks on my TV-screen.

I am 100% for racial segregation, but since that system doesn't work for a period longer than 400-500 years,
It is better never to take slaves of another race, and let them live around you.

The best thing whites in the USA can do, is to create a segrationist state for whites only, and have a big, big wall around it and a huge army to protect them.
Yeah...just like Hitler. He didn't want any imperfect people in his race either. That's why he became the ultra-segregationist and did the unthinkable. I can't believe what I'm reading here.

Hitler was expansionist not separationist and he wanted the same as left want now; One human race the only difference he wanted it all blond and blue ayed, they want it all brown like you.
Jeremiah 8:11-17

11 They dress the wound of my people as though it were not serious. Peace, peace, they say, when there is no peace.

12 Are they ashamed of their loathsome conduct? No, they have no shame at all; they do not even know how to blush. So they will fall among the fallen; they will be brought down when they are punished, says the LORD.

13 'I will take away their harvest, declares the LORD. There will be no grapes on the vine. There will be no figs on the tree, and their leaves will wither. What I have given them will be taken from them.'

14 Why are we sitting here? Gather together! Let us flee to the fortified cities and perish there! For the LORD our God has doomed us to perish and given us poisoned water to drink, because we have sinned against him.

15 We hoped for peace but no good has come, for a time of healing but there was only terror.

16 The snorting of the enemy's horses is heard from Dan; at the neighing of their stallions the whole land trembles. They have come to devour the land and everything in it, the city and all who live there.

17 See, I will send venomous snakes among you, vipers that cannot be charmed, and they will bite you, declares the LORD.

Love your Enemy
And Heap Burning Coals on his Head!!!

Offline Ambiorix

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Re: Apes that may have evolved from humans
« Reply #38 on: March 02, 2008, 01:57:26 PM »
You are amazing. You're basically saying that those gorgeous little girls are your downfall? You're scared of biracial babies now? This is rich!

Even that "white" girl is not really white, and will undoubtedly be raised in an environment where she identifies more with black culture than with white culture.
How, ruby? When their parents are both white!?

When a black and a white have a child, the baby always comes out black due to the recessive nature of white traits. This destroys the white parent's genetic legacy.

Not necessarily true. I have a neice who's mom is white, my brother is black. She's got her mother's complexion and my brother's nose, face and smile. :) In fact, I know lots of blacks who were biracial and took on their white mom's/ or dad's complexion.

Whites are suffering as a demographic percentage and in total numbers. All you have to do is look at Zimbabwe/Rhodesia or the poor whites of South Africa to see what happens when others have power over whites. Every time I see an interracial child, I feel like I'm looking at an image of my own death.

That's sad. I hope that my kids don't grow up thinking like this. Because someone's hue is darker than yours they're destroyers of the world. That's just cruel.
I don't have anything against the child themselves, but I see miscegenation as a destructive, and deadly social force.
Ruby when you basically call the child "an image of your own death" that's just mean.
That is the truth ... uhm ... the real inconvenient truth... forget about al ghore's global warming. That isn't even bothering me a 0,5% of what this nonwhite-immigration-colonisation-racemixing-wave will do to our people.
I have no feelings of affection for babies that are black, and live here. (in Africa 0% problem with babies)
I despise them. I know they will reproduce , and mix with our people.
that makes me angry.
But blacks, with blacks in a african black country is of course perfectly fine.

I don't want grand-grand-grand-children with blacks.
I don't want blacks in my street.
I don't want blacks on my TV-screen.

I am 100% for racial segregation, but since that system doesn't work for a period longer than 400-500 years,
It is better never to take slaves of another race, and let them live around you.

The best thing whites in the USA can do, is to create a segrationist state for whites only, and have a big, big wall around it and a huge army to protect them.
Yeah...just like Hitler. He didn't want any imperfect people in his race either. That's why he became the ultra-segregationist and did the unthinkable. I can't believe what I'm reading here.

Hitler was expansionist not separationist and he wanted the same as left want now; One human race the only difference he wanted it all blond and blue ayed, they want it all brown like you.
Didn't hitler have brown hair BTW? The least he could do was commit suicide to "purify the white race" then.
At least he did not make children.
He should have been gassed and burned according to his own theories.

How can you call that monster? A self-hating Austrian? A would be Prussian? Jealous of the Jews? Satan?

