India was completely occupied and sacked three different times by Afghan Muslim invasions.
Then had the British slice up her her land to give away huge pieces to the Muzzies in 1948.
Good to know there's at least TWO sane countries in the world!
(Serbia being the second of the two)
Actually waves after the waves of Slamic plunderers and murderers in form of Arabs, Iraquies, Turks and Iranians invaded India at Afghanistan, Baluchistan and Sindh. Later they succeeded in forging their base camps at Afghanistan and recruited local hooligans and plunderers to launch further attacks against India.
With the strengths and within the limitations of their ancient feudal warrior system, the Indians invariably and always retaliated ferociously against these Slamics, even up to their last soldiers. In the long history, not a single Indian soldier ever ran away from the war and never returned defeated. They never attacked against the women, children or even the injured enemy soldiers.
The problem was that the Indian rules of war acted only for the defense and did not permit them to go within the enemy territory and destroy their alien bases and roots. They were also not supposed to fight during night time and attack by surprise.
These simpleton conventional head on war tactics started proving inconsistent and counterproductive against the cunningness of Islamic Jihadi Terrorism (IJT) and resulted in losses of huge numbers of manpowers, kingdoms and territories.
The situation started altering when the Great patriotic King Rana Pratap lost in head on collision against the mughal politician Akabar. Then he mustered the army of his remnant soldiers accompanied with tribal Bhil warriors and resorted to basic tactics of protracted guerrilla war for long with success.
The great patriotic warriors of Sikhs, Jats and Maratha were to get the cue and they ransacked the evil Slamic Empire from within and outside and punched severe holes through it.
Maratha King Shivaji perfected the art of guerrilla war against the Slamic empire so much so that the Encyclopedia Britannica claims him to be the inventor of the first perfect guerrilla war.
When the Sikh King Ranjeet Singh captured Kabul, the Marathas blocked Deccan and Jats entered Delhi, the evil Slamic empire at India was surrounded and gripped by the death pangs of extinction from which the Britishers mercifully freed them by slitting their throats and ultimately handing to them the piggybank of Pak666 packed with them in their own coffin.

The best thing I feel proud about the Indians is that they never for a moment really thought that these rogues Slamic rulers were their Kings. They always thought that the ancient divine Emperors are really ruling them.
With Regards...