You are amazing. You're basically saying that those gorgeous little girls are your downfall? You're scared of biracial babies now? This is rich!
Even that "white" girl is not really white, and will undoubtedly be raised in an environment where she identifies more with black culture than with white culture.
How, ruby? When their parents are both white!?
When a black and a white have a child, the baby always comes out black due to the recessive nature of white traits. This destroys the white parent's genetic legacy.
Not necessarily true. I have a neice who's mom is white, my brother is black. She's got her mother's complexion and my brother's nose, face and smile.
In fact, I know lots of blacks who were biracial and took on their white mom's/ or dad's complexion.
Whites are suffering as a demographic percentage and in total numbers. All you have to do is look at Zimbabwe/Rhodesia or the poor whites of South Africa to see what happens when others have power over whites. Every time I see an interracial child, I feel like I'm looking at an image of my own death.
That's sad. I hope that my kids don't grow up thinking like this. Because someone's hue is darker than yours they're destroyers of the world. That's just cruel.
I don't have anything against the child themselves, but I see miscegenation as a destructive, and deadly social force.
Ruby when you basically call the child "an image of your own death" that's just mean.
That is the truth ... uhm ... the real inconvenient truth... forget about al ghore's global warming. That isn't even bothering me a 0,5% of what this nonwhite-immigration-colonisation-racemixing-wave will do to our people.
I have no feelings of affection for babies that are black, and live here. (in Africa 0% problem with babies)
I despise them. I know they will reproduce , and mix with our people.
that makes me angry.
But blacks, with blacks in a african black country is of course perfectly fine.
I don't want grand-grand-grand-children with blacks.
I don't want blacks in my street.
I don't want blacks on my TV-screen.
I am 100% for racial segregation, but since that system doesn't work for a period longer than 400-500 years,
It is better never to take slaves of another race, and let them live around you.
The best thing whites in the USA can do, is to create a segrationist state for whites only, and have a big, big wall around it and a huge army to protect them.
Yeah...just like Hitler. He didn't want any imperfect people in his race either. That's why he became the ultra-segregationist and did the unthinkable. I can't believe what I'm reading here.
Hitler was expansionist not separationist and he wanted the same as left want now; One human race the only difference he wanted it all blond and blue ayed, they want it all brown like you.
Didn't hitler have brown hair BTW? The least he could do was commit suicide to "purify the white race" then.
At least he did not make children.
He should have been gassed and burned according to his own theories.
How can you call that monster? A self-hating Austrian? A would be Prussian? Jealous of the Jews? Satan?
But what I advocate has nothing to do with that.
I do not want war between white nations. I do not want war against other people.
But I don't want them to immigrate neither.
Currently , whites are being colonised by north-africans in France, Belgium, Holland, germany,..
by Pakistanis in England, by somalis in Sweden and Denmark, By other blacks in Italy and Spain,
by the Turks everywhere (also Africa)...
These colonists, get all what they want from us, taxpayers,
and in return we get criminality, the collapse of the school-system, anarchy , riots, burning cars, rape-epidemics, racist murders on whites,...