But what I advocate has nothing to do with that.
I do not want war between white nations. I do not want war against other people.
But I don't want them to immigrate neither.

Currently , whites are being colonised by north-africans in France, Belgium, Holland, germany,..
by Pakistanis in England, by somalis in Sweden and Denmark, By other blacks in Italy and Spain,
by the Turks everywhere (also Africa)...

These colonists, get all what they want from us, taxpayers,
and in return we get criminality, the collapse of the school-system, anarchy , riots, burning cars, rape-epidemics, racist murders on whites,...
Turkey must get out of NATO. NATO must get out of Kosovo-Serbia. Croats must get out of Crajina. All muslims must get out of Christian and Jewish land. Turks must get out of Cyprus. Turks must get out of "Istanbul". "Palestinians" must get out of Israel. Israel must become independent from USA.

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Re: Apes that may have evolved from humans
« Reply #39 on: March 02, 2008, 02:08:55 PM »
You are amazing. You're basically saying that those gorgeous little girls are your downfall? You're scared of biracial babies now? This is rich!

Even that "white" girl is not really white, and will undoubtedly be raised in an environment where she identifies more with black culture than with white culture.
How, ruby? When their parents are both white!?

When a black and a white have a child, the baby always comes out black due to the recessive nature of white traits. This destroys the white parent's genetic legacy.

Not necessarily true. I have a neice who's mom is white, my brother is black. She's got her mother's complexion and my brother's nose, face and smile. :) In fact, I know lots of blacks who were biracial and took on their white mom's/ or dad's complexion.

Whites are suffering as a demographic percentage and in total numbers. All you have to do is look at Zimbabwe/Rhodesia or the poor whites of South Africa to see what happens when others have power over whites. Every time I see an interracial child, I feel like I'm looking at an image of my own death.

That's sad. I hope that my kids don't grow up thinking like this. Because someone's hue is darker than yours they're destroyers of the world. That's just cruel.
I don't have anything against the child themselves, but I see miscegenation as a destructive, and deadly social force.
Ruby when you basically call the child "an image of your own death" that's just mean.
That is the truth ... uhm ... the real inconvenient truth... forget about al ghore's global warming. That isn't even bothering me a 0,5% of what this nonwhite-immigration-colonisation-racemixing-wave will do to our people.
I have no feelings of affection for babies that are black, and live here. (in Africa 0% problem with babies)
I despise them. I know they will reproduce , and mix with our people.
that makes me angry.
But blacks, with blacks in a african black country is of course perfectly fine.

I don't want grand-grand-grand-children with blacks.
I don't want blacks in my street.
I don't want blacks on my TV-screen.

I am 100% for racial segregation, but since that system doesn't work for a period longer than 400-500 years,
It is better never to take slaves of another race, and let them live around you.

The best thing whites in the USA can do, is to create a segrationist state for whites only, and have a big, big wall around it and a huge army to protect them.
Yeah...just like Hitler. He didn't want any imperfect people in his race either. That's why he became the ultra-segregationist and did the unthinkable. I can't believe what I'm reading here.
Its not the question of being perfect or in perfect. Its preference nothing more. Why make it into something sinister. Some folks would like to think that their descendants will look something close to themselves. Why should that be a problem. When white folks have children with black folks the result in most cases is a very light skinned person with black features. I guess if I was a black person I could live with that but as a white person it makes me sad because basically offspring like this would eventually mean the end of the line for people like me. So now Erica tell me why I should be jumping for joy over something like this.
He who overlooks one crime invites the commission of another.        Syrus.

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Re: Apes that may have evolved from humans
« Reply #40 on: March 02, 2008, 02:12:24 PM »
You are amazing. You're basically saying that those gorgeous little girls are your downfall? You're scared of biracial babies now? This is rich!

Even that "white" girl is not really white, and will undoubtedly be raised in an environment where she identifies more with black culture than with white culture.
How, ruby? When their parents are both white!?

When a black and a white have a child, the baby always comes out black due to the recessive nature of white traits. This destroys the white parent's genetic legacy.

Not necessarily true. I have a neice who's mom is white, my brother is black. She's got her mother's complexion and my brother's nose, face and smile. :) In fact, I know lots of blacks who were biracial and took on their white mom's/ or dad's complexion.

Whites are suffering as a demographic percentage and in total numbers. All you have to do is look at Zimbabwe/Rhodesia or the poor whites of South Africa to see what happens when others have power over whites. Every time I see an interracial child, I feel like I'm looking at an image of my own death.

That's sad. I hope that my kids don't grow up thinking like this. Because someone's hue is darker than yours they're destroyers of the world. That's just cruel.
I don't have anything against the child themselves, but I see miscegenation as a destructive, and deadly social force.
Ruby when you basically call the child "an image of your own death" that's just mean.
That is the truth ... uhm ... the real inconvenient truth... forget about al ghore's global warming. That isn't even bothering me a 0,5% of what this nonwhite-immigration-colonisation-racemixing-wave will do to our people.
I have no feelings of affection for babies that are black, and live here. (in Africa 0% problem with babies)
I despise them. I know they will reproduce , and mix with our people.
that makes me angry.
But blacks, with blacks in a african black country is of course perfectly fine.

I don't want grand-grand-grand-children with blacks.
I don't want blacks in my street.
I don't want blacks on my TV-screen.

I am 100% for racial segregation, but since that system doesn't work for a period longer than 400-500 years,
It is better never to take slaves of another race, and let them live around you.

The best thing whites in the USA can do, is to create a segrationist state for whites only, and have a big, big wall around it and a huge army to protect them.
Yeah...just like Hitler. He didn't want any imperfect people in his race either. That's why he became the ultra-segregationist and did the unthinkable. I can't believe what I'm reading here.

Hitler was expansionist not separationist and he wanted the same as left want now; One human race the only difference he wanted it all blond and blue ayed, they want it all brown like you.
Didn't hitler have brown hair BTW? The least he could do was commit suicide to "purify the white race" then.
At least he did not make children.
He should have been gassed and burned according to his own theories.

How can you call that monster? A self-hating Austrian? A would be Prussian? Jealous of the Jews? Satan?

But what I advocate has nothing to do with that.
I do not want war between white nations. I do not want war against other people.
But I don't want them to immigrate neither.

Currently , whites are being colonised by north-africans in France, Belgium, Holland, germany,..
by Pakistanis in England, by somalis in Sweden and Denmark, By other blacks in Italy and Spain,
by the Turks everywhere (also Africa)...

These colonists, get all what they want from us, taxpayers,
and in return we get criminality, the collapse of the school-system, anarchy , riots, burning cars, rape-epidemics, racist murders on whites,...

You have point, but remember that for begoted people only whites can be like shitler, Not Osama or Mugabe. ::)  ;)
Jeremiah 8:11-17

11 They dress the wound of my people as though it were not serious. Peace, peace, they say, when there is no peace.

12 Are they ashamed of their loathsome conduct? No, they have no shame at all; they do not even know how to blush. So they will fall among the fallen; they will be brought down when they are punished, says the LORD.

13 'I will take away their harvest, declares the LORD. There will be no grapes on the vine. There will be no figs on the tree, and their leaves will wither. What I have given them will be taken from them.'

14 Why are we sitting here? Gather together! Let us flee to the fortified cities and perish there! For the LORD our God has doomed us to perish and given us poisoned water to drink, because we have sinned against him.

15 We hoped for peace but no good has come, for a time of healing but there was only terror.

16 The snorting of the enemy's horses is heard from Dan; at the neighing of their stallions the whole land trembles. They have come to devour the land and everything in it, the city and all who live there.

17 See, I will send venomous snakes among you, vipers that cannot be charmed, and they will bite you, declares the LORD.

Love your Enemy
And Heap Burning Coals on his Head!!!

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Re: Apes that may have evolved from humans
« Reply #41 on: March 02, 2008, 02:16:14 PM »
You are amazing. You're basically saying that those gorgeous little girls are your downfall? You're scared of biracial babies now? This is rich!

Even that "white" girl is not really white, and will undoubtedly be raised in an environment where she identifies more with black culture than with white culture.
How, ruby? When their parents are both white!?

When a black and a white have a child, the baby always comes out black due to the recessive nature of white traits. This destroys the white parent's genetic legacy.

Not necessarily true. I have a neice who's mom is white, my brother is black. She's got her mother's complexion and my brother's nose, face and smile. :) In fact, I know lots of blacks who were biracial and took on their white mom's/ or dad's complexion.

Whites are suffering as a demographic percentage and in total numbers. All you have to do is look at Zimbabwe/Rhodesia or the poor whites of South Africa to see what happens when others have power over whites. Every time I see an interracial child, I feel like I'm looking at an image of my own death.

That's sad. I hope that my kids don't grow up thinking like this. Because someone's hue is darker than yours they're destroyers of the world. That's just cruel.
I don't have anything against the child themselves, but I see miscegenation as a destructive, and deadly social force.
Ruby when you basically call the child "an image of your own death" that's just mean.
That is the truth ... uhm ... the real inconvenient truth... forget about al ghore's global warming. That isn't even bothering me a 0,5% of what this nonwhite-immigration-colonisation-racemixing-wave will do to our people.
I have no feelings of affection for babies that are black, and live here. (in Africa 0% problem with babies)
I despise them. I know they will reproduce , and mix with our people.
that makes me angry.
But blacks, with blacks in a african black country is of course perfectly fine.

I don't want grand-grand-grand-children with blacks.
I don't want blacks in my street.
I don't want blacks on my TV-screen.

I am 100% for racial segregation, but since that system doesn't work for a period longer than 400-500 years,
It is better never to take slaves of another race, and let them live around you.

The best thing whites in the USA can do, is to create a segrationist state for whites only, and have a big, big wall around it and a huge army to protect them.
Yeah...just like Hitler. He didn't want any imperfect people in his race either. That's why he became the ultra-segregationist and did the unthinkable. I can't believe what I'm reading here.

Hitler was expansionist not separationist and he wanted the same as left want now; One human race the only difference he wanted it all blond and blue ayed, they want it all brown like you.
Didn't hitler have brown hair BTW? The least he could do was commit suicide to "purify the white race" then.
At least he did not make children.
He should have been gassed and burned according to his own theories.

How can you call that monster? A self-hating Austrian? A would be Prussian? Jealous of the Jews? Satan?

But what I advocate has nothing to do with that.
I do not want war between white nations. I do not want war against other people.
But I don't want them to immigrate neither.

Currently , whites are being colonised by north-africans in France, Belgium, Holland, germany,..
by Pakistanis in England, by somalis in Sweden and Denmark, By other blacks in Italy and Spain,
by the Turks everywhere (also Africa)...

These colonists, get all what they want from us, taxpayers,
and in return we get criminality, the collapse of the school-system, anarchy , riots, burning cars, rape-epidemics, racist murders on whites,...

You have point, but remember that for begoted people only whites can be like shitler, Not Osama or Mugabe. ::)  ;)
They have a point. Blacks are perhaps not able to wage large-scale operations as we do.

But Chinese can. Japanase can. Mongoleans and Coreans can...
I'm shure Arabs can too, if we are weakened.

Osama bin laden killed far less people than hitler.
Mugabe comes closer. he is a little black hitler.
Obama is dangerous. We need to stop him before it is too late.
But I see little difference with the other candidates.
we should not only stop Obama, but stop the whole media-circus that brainwashes the USA-people.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2008, 02:18:10 PM by Ambiorix »
Turkey must get out of NATO. NATO must get out of Kosovo-Serbia. Croats must get out of Crajina. All muslims must get out of Christian and Jewish land. Turks must get out of Cyprus. Turks must get out of "Istanbul". "Palestinians" must get out of Israel. Israel must become independent from USA.

Offline JTFFan

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Re: Apes that may have evolved from humans
« Reply #42 on: March 02, 2008, 02:25:00 PM »
You are amazing. You're basically saying that those gorgeous little girls are your downfall? You're scared of biracial babies now? This is rich!

Even that "white" girl is not really white, and will undoubtedly be raised in an environment where she identifies more with black culture than with white culture.

When a black and a white have a child, the baby always comes out black due to the recessive nature of white traits. This destroys the white parent's genetic legacy.

Whites are suffering as a demographic percentage and in total numbers. All you have to do is look at Zimbabwe/Rhodesia or the poor whites of South Africa to see what happens when others have power over whites. Every time I see an interracial child, I feel like I'm looking at an image of my own death.

I don't have anything against the child themselves, but I see miscegenation as a destructive, and deadly social force.

Absolutely Agree, Even though she is "white" skinned there will be without a doubt, hints for Negroid traits and or tendencies that might deviate towards that direction. Additionally, the traits are recessive and most likely not 'junk' genes anyways, and will show up in a different generation.

Offline JTFFan

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Re: Apes that may have evolved from humans
« Reply #43 on: March 02, 2008, 02:32:09 PM »
You are amazing. You're basically saying that those gorgeous little girls are your downfall? You're scared of biracial babies now? This is rich!

Even that "white" girl is not really white, and will undoubtedly be raised in an environment where she identifies more with black culture than with white culture.
How, ruby? When their parents are both white!?

When a black and a white have a child, the baby always comes out black due to the recessive nature of white traits. This destroys the white parent's genetic legacy.

Not necessarily true. I have a neice who's mom is white, my brother is black. She's got her mother's complexion and my brother's nose, face and smile. :) In fact, I know lots of blacks who were biracial and took on their white mom's/ or dad's complexion.

Whites are suffering as a demographic percentage and in total numbers. All you have to do is look at Zimbabwe/Rhodesia or the poor whites of South Africa to see what happens when others have power over whites. Every time I see an interracial child, I feel like I'm looking at an image of my own death.

That's sad. I hope that my kids don't grow up thinking like this. Because someone's hue is darker than yours they're destroyers of the world. That's just cruel.
I don't have anything against the child themselves, but I see miscegenation as a destructive, and deadly social force.
Ruby when you basically call the child "an image of your own death" that's just mean.
That is the truth ... uhm ... the real inconvenient truth... forget about al ghore's global warming. That isn't even bothering me a 0,5% of what this nonwhite-immigration-colonisation-racemixing-wave will do to our people.
I have no feelings of affection for babies that are black, and live here. (in Africa 0% problem with babies)
I despise them. I know they will reproduce , and mix with our people.
that makes me angry.
But blacks, with blacks in a african black country is of course perfectly fine.

I don't want grand-grand-grand-children with blacks.
I don't want blacks in my street.
I don't want blacks on my TV-screen.

I am 100% for racial segregation, but since that system doesn't work for a period longer than 400-500 years,
It is better never to take slaves of another race, and let them live around you.

The best thing whites in the USA can do, is to create a segrationist state for whites only, and have a big, big wall around it and a huge army to protect them.

Very well said Ambiorix O0, I also believe in segregation for people's so unique cultures, and phenotypes can be preserved. When you race mix, crime, identity crises, self-hate, etc. occurs which isn't productive for people. Just think, you could inherit a couple traits from a 10xgreat-grandfather who was black african, so by no means it's no good for Europeans to breed with muSSlims or BlacKKKs, as it takes hundreds of generations, for some instances just several generations, to breed out black traits. They always seem to dominate and manifest itself one way or another in the phenotype, whether it just be clues or hints.

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Re: Apes that may have evolved from humans
« Reply #44 on: March 02, 2008, 02:47:45 PM »
You are amazing. You're basically saying that those gorgeous little girls are your downfall? You're scared of biracial babies now? This is rich!

Even that "white" girl is not really white, and will undoubtedly be raised in an environment where she identifies more with black culture than with white culture.
How, ruby? When their parents are both white!?

When a black and a white have a child, the baby always comes out black due to the recessive nature of white traits. This destroys the white parent's genetic legacy.

Not necessarily true. I have a neice who's mom is white, my brother is black. She's got her mother's complexion and my brother's nose, face and smile. :) In fact, I know lots of blacks who were biracial and took on their white mom's/ or dad's complexion.

Whites are suffering as a demographic percentage and in total numbers. All you have to do is look at Zimbabwe/Rhodesia or the poor whites of South Africa to see what happens when others have power over whites. Every time I see an interracial child, I feel like I'm looking at an image of my own death.

That's sad. I hope that my kids don't grow up thinking like this. Because someone's hue is darker than yours they're destroyers of the world. That's just cruel.
I don't have anything against the child themselves, but I see miscegenation as a destructive, and deadly social force.
Ruby when you basically call the child "an image of your own death" that's just mean.
That is the truth ... uhm ... the real inconvenient truth... forget about al ghore's global warming. That isn't even bothering me a 0,5% of what this nonwhite-immigration-colonisation-racemixing-wave will do to our people.
I have no feelings of affection for babies that are black, and live here. (in Africa 0% problem with babies)
I despise them. I know they will reproduce , and mix with our people.
that makes me angry.
But blacks, with blacks in a african black country is of course perfectly fine.

I don't want grand-grand-grand-children with blacks.
I don't want blacks in my street.
I don't want blacks on my TV-screen.

I am 100% for racial segregation, but since that system doesn't work for a period longer than 400-500 years,
It is better never to take slaves of another race, and let them live around you.

The best thing whites in the USA can do, is to create a segrationist state for whites only, and have a big, big wall around it and a huge army to protect them.

Very well said Ambiorix O0, I also believe in segregation for people's so unique cultures, and phenotypes can be preserved. When you race mix, crime, identity crises, self-hate, etc. occurs which isn't productive for people. Just think, you could inherit a couple traits from a 10xgreat-grandfather who was black african, so by no means it's no good for Europeans to breed with muSSlims or BlacKKKs, as it takes hundreds of generations, for some instances just several generations, to breed out black traits. They always seem to dominate and manifest itself one way or another in the phenotype, whether it just be clues or hints.
Well I assume you don't have any doubts about the criminality of the US-presidents since 1960 then.
This race - mixing is really forced upon us. Who are these multiculturalists in charge anyway? Ex-Soviets-agents?
Like if we are all nazis, if we choose not to loose our cultural & genetical heritage!
 >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(

I repeat: I don't hate blacks, especially not those who live in african countries.
But the majority of them are not able to adapt to our culture, so they are demanding we adapt to them.

What has become of law and order in certain no-go areas in the big cities??

THEY make the law and "order"
THEY are repressing the whites.
THEY want revenge for their "bad" situation.
and that attitude is "not racist"  ;D

They are the biggest racists >:(
Turkey must get out of NATO. NATO must get out of Kosovo-Serbia. Croats must get out of Crajina. All muslims must get out of Christian and Jewish land. Turks must get out of Cyprus. Turks must get out of "Istanbul". "Palestinians" must get out of Israel. Israel must become independent from USA.

Offline JTFFan

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Re: Apes that may have evolved from humans
« Reply #45 on: March 02, 2008, 02:57:16 PM »
You are amazing. You're basically saying that those gorgeous little girls are your downfall? You're scared of biracial babies now? This is rich!

Even that "white" girl is not really white, and will undoubtedly be raised in an environment where she identifies more with black culture than with white culture.
How, ruby? When their parents are both white!?

When a black and a white have a child, the baby always comes out black due to the recessive nature of white traits. This destroys the white parent's genetic legacy.

Not necessarily true. I have a neice who's mom is white, my brother is black. She's got her mother's complexion and my brother's nose, face and smile. :) In fact, I know lots of blacks who were biracial and took on their white mom's/ or dad's complexion.

Whites are suffering as a demographic percentage and in total numbers. All you have to do is look at Zimbabwe/Rhodesia or the poor whites of South Africa to see what happens when others have power over whites. Every time I see an interracial child, I feel like I'm looking at an image of my own death.

That's sad. I hope that my kids don't grow up thinking like this. Because someone's hue is darker than yours they're destroyers of the world. That's just cruel.
I don't have anything against the child themselves, but I see miscegenation as a destructive, and deadly social force.
Ruby when you basically call the child "an image of your own death" that's just mean.
That is the truth ... uhm ... the real inconvenient truth... forget about al ghore's global warming. That isn't even bothering me a 0,5% of what this nonwhite-immigration-colonisation-racemixing-wave will do to our people.
I have no feelings of affection for babies that are black, and live here. (in Africa 0% problem with babies)
I despise them. I know they will reproduce , and mix with our people.
that makes me angry.
But blacks, with blacks in a african black country is of course perfectly fine.

I don't want grand-grand-grand-children with blacks.
I don't want blacks in my street.
I don't want blacks on my TV-screen.

I am 100% for racial segregation, but since that system doesn't work for a period longer than 400-500 years,
It is better never to take slaves of another race, and let them live around you.

The best thing whites in the USA can do, is to create a segrationist state for whites only, and have a big, big wall around it and a huge army to protect them.

Very well said Ambiorix O0, I also believe in segregation for people's so unique cultures, and phenotypes can be preserved. When you race mix, crime, identity crises, self-hate, etc. occurs which isn't productive for people. Just think, you could inherit a couple traits from a 10xgreat-grandfather who was black african, so by no means it's no good for Europeans to breed with muSSlims or BlacKKKs, as it takes hundreds of generations, for some instances just several generations, to breed out black traits. They always seem to dominate and manifest itself one way or another in the phenotype, whether it just be clues or hints.
Well I assume you don't have any doubts about the criminality of the US-presidents since 1960 then.
This race - mixing is really forced upon us. Who are these multiculturalists in charge anyway? Ex-Soviets-agents?
Like if we are all nazis, if we choose not to loose our cultural & genetical heritage!
 >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(

I repeat: I don't hate blacks, especially not those who live in african countries.
But the majority of them are not able to adapt to our culture, so they are demanding we adapt to them.

What has become of law and order in certain no-go areas in the big cities??

THEY make the law and "order"
THEY are repressing the whites.
THEY want revenge for their "bad" situation.
and that attitude is "not racist"  ;D

They are the biggest racists >:(

yes, blacks should go back to africa as they are native their, and can't seem to adapt on different lands, as many of us Euro-Americans have for generations here in the U.S. The U.S. is a majority Euro-American Judeo-Christian country, with great values, some righteous other races can stay, but the rest should be deported to their country of origin as much of the crime rate would go down.

For example, we have 2nd and 3rd generation Mexican-Americans that even identify only as Mexican and still wave the mexican flag over the American! LiberalSS, will try to argue, "well they are close to their homeland and they have the right to do that", well we know many games the bolsheviKKK LiberalSS play and bolshevise this and that, yes everyone is proud of their heritage, but one's nationality should come first American!, we don't see 3rd generation Irish-Americans waving Irish flags around over the American, even if they did, they would wave the American flag at the same time as that is where they are from.

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Re: Apes that may have evolved from humans
« Reply #46 on: March 02, 2008, 03:03:42 PM »
White genes or other race's genes aren't "weaker" per se, but many of the "white traits" do tend to be recessive traits that require a gene from each parent to express.

Light colored eyes such as blue or green or hazel are not going to be expressed if only one parent carries the genes for them.

Light colored hair is recessive.

Someone with very little melanin breeding with someone with a LOT of melanin is going to create a "yellow" like Obama, but not someone really dark.

Black features do predominate in a white-black interracial child because white traits tend to be recessive, but not necessarily weaker.

The white traits can even re-emerge from mixed parents:

These twins were both born to the same two parents.

I don't agree with miscegenation at all, but as a student of Biology I thought I should make these points.

   The only way I can explain this as possible is as follows. One woman, two eggs, two fathers. One father is white, the other is black. The woman must have had sex with both fathers within a very short timespan. The article shows only one father, however, she is only 19 and her partner is only 17, which is also out of place since guys usually go for younger ladies. I'm guessing that she probably was a prostitute and her partner paid for sex.
Does it bother you that you have to face the dome and the rock to say the sh'ma?

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Re: Apes that may have evolved from humans
« Reply #47 on: March 02, 2008, 03:07:24 PM »
You are amazing. You're basically saying that those gorgeous little girls are your downfall? You're scared of biracial babies now? This is rich!

Even that "white" girl is not really white, and will undoubtedly be raised in an environment where she identifies more with black culture than with white culture.
How, ruby? When their parents are both white!?

When a black and a white have a child, the baby always comes out black due to the recessive nature of white traits. This destroys the white parent's genetic legacy.

Not necessarily true. I have a neice who's mom is white, my brother is black. She's got her mother's complexion and my brother's nose, face and smile. :) In fact, I know lots of blacks who were biracial and took on their white mom's/ or dad's complexion.

Whites are suffering as a demographic percentage and in total numbers. All you have to do is look at Zimbabwe/Rhodesia or the poor whites of South Africa to see what happens when others have power over whites. Every time I see an interracial child, I feel like I'm looking at an image of my own death.

That's sad. I hope that my kids don't grow up thinking like this. Because someone's hue is darker than yours they're destroyers of the world. That's just cruel.
I don't have anything against the child themselves, but I see miscegenation as a destructive, and deadly social force.
Ruby when you basically call the child "an image of your own death" that's just mean.
That is the truth ... uhm ... the real inconvenient truth... forget about al ghore's global warming. That isn't even bothering me a 0,5% of what this nonwhite-immigration-colonisation-racemixing-wave will do to our people.
I have no feelings of affection for babies that are black, and live here. (in Africa 0% problem with babies)
I despise them. I know they will reproduce , and mix with our people.
that makes me angry.
But blacks, with blacks in a african black country is of course perfectly fine.

I don't want grand-grand-grand-children with blacks.
I don't want blacks in my street.
I don't want blacks on my TV-screen.

I am 100% for racial segregation, but since that system doesn't work for a period longer than 400-500 years,
It is better never to take slaves of another race, and let them live around you.

The best thing whites in the USA can do, is to create a segrationist state for whites only, and have a big, big wall around it and a huge army to protect them.

Very well said Ambiorix O0, I also believe in segregation for people's so unique cultures, and phenotypes can be preserved. When you race mix, crime, identity crises, self-hate, etc. occurs which isn't productive for people. Just think, you could inherit a couple traits from a 10xgreat-grandfather who was black african, so by no means it's no good for Europeans to breed with muSSlims or BlacKKKs, as it takes hundreds of generations, for some instances just several generations, to breed out black traits. They always seem to dominate and manifest itself one way or another in the phenotype, whether it just be clues or hints.
Well I assume you don't have any doubts about the criminality of the US-presidents since 1960 then.
This race - mixing is really forced upon us. Who are these multiculturalists in charge anyway? Ex-Soviets-agents?
Like if we are all nazis, if we choose not to loose our cultural & genetical heritage!
 >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(

I repeat: I don't hate blacks, especially not those who live in african countries.
But the majority of them are not able to adapt to our culture, so they are demanding we adapt to them.

What has become of law and order in certain no-go areas in the big cities??

THEY make the law and "order"
THEY are repressing the whites.
THEY want revenge for their "bad" situation.
and that attitude is "not racist"  ;D

They are the biggest racists >:(

yes, blacks should go back to africa as they are native their, and can't seem to adapt on different lands, as many of us Euro-Americans have for generations here in the U.S. The U.S. is a majority Euro-American Judeo-Christian country, with great values, some righteous other races can stay, but the rest should be deported to their country of origin as much of the crime rate would go down.

For example, we have 2nd and 3rd generation Mexican-Americans that even identify only as Mexican and still wave the mexican flag over the American! LiberalSS, will try to argue, "well they are close to their homeland and they have the right to do that", well we know many games the bolsheviKKK LiberalSS play and bolshevise this and that, yes everyone is proud of their heritage, but one's nationality should come first American!, we don't see 3rd generation Irish-Americans waving Irish flags around over the American, even if they did, they would wave the American flag at the same time as that is where they are from.

Mexicans will try to provoke, and provoke and provoke, untill NewMexico and Texas are theirs.
They are nationalists too, and they hate "gringos".
Let's arest all illegals, and push them out.
Anyone who then waves another Mexican flag, instead of the US flag, should be shot on sight.
Turkey must get out of NATO. NATO must get out of Kosovo-Serbia. Croats must get out of Crajina. All muslims must get out of Christian and Jewish land. Turks must get out of Cyprus. Turks must get out of "Istanbul". "Palestinians" must get out of Israel. Israel must become independent from USA.

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Re: Apes that may have evolved from humans
« Reply #48 on: March 02, 2008, 03:11:20 PM »
White genes or other race's genes aren't "weaker" per se, but many of the "white traits" do tend to be recessive traits that require a gene from each parent to express.

Light colored eyes such as blue or green or hazel are not going to be expressed if only one parent carries the genes for them.

Light colored hair is recessive.

Someone with very little melanin breeding with someone with a LOT of melanin is going to create a "yellow" like Obama, but not someone really dark.

Black features do predominate in a white-black interracial child because white traits tend to be recessive, but not necessarily weaker.

The white traits can even re-emerge from mixed parents:

These twins were both born to the same two parents.

I don't agree with miscegenation at all, but as a student of Biology I thought I should make these points.

   The only way I can explain this as possible is as follows. One woman, two eggs, two fathers. One father is white, the other is black. The woman must have had sex with both fathers within a very short timespan. The article shows only one father, however, she is only 19 and her partner is only 17, which is also out of place since guys usually go for younger ladies. I'm guessing that she probably was a prostitute and her partner paid for sex.

lol, you never know, but I think it's from the same mulatto father and mulatto mother having the child, the possibilities are countless, as the "white" twin probably inherited very distant recessive recombination European traits by chance, like atavism, the 'white' child additionally may also have a new mutation, and is a bit depigmented and may have some albinism, such a thing is considerable, if this is so rare and doesn't occur too often neither. Or it could also be the milk man :::D

Offline White Israelite

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Re: Apes that may have evolved from humans
« Reply #49 on: March 02, 2008, 03:33:02 PM »
Darwin's ideas laid down the foundation for Nazism.

Since when